Chinese Etiquette – Social etiquette

Social etiquette refers to the basic qualities and communication skills that people possess in the process of interpersonal communication. Social interaction plays an increasingly important role in interpersonal communication in today’s society. Through social interaction, people can communicate with each other, establish deep friendships, and obtain support and help; through social interaction, people can exchange information, share resources, and benefit greatly from career success.

social etiquette


Basic introduction

Social etiquette refers to the preferred behavioral norms and customary forms used to show respect, goodwill, and friendship in interpersonal, social, and international communication activities. This definition contains the following meanings:



The direct purpose of social etiquette is to show respect for others. Respect is the essence of social etiquette. Everyone has a high-level spiritual need to be respected. When in the process of social interaction activities, following the requirements of social etiquette, will make people obtain respectful satisfaction, thereby gaining pleasure, and achieving harmony between people.



1. From a personal point of view, social etiquette has the following functions:

  • Help improve people’s self-cultivation ;
  • It can help you move smoothly into society, can better establish your own image, and leave a good impression of being polite and gentle in your interactions with others.


2. From a social perspective

Learn social etiquette more, it can save you from timidity and shyness in the social field, it can point to the confusion in the social field, it can give you more confidence and courage so that you know etiquette and courtesy. Conducive to obtaining information and beneficial to information exchange is to adapt to the needs of the modern information society; more importantly, social interaction is necessary for communication between people. By using social interaction, you can obtain “the other half of rich information” from the other party.


3. From the perspective of the enterprise

Etiquette is an important content of corporate culture and corporate spirit, and the main attachment point of corporate image. Most international companies have high standards for etiquette and regard etiquette as an important part of the corporate culture. It can shape the image of the unit, improve customer satisfaction and reputation, and ultimately achieve the purpose of improving the economic and social benefits of the unit.


Through social etiquette education, we can further improve our etiquette cultivation, cultivate the actual ability to respond to rewards, develop good etiquette habits, have basic civilized education, and let the flowers of civilization bloom everywhere. Hope everyone speaks etiquette, then our society will be full of harmony and warmth.



The importance of social interaction can also be said to be the function and role of social interaction. Generally speaking, the main purposes of people engaging in social activities are as follows:

1. Enhancing relationships

The time invested in social activities will bring emotional gains, such as leisure and entertainment with relatives and friends.


2. Build a relationship

In many cases, social interaction is the establishment of bonds such as business cooperation and emotional marriage.

In the process of establishing a relationship, remember to learn to follow up the relationship and avoid forgetting.


3. Enrich yourself

Rich life experience and human emotions.



Social etiquette is a code of ethical behavior. Norms are rules, rules, and regulations. That is to say, social etiquette is rules and regulations that restrict people’s behavior, telling you what to do and what not to do. If you go to the teacher’s office to work, you must knock on the door before you enter. It is impolite to break in without knocking. Compared with laws and disciplines, social etiquette is much weaker in binding force. Violating the norms of social etiquette can only make others disgusted, and others cannot impose sanctions on you. For this reason, the restraint of social etiquette depends on the self-discipline of moral cultivation.


laws and regulations

The fundamental purpose of social etiquette is to maintain the normal life order of society. Without it, the normal life order of society will be destroyed. In this respect, it works with law and discipline. It is precisely for this purpose that both capitalist and socialist societies attach great importance to social etiquette norms. Construction.

the purpose of learning social etiquette


Social principles and applications

The basic principle

1. The principle of reciprocity: Social interaction is an inevitable lesson in life, and learning a good way of socializing is a direct way to profit from each other in social life.

2. The principle of equality: social interaction is developed based on mutual respect and equality between the two parties.

3. Credit principle: Credit is the basis for openness between people. A person with high credit will get more gains in social interaction.

4. The principle of compatibility: There will inevitably be conflicts and disharmony in interacting with people, which requires mutual tolerance. Sometimes taking a step back may resolve a crisis.

5. Development principle: Socializing with others is a process of developing with others, which requires continuous understanding to deepen relationships.



Social etiquette requires interpersonal communication, social interaction activities comply. This is its scope, beyond this scope, social etiquette norms may not apply. It is impolite to wear slippers in public places, but it is normal to wear slippers at home.

Appearance etiquette

1. Choose appropriate cosmetics and make-up methods consistent with your temperament, face shape, age, and other characteristics, and choose appropriate hairstyles to add your own charm.

  • The intensity of makeup depends on the time and occasion.
  • Don’t makeup in public places.
  • Don’t makeup in front of men.
  • Don’t criticize others’ makeup.
  • Don’t borrow other people’s cosmetics.
  • Men should not overdo the makeup.


2. Clothing etiquette

  • Pay attention to the characteristics of the times and reflect the spirit of the times.
  • Pay attention to personal characteristics.
  • Should conform to your own body shape.clothes etiquette


Handshake etiquette

The handshake ceremony is the most commonly used and most widely used meeting etiquette in all social situations. It expresses greetings, closeness, friendship, greetings, farewells, congratulations, thanks, condolences, and other meanings. From the handshake, one can often understand a person’s emotions and intentions, and can also infer a person’s character and feelings. Sometimes a handshake is more emotional than words.


1. When the handshake ceremony is used to greet guests upon arrival;

When you are introduced to meet someone;

When we meet again after a long absence ;

When meeting an acquaintance suddenly in social situations;

When visiting and leaving;

When seeing off guests;

When others congratulate themselves or give gifts;

When asking someone else

When others help yourself, etc.


2. Rules of the handshake ceremony

There is a priority when giving a handshake. The order of the handshake is mainly to respect each other’s needs. The second order is mainly determined according to the social status, identity, gender, and various conditions of the handshake.

a. The order of handshake between the two is: superiors first, elders first, women first: and inferiors, juniors, males, and guests should greet first, and then reach out to shake hands after seeing the other party. In front of superiors and elders, don’t stretch out your hand first. If the identity, age, and position of the two are similar, it is polite to reach out first.

b. For example, when a man and a woman meet for the first time, the woman does not need to shake hands with the man and exchange her heads; if receiving guests, regardless of gender, the hostess must take the initiative to extend her hand to express welcome, and the host can also extend her hand to express welcome to the female guest.

c. For example, when one person shakes hands with more than one person, it should be the superior first, then the inferior, the elders and the younger ones, the host and the guests first, and the female and the male first.

d. If one party ignores the order of handshake and stretches out his hand first, the other party should immediately shake it back to avoid embarrassment.


3. The correct posture for the handshake ceremony

The standard way of the handshake is: When shaking hands, the two people are about one step apart, the upper body is slightly forward, the right hand is extended, the four fingers are together and the thumb is spread, the palms of the two people are held perpendicular to the ground, and the hands are gently shaken up and down, usually two to three seconds. Yi, watching each other shaking hands and smiling with words or simply compliments, greeting.


4. Body language of handshake ceremony

The specific style of the handshake is very different. Learn some typical style handshake, both help us to understand each other’s communicative personality, emotional status, handshake interpersonal basic attitudes and so on; we also help according to different occasions, different object to the application in each consciously interpersonal communication A specific style.

a. Humble handshake. Also known as “begging” handshake, submissive handshake. Shake hands with the other party with a palm up or upper left gesture. People who shake hands in this way are often cowardly and in a passive position. They may also be more democratic, humble, approachable, and respect, admire and even fear the other party. Such people tend to change their opinions easily, are not stubborn, and are willing to be controlled by the other party.

b. Dominant handshake. Also known as a “control” handshake, hold the opponent’s hand with the palms down or to the left. People shaking hands in this way want to express their superiority, initiative, arrogance, or dominance. Such people generally speak clearly, act decisively, and have a high degree of self-confidence. Once a decision is made, it is difficult to change their views, and their style is not very democratic. When the social status gap between the two parties is large, the party with higher social status tends to adopt this Shake hands with each other in this way.

c. Weak handshake. Also known as the “dead fish” handshake, when a handshake stretches out a weak hand, it feels like holding a dead fish. The characteristics of this kind of person are either cowardly, indifferent to others, passive, and arrogant in dealing with others.

d. “Glove-style” handshake. When shaking hands, hold the other party’s right hand with both hands, which can express more respect and kindness to the other party, or express more gratitude and desire for others. But this kind of handshake is best not used for people who have met for the first time, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

e. Grab your fingertips and shake hands. When shaking hands, the two hands are not touching and holding each other, but only a few fingers or fingertips of the other party are pinched intentionally or unintentionally. When women shake hands with men, they often adopt this method to show their reservedness and stability. If you shake hands like this between people of the same sex, it would seem a bit cold and unfamiliar.

f. Charity handshake. That is, when the handshake ceremony is held, only four fingers are stretched out to hold another person, indicating that the person lacks cultivation, arrogant, and is not approachable. (Except for the handshake between a noblewoman and a gentleman in the European medieval period)

In addition, when the other party holds your hand for a long time and strength and shakes while shaking hands, it shows that his feelings for you are sincere and warm. When the other party is holding your hand, they don’t even want to bend their fingers, and just make a perfunctory routine to show that the other party’s feelings for you are cold. When you have not finished speaking, the other party stretches out your hand to show that you are not interested in what you said and should end the conversation as soon as possible.


5. Points to note when shaking hands

When giving a handshake, be attentive, don’t look left and right, and greet others while shaking hands.

When meeting and leaving, don’t shake hands across the threshold.

Handshake is always standing and holding hands. Except for the elderly, infirm, or disabled, it is very rude to sit and shake hands.

Do not put your left hand in your pocket when holding with one hand.

Men do not wear hats and gloves to hold hands with others, and those in uniform do not take off their hats, but they should raise their hands first and then shake hands. Women can wear decorative hats and decorative gloves to give a handshake.

Do not use your left hand to hold another person unless your right hand is disabled. When your right hand is dirty, you should show your palm to signal to the other party and apologize.

The handshake should be evenly applied. It is generally a symbolic grip for women, but the grip should be steady, warm, and sincere.

When shaking hands, don’t grab your hands, don’t cross your hands. You should wait for others to shake hands before reaching out. Cross-holding is usually rude behavior. Some countries regard the cross and handshake as a sign of bad omen, and cross into a “ten”, which means across, and believe that it will certainly attract misfortune.

handshake etiquette


Bowing etiquette

Bowing is a common etiquette that people use to show respect to others.

1. Occasions for bowing

The bowing ceremony can be used in solemn or festive rituals, as well as in general social occasions; it can be applied to both society and family. Lower level and higher level, students bow to teachers, juniors to the elders to show their respect; take the stage to give speeches, cast curtain calls, etc. In addition, major commercial buildings, hotels, and hotels also used bowing to express welcome and respect to guests.


2. The way of bowing

One bow: suitable for social occasions, speeches, curtain calls, etc. When bowing, tilt the upper part of the body forward about 15-20 degrees, then return to the original state, do it only once.

Three bows: also known as the most salute. When bowing, bend the upper part of the body forward and down about 90 degrees, and then return to the original shape, and do this three times in a row.


3. The correct posture of bowing

The salute and the recipient should look at each other, do not squint or look around; do not wear a hat when saluting. If you need to take off the hat, the hand used to take off the hat should be opposite to the side of the salute, that is, when saluting to the person on the left, take off the hat with the right hand and salute to the person on the right When using the left hand to take off the hat; the bower should be about two meters away from the recipient; when bowing, the head, shoulders and upper body should be tilted forward about 20 degrees to 90 degrees with the waist as the axis. The specific forward lean range can also be determined by the bower The degree of respect for the recipient depends on the degree of respect for the recipient; the hands should naturally hang down on both sides when the upper body is leaning forward, or they can be crossed and held in front of the body, with a smile, drooping eyes, and a greeting, such as “Hello”, “Good morning”, etc. Revert to an upright posture after giving the ceremony.


Normally, the recipient should bow in return with approximately the same amount of leaning forward as the upper body of the salute. However, when the superior or the elder is returning the gift, he can leaning and nodding his head or extending his right hand while leaning to nod, instead of bowing in return.


4. Points to note when bowing

Under normal circumstances, it is impolite to take off your hat while bowing.

When bowing, look down and show a humble attitude. Do not bow and roll your eyes to look at the other person. This gesture is unsightly and impolite.

After bowing and getting up, both eyes should look at each other politely. If you look elsewhere, even if you bow, it will not make people feel sincere.

When bowing, you can’t eat or have a cigarette in your mouth,

When accepting awards on stage, you must first bow to the awardees to show your gratitude. Take the prize again. Then turned around and bowed to all the participants to show respect.

Bowing etiquette


Introduction etiquette

The introduction refers to the meaning of communicating with each other to establish a relationship between the two parties. The introduction is the basic method of mutual understanding in social situations. Through the introduction, the distance between people can be shortened for better conversation, more communication, and deeper understanding. There are several types of introductions commonly used in daily life and work, namely self-introduction, introduction to others, and group introduction.


1. Self-introduction

Issues that should be paid attention to in self-introduction: In principle, you should pay attention to the time, attitude, and content of the self-introduction.

a. Time: The time issue that you should pay attention to when introducing yourself has a dual meaning. On the one hand, consider when you should introduce yourself. It is generally believed that the best time to introduce yourself to others should be when the other party is free; when the other party is in a good mood; when the other party has an interest in getting to know you; when the other party initiates a request to know you, etc. On the other hand, consider how much time should be used for self-introduction. It is generally believed that half a minute or so is sufficient for the introduction, and no more than 1 minute at most. Sometimes, it’s not wrong to use a few words and a sentence appropriately and take less than ten seconds.


b. Attitude: When introducing yourself, the attitude must be kind, natural, friendly, and confident. The introducer should have a natural expression, look at each other or everyone, and be good at expressing friendship with eyes, smiles, and natural and friendly facial expressions. Don’t appear overwhelmed, blush, let alone look casual and indifferent. When introducing, you can put your right hand on your left chest, don’t panic, don’t point your fingers at yourself.


c. Content: At the time of the introduction, the full name of the person being introduced, the unit of employment, the specific work is undertaken, etc., are called the three major elements that constitute the main content of the introduction. When making self-introduction, its content has changed based on the three major elements. Specifically, it can be divided into four forms according to the differences in the content of self-introduction.


The first is the social type. It is suitable for general interpersonal contact, just briefly introduce yourself below. Such as “Hello! My name is ×××.”


The second type is the communication type. It is also suitable for ordinary interpersonal communication but is intended to seek to communicate or communicate with each other. The content can include your name, unit, place of origin, interests, etc. For example: “Hello! My name is ××× and I am from Zhejiang. Now I work in a bank. Do you like watching football? Hi, I am also a football fan.”


The third type is the work type. It takes work as the center of introduction and meets friends through work. The content should focus on your name, company, and the specific nature of your job. Such as: “Ladies and gentlemen, hello! I am glad to have the opportunity to introduce myself to everyone. My name is ×××, and I am the business manager of Haifeng Company, specializing in the marketing of electrical appliances. If possible, I am willing to be present at any time For your services.”


The fourth type is etiquette. It is suitable for formal and solemn occasions and belongs to a self-introduction that has to be made out of politeness. In addition to the three essential elements, the content should also include some friendly and courteous sentences. For example: “Hello everyone! In such a rare opportunity today, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is ×××, I am from Hangzhou ×× Company, and I am the company’s public relations manager. Today is my first visit. When I went to the beautiful Xishuangbanna, this beautiful scenery attracted me deeply. I am willing to stay here for a few more days and I am willing to meet all of you here, thank you!”

introduction etiquette


2. Introduce others

To introduce to others, we must first understand whether the two parties have a desire to get acquainted; secondly, follow the rules of introduction; thirdly, when introducing each other’s name and work unit, we must find some common conversation materials for both parties, such as common hobbies and common Experience or topics of mutual interest.


Introduced rules

Introduce men to women first. Such as “Miss Zhang, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Li.”


Introduce the younger to the older first. Among the two persons of the same sex, the young person is introduced to the elder first to show respect for the elders and seniors.


Introduce the low-status to the high-status first. Following the principle that people with high social status have the priority to understand each other, except in social situations, on all other occasions, people with low social status are introduced to people with high social status.


Introduce the unmarried to the married first. For example, if the unmarried woman is obviously older than two women, then the married one is introduced to the unmarried.


Introduce the guest to the host.


Introduce those who come first to those who come first.


Etiquette of introduction

a. How to introduce the person: There must be an opening statement when introducing, such as: “Please let me introduce to you, Miss Zhang, this is ——“, “Allow me to introduce, Mr. Li, this is ——“. When introducing others, the gestures should be gentle. Regardless of which party is introducing, the palm should be up, the back of the hand should be put together, the thumbs should be spread, pointing to the person being introduced, and nodding and smiling to the other party. If necessary, you can explain the relationship between the introduced party and yourself so that the new friends can understand and trust each other. The introducer should be in the main sequence of the introduction, and the language should be clear and unambiguous so that both parties can remember each other’s names clearly. When introducing someone’s strengths, you should do the right thing, and you should not over-praise and cause embarrassing situations.


b. The practice of the person being introduced: As both parties being introduced, they should show their enthusiasm for getting to know each other. Both parties should face each other face-to-face. When introducing women and elders, they should generally stand up. However, if the meeting is in progress or at a banquet, you don’t have to get up, just slightly bow your head. If it is convenient, after the introduction of the introducer, the two parties should shake hands, smile, and greet each other. Such as “Hello”, “It’s nice to meet you”, “It’s an honor to meet you”, “Please advise”, “Thank you”, etc. If necessary, business cards can be exchanged.


Group introduction

If one of the two parties being introduced is an individual and one is a collective, different methods should be adopted according to the specific circumstances.


a. Introduce someone to everyone. This method is mainly suitable for the introduction of high-status people, the elderly, and special guests in major events. After the introduction, all guests can get to know the introduced person by themselves.


b. Introduce everyone to one person. This method is suitable for informal social activities to enable those young or low-status people who want to get to know more people they respect to meet their own communication needs, and others will take those high-status and older people Introduce to yourself; it is also suitable for formal social occasions, such as a leader’s interview with model workers and people who have made outstanding contributions; it is also suitable for the introduction of two groups of equal status; Introduction. There are two basic orders for introducing everyone to a person: one is introduction according to seat or team order; the other is introduction according to the order of status. Don’t introduce it randomly, so as not to make the person feel favoritism and affect the mood.


Chinese Etiquette – Business etiquette

In business activities, in order to reflect mutual respect, it is necessary to adopt some code of conduct to restrain people in all aspects of business activities, including appearance etiquette, speech and manners, letter exchange, telephone communication, and other skills. From the occasion of business activities, it can be divided into Office etiquette, banquet etiquette, welcome etiquette, etc.

Business etiquette

The role of business etiquette: internally strong quality, external strong image.

The specific expression is three aspects:

1. Improve personal quality

The personal quality of business personnel is a kind of personal cultivation and performance. Such as not smoking in front of outsiders, not making noise in front of the public.


Example: 4 principles of wearing jewelry:


Prerequisite: Meet the identity

(1) Less is better, and it is recommended not to wear them, generally no more than three, no more than two of each type;

(2) Good at matching, such as wearing sleeveless cheongsam and high-tube tulle gloves to attend high-end dinners, rings should be worn in gloves (except for the bride); girls wear short skirts to parties, and anklets are worn outside the socks (leg type is recommended Only girls with good or good walking posture wear anklets);

(3) Same quality and same color;

(4) Customs and principles, such as wearing a jade pendant, male wearing Guanyin and female wearing Buddha; wearing a ring on the left hand; wearing a ring on the index finger to indicate that you want to get married, wearing a middle finger to indicate that you have a lover, wearing a ring finger to indicate that you are married, wearing a pinky to indicate celibacy and not your thumb Ring.


2. Help establish good interpersonal communication

Example: The secretary answers the phone call to find the boss, and first informs the other party that the person he is looking for is not there, and then asks the other party who is and what’s the matter.


Example: To visit others, make an appointment, and abide by the time. Arriving early may affect other people’s arrangements or ongoing matters.


3. Maintain the personal and corporate image

The most basic is the role of business etiquette “mitigation effect”: little fool of myself, less shameful, less damage to relationships, I do not know what experience, the safest way is to keep up with or imitate, inaction.


For example, the hostess is the first order in a western banquet, and the hostess can only take a seat when the other people are seated. The hostess picks up the napkin to indicate the start of the banquet. The hostess picks up the knife and fork and other people can eat. The hostess puts the napkin on the table. Indicates the end of the banquet.


Knowledge sharing of business etiquette: etiquette is the art of interpersonal communication. Education reflects details and details show quality. I hope the following knowledge of social etiquette can help you improve your self-cultivation.

The specific expression of business etiquette


Handshake etiquette

Handshake is a kind of etiquette, but interactions between people, groups, and countries all give this action rich connotations. Generally speaking, a handshake is often a kind of friendship, it is a kind of communication, it can communicate the emotions of the original separation, can deepen the understanding and trust of both sides, can show respect, admiration, congratulations, encouragement of one side, and can also convey some people’s indifference. Perfunctory, greedy, false, arrogant. The handshake between group leaders and heads of state often symbolizes cooperation, reconciliation, and peace. The number of handshakes may not be counted, but only a few of them may be impressive: the excitement of the first meeting, the reluctance of parting, the joy of reunion after a long absence, the elimination of misunderstandings, the relief of grievances, and so on.


Grasp one or a few points in the handshake matter, you can tell about your own experience, you can make comments about reality, you can make associations, express your feelings, you can start from the imaginary, talk about your feelings, and the way of expression can be based on the needs of the situation. Handshake first occurred in the era of human “slash and burn”. At that time, in hunting and warfare, people often held weapons such as stones or clubs in their hands. When they meet a stranger, if everyone is innocent, they should put down the things in their hands and extend their palms to let the other person touch the palms of their hands, indicating that there is no hidden weapon in their hands. This habit gradually evolved into today’s “handshake” etiquette.


Handshake is a kind of etiquette to express friendship and tribute to each other when meeting, parting, congratulating, or thanking each other. The two sides often greet each other first and shake hands afterward.


1. The order of handshake

The host, elders, superiors, and ladies take the initiative to extend their hands, and the guests, juniors, subordinates, and men greet and shake hands.


2. The method of shaking hands

  • Be sure to shake hands with your right hand.
  • Hold the hands of both parties tightly. The time is generally 1~3 seconds. Of course, it is impolite to shake hands too tightly or to touch the opponent’s hand carelessly with only the fingers.
  • After being introduced, it is best not to take the initiative to reach out immediately. When young people or people with low positions are introduced to older people or people with high positions, they should act according to the reaction of the elderly and those with high positions. The lower should also nod their heads. When shaking hands with young women or foreign women, men generally don’t stretch out their hands first. Men should take off their hats when shaking hands and never wear gloves to shake hands.
  • When shaking hands, both eyes should look at each other, smile, and greet or say hello. When multiple people are shaking hands at the same time, they should be in order and avoid cross handshakes.
  • In any case, it is rude to refuse the other party’s initiative to ask for a handshake, but when there is water or dirty hands, the handshake should be declined, and an explanation and an apology must be given at the same time.
  • When shaking hands, first pay attention to the order of reaching out. When shaking hands with a woman, the man must wait for the woman to reach out and then hold it. If the woman does not reach out or does not intend to shake hands, the man can nod and bow in greeting instead of taking the initiative to hold the woman’s hand; when shaking hands with the elder’s Young people generally have to wait for the elderly to reach out before shaking hands; when shaking hands with their superiors, the subordinates have to wait for the superiors to extend their hands before shaking hands. In addition, when receiving visitors, the host has the obligation to extend his hand to the guests to show welcome; when seeing off the guests, the host should also take the initiative to shake hands to show welcome again.
  • Always use your right hand when shaking hands. This is a customary courtesy. In some Southeast Asian countries, such as India and Indonesia, people do not use their left hand to contact others because they think that their left hand is used for bathing and going to the bathroom. If it is a two-handed handshake, wait for both sides to hold their right hands before placing the left hand on the other’s right hand. This is also a common handshake etiquette to show more cordiality and respect for each other.

etiquette of hand shaking

Appearance etiquette

1. The principle of makeup

(1) Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses

Highlight the beauty of your face and conceal the lack of face to achieve the best makeup effect.


(2) Suitable for light makeup

Generally speaking, makeup includes morning makeup, evening makeup, work makeup, social makeup, dance party makeup, and other forms, and their intensity varies. Therefore, the shade of makeup should be chosen according to different times and occasions. For example, the work makeup should be simple, clear, and elegant, while the dance party makeup can be rich and colorful.


(3) Make-up to avoid others

Make-up or touch-ups should follow the principle of grooming and avoiding people. Choose places where there are no people, such as dressing rooms, toilets, etc., and avoid unscrupulous makeup or touch-ups in front of others. Under normal circumstances, women should touch up their makeup in time after eating, drinking, sweating, etc.


2. Makeup taboo

(1) The intensity of makeup depends on the time and occasion;

(2) Do not makeup in public places;

(3) Do not makeup in front of men;

(4) Don’t criticize others’ makeup;

(5) Don’t borrow other people’s cosmetics;

(6) Gentlemen should not make excessive makeup.


3. Clothing and etiquette

(1) Pay attention to the characteristics of the times and reflect the spirit of the times;

(2) Pay attention to personal characteristics;

(3) Should conform to one’s own body shape.


4. Taboos for white-collar ladies

(1) The hairstyle is too trendy and taboo;

(2) Hair is taboo like messy grass;

(3) Makeup is too exaggerated and taboo;

(4) Blue face and white lips are taboo;

(5) Clothing is too trendy and taboo;

(6) Dressing up too sexy is taboo;

(7) It is taboo to play “Black Woman” every day;

(8) Pedal “Muffet Shoes”.

make up etiquette


Manners etiquette

(1) To create a good image of communication must be polite manners, for which we must pay attention to your behavior. Etiquette is a manifestation of self-heartedness, and a person’s external behavior can directly express his attitude. Be polite, generous, observe the general etiquette of advance and retreat, and try to avoid all kinds of impolite and uncivilized habits.


(2) To visit the customer’s office or home, ring the doorbell or knock gently before entering the door, and then stand at the door and wait. Don’t ring the doorbell or knock on the door for too long. Don’t enter the room without the permission of the owner.


(3) Behavior in front of customers

☆ When you see a customer, you should nod and smile. If you don’t make an appointment in advance, you should apologize to the customer first, and then explain your intention. At the same time, take the initiative to express greetings or nod to everyone present.

☆ In the customer’s home, you can’t visit the house without an invitation. Even if you are familiar, don’t touch or play with the things on the customer’s desk, let alone play with the customer’s business card, and don’t touch the books, flowers, and other furnishings in the room.

☆ It is not advisable to sit down before the other person (owner) sits down, sit upright, lean forward slightly, and don’t cross the “erlang’s legs”.

☆ Use a positive attitude and a gentle tone to talk to the customer. When the customer talks, listen carefully and answer “yes” first. Look at the other person and pay attention to the other person’s expression.

☆ When standing, keep your upper body stable, place your hands on both sides, don’t back your back, don’t hold your hands in front of your chest, and don’t tilt your body on one side. When the host gets up or leaves the table, he should stand up and signal at the same time. When meeting with the customer for the first time or leaving, he should not be humble, not humble, not hurried, and behave appropriately, with courtesy and courtesy.

☆ To develop good habits and overcome all kinds of indecent behavior. Don’t blow your nose, pick your ears, pick your teeth, manicure, yawn, cough, or sneeze in front of your customers. You can’t help it. Cover your mouth and nose with your handkerchief and face it to the side. Try not to make any noise. Litter the peel, confetti, etc. Although these are some details, they combine to form the customer’s overall impression of you.


One thing that needs to be explained is: putting on makeup in public may make some people feel uncomfortable. On this point, the practice has been relaxed. After the women eat in the restaurant, people will see the refill lipstick and lightly refill the powder, and no one will make a fuss anymore. However, it can only be that, not too much. When you need to comb your hair, sharpen your nails, apply lipstick and make-up, or apply lipstick with a brush, please go to the powder room or washroom.


Similarly, the behaviors of tidying up hair, clothes and looking in the mirror in front of people should be as restrained as possible.

behavior etiquette


Talking etiquette

1. Communicative language

When meeting for the first time, it should be said: happy meeting

To visit others should say: visit

Waiting for others to say: Waiting

Please don’t send apps: stay

The letter from the other party should say: Hui Shu

Trouble others should say: Excuse me

Ask someone to help should say: Excuse me

Ask for convenience should say: borrow light

The trustee should say: Please

Ask someone for advice should say: Ask

Other people’s advice should be called: enlighten

Ask someone to answer the application: please

Praise insights application: high opinion

The return of the original should say: return

Ask for forgiveness and say: forgive me

Welcome customers to call: patronize

Old age response: Gaoshou

Long time no see should say: Long time no

Guests come to the app: visit

To go first halfway should say: Disaccompany

Say goodbye to others: goodbye

Gift application: Ya gift


2. Annoying behavior

① Often complain to others, including personal finances, health, and work conditions, but do not care about other people’s problems, and are never interested;

② Nagging, talking only about trivial things, or constantly repeating some superficial topics and pointless opinions;

③ Too serious and unsmiling;

④ Monotonous speech, uncompromising emotions, sluggish emotions;

⑤ Lack of commitment, quietly independent;

⑥ Allergic reactions, exaggerated and vulgar tone;

⑦ Self-centered;

⑧ Excessive enthusiasm for getting the favor of others.


3. Mistakes that damage personal charm

◎ I don’t pay attention to my own tone of voice, often speaking in an unpleasant and opposite tone

◎ I prefer to talk when I should be silent

◎ Interrupt others

◎ Abuse of personal pronouns, so that there is the word “I” in every sentence

◎ Asking questions with an arrogant attitude gives people the impression that only him is the most important

◎ Insert some topics in the conversation that are intimate with you but make others feel embarrassed

◎ Uninvited

◎ Bragging

◎ Laughing at the dress code in society

◎ Call at inappropriate times

◎ Talking on the phone some boring things that others don’t want to hear

◎ Write an overly intimate letter to an unfamiliar person

◎ Regardless of whether you know it or not, but express your opinion on anything

◎ Openly questioning the reliability of others’ opinions

◎ Reject the request of others with an arrogant attitude

◎ Say something despising in front of other people’s friends

◎ Blaming someone who disagrees with him

◎ Comment on the inability of others

◎ Correct the mistakes of subordinates and colleagues in front of others

◎ Asking for help and complaining after being rejected

◎ Use friendship to ask for help

◎ Improper or offensive wording

◎ expressed dislike on the spot

◎ Always thinking about misfortune or pain

◎ Complain about politics or religion

◎ Acts that are too intimate

smile etiquette

4. Ten“Don’t” Tips of Social

◎ Do not visit someone who is busy with your business. Even if you have to go, you should leave as soon as possible after you are done. Do not miss an appointment or be an uninvited guest.

◎ Don’t give gifts to people for doing business. Gifts should be in direct proportion to caring for relatives, but in any case, gifts should be economical and must not be given to others such as “waiting” or “handling”.

◎ Don’t deliberately attract attention, do not win over the host, and don’t cringe and feel inferior.

◎ Don’t be overly curious about other people’s affairs, inquire again and again, and go to the bottom; don’t offend other people’s taboos.

◎ Don’t fiddle with right and wrong, spread rumors.

◎ Don’t ask others to conform to your own temper. You must know that your temper is not suitable for everyone. You should learn to be tolerant of others.

◎ Don’t dress up or down, dirty, or smell bad. On the contrary, clothing that is too gorgeous and frivolous can also annoy others.

◎ Don’t cough, hiccup, spit, etc. unabashedly, and don’t modify your appearance in public.

◎ Don’t grow up and down disorderly, and be courteous.

◎ Don’t leave without saying goodbye. When you leave, you should say goodbye to the host and express your gratitude.

conversation etiquette

Conversation etiquette

The conversation is the central activity of business negotiation activities. In a consummate conversation activity, observing conversation etiquette plays a very important role.


1. Respect each other and understand that in conversation activities, only by respecting and understanding each other can you gain emotional closeness and gain the respect and trust of the other party. Therefore, before talking, negotiators should investigate and study the psychological state of the other party, consider and choose methods and attitudes that are easy for the other party to accept; understand the various influences that the other party’s speech habits, education level, life experience, and other factors may have on the negotiation. Be prepared with many hands, and be targeted. When talking, you should be aware that speaking and listening are mutual and equal, and both parties must control their own time when speaking, and there can be no one party dominating the situation.


2, timely sure the other party in the negotiation process, when the arguments on both sides are basically the same or a similar situation, negotiators should quickly seize the opportunity, with the flattering words, these certainly pertinent in common. The language of approval and affirmation often produces unusually positive effects in conversation. When one side of the conversation confirms the other side’s point of view in a timely and appropriate manner, the whole conversation atmosphere will become active and harmonious. The strangers will begin to have a sense of agreement from the many differences, and then they will be very close to the psychological distance. When the other party agrees with or affirms our opinions and viewpoints, we should provide feedback and communication with actions and words. This kind of two-way communication makes it easy for the negotiators of the two parties to get in touch with each other, thus laying a good foundation for reaching an agreement.


3. Attitude is kind, natural, and self-confident when talking with proper language. The attitude must be kind and the language must be appropriate. Don’t make too many gestures, the conversation distance should be appropriate, and the content should not involve unpleasant things.


4. Pay attention to the speed, intonation, and volume of speech. The speed, intonation, and volume of speech in conversation have a relatively large impact on the expression of meaning. The presentation of opinions in the conversation should be as smooth as possible. In certain situations, you can change the speed of speech to attract the other’s attention and enhance the effect of expression. The general problem should be explained in a normal tone, and the volume should be kept at a moderate level so that the other party can hear clearly without causing disgust.

meeting etiquette


Meeting etiquette

In business interactions, the etiquette when meeting is to be exquisite. The first-round effect as mentioned earlier. The first impression is very important. When talking about daily life, a young lady shook hands with a gentleman. Some girls think they are very Ladies are very polite, but on the contrary, they are not polite, have never seen the world, and are not generous enough. (The performance of a handshake). It takes 2 kilograms to shake hands.


There are three issues to pay attention to when greeting:

1. The greetings must be in order. Generally speaking, the low-ranking professionals go first, the subordinates first greet the superior, the host greets the guests first, and the men greet the ladies first. This is a social morality.


2. Varies depending on the occasion. In foreign countries, women can shake hands with men. Women do not need to stand up. This is in China and is equal to men and women in the workplace. On social occasions, women are given priority and respect for women.


3. The content is different. Chinese and foreigners, strangers and acquaintances, locals and out-of-towners are very different. Here are two main points. One is which titles are most commonly applicable:


(1) Administrative titles;

(2) Technical titles;

(3) Industry titles;

(4) Fashion titles; Mr., Miss, Ms., etc.; When dealing with foreign businessmen, it is more accustomed to calling Mr. and Ms. Use abbreviations with caution.


Introduce yourself:

First, try to hand in your business card and then introduce yourself. The introduction should be simple and clear, usually within 1 minute, the content is standardized, and what should be said according to the needs of the occasion.


Introduce others:

First, who is the introducer, different introducers, the treatment to the guests is not the same, our professional method is three kinds of people: 1. Full-time receptionist, secretary, office director, receptionist, 2. Both parties Acquaintances, 3. The introduction of VIPs should be introduced by the person with the highest position on the host’s side. The second is the order of introduction. “The venerable is the last”, the male first is the female, the lighter is old, the main is the guest first, and the next is the first. Start the introduction.


Business presentation:

There are two points to pay attention to one is to seize the opportunity, hope, think, idle, etc. There is a zero-interference principle in sales etiquette, that is, when you are at work, when you introduce products to customers, you must be when customers want to know or I’ll introduce it when I’m interested. You can’t force the service to ruin the other person’s mood. The second is to master the scale, understand what should be said and what should not be said. Generally speaking, three points should be grasped in the business introduction: the first person does not have me, the product technology of the same product is not available to others, and the second person has my advantage. , I have the guarantee of quality and credibility. The third person is the best.


The question of saluting:

The salute must be in line with national conditions and social norms. We are still more accustomed to shaking hands. When shaking hands, the first thing to talk about is the order in which you stretch your hands. “Venerable in front” Venerable takes the first shot, and the host shakes hands with the guest. Before the guest arrives, the host takes the first shot, and when the guest leaves, the guest takes the first shot. Taboos for reaching out: Generally, you can’t use your left hand, you can’t wear sunglasses, you shouldn’t wear a hat, you don’t usually wear gloves, and you can’t hold hands when shaking hands with the opposite sex. When meeting a foreigner, I can treat him as I do.


Chinese Etiquette – Table manners

As the name suggests, table manners refer to the common sense of etiquette on the table when eating. The problem of dining etiquette has a long history.


According to literature records, at least in the Zhou Dynasty, diet etiquette has formed a fairly complete system, praised by Confucius, and has become an important aspect of the appearance of a great country, a state of etiquette, and a place of civilization in the past dynasties.


Table etiquette content

Table manners are mainly manifested in the following aspects:


1. The etiquette of seating. Please take the guests to the seats first, and then ask the elders to take the seats next to the guests one by one, and enter from the left side of the chair. Don’t move your chopsticks after you are seated, let alone make any noise, and don’t get up and walk around. If there is something to say hello to the host (the one facing the door is the seat, usually arranged according to the status of the other party).

etiquette of taking a seat

2. When having a meal, ask the elderly to move their chopsticks. When picking up dishes, eat fewer dishes that are far away from you. Don’t make any noise when eating, and don’t make noise when drinking soup. Drink soup with a spoon in small sips. It is not advisable to bring the bowl to your mouth. Drink it. Drink it later when the soup is too hot. Do not drink while blowing. Some people like to chew crispy food hard and make a very clear sound when eating. This approach is not in accordance with the requirements of etiquette, especially when eating with everyone, try to prevent this phenomenon.


3. Don’t hiccup or make other sounds when eating. If there are involuntary noises such as sneezing or bowel sounds, you should say “I’m sorry”, “I’m sorry”, “Excuse me”, etc. to show apology.


4. If you want to serve guests or elders, it’s best to use public chopsticks. You can also send dishes that are far away from the guests or elders. According to the custom of the Chinese nation, dishes are served one by one. If there are leaders, elderly people, and guests at the same table, please ask them to use the chopsticks first when a new dish comes up, or take turns to ask them to use the chopsticks first to show Pay attention to them.


5. When you eat fish heads, fish bones, bones, etc., do not vomit out or throw them on the ground. Take them slowly into your own dish with your hands, or put them close to your own table or put them in advance. Good paper.


6. Take the time to chat with the people on your left and right to make a few humorous words to reconcile the atmosphere. Don’t just lower your head to eat, don’t care about others, don’t gorge yourself, and don’t be greedy.


7. It is best not to pick your teeth on the dining table. If you want to floss your teeth, you should cover your mouth with a napkin or your hand.


8. To clarify the main task of this meal. It is necessary to make it clear whether the main business is to discuss business, to connect the relationship, or to eat. If it is the former, pay attention when arranging seats, and put the seats of the main negotiators close to each other to facilitate conversation or ease emotion. If it’s the latter, just pay attention to common sense etiquette and focus on appreciating the dishes.


9. When leaving the table at the end, you must thank the host, or invite the host to be a guest at your home at this time to show respect.


10. Wait for the elderly to sit down before sitting down.


11. If there are ladies at the table, they should wait for the ladies to take a seat.


12. Sitting posture should be correct and keep a proper distance from the dining table.


13. When leaving the seat, you should help the elder or lady to pull the seat.


14. Use a spoon to drink soup, never pick up a bowl to drink.


15. The method of drinking soup Scoop out the spoon from the side to the outside, and drink it from the inside to the outside.


16. When drinking soup, it is advisable to scoop less soup for the first time, test the temperature first, and taste it. Don’t make a sound while drinking soup.


17. When drinking soup, do not mix the hot soup and blow it out with your mouth.


18. When the soup is scooped, it should not be taken in several mouthfuls at a time.


19. After drinking the soup, the spoon should be placed on the soup plate or the saucer of the soup cup.


20. The bread should be eaten by tearing it into small pieces. Not bite.


21. If you want to apply butter, do not apply the whole piece first. After tearing off and eating, you should tear off the small piece first, then apply it on the small piece, and take it in your mouth.


22. When tearing bread, the crumbs should be picked up on a plate, and the table should not be soiled.


23. After the meal, you must wait for the host and hostess to leave before other guests can leave.


24. cut bread with a knife.


25. If the bread is hot, you can spread the whole piece with butter first, and then tear it into small pieces to eat.

Chinese table manners


26. If the soup will bottom out, you can hold the soup plate with your left thumb and index finger, and tilt it toward the center of the table to facilitate the removal of the soup.


27. When dining in a restaurant, the waiter should lead the table.


28. Napkins are mainly used to prevent soiling of clothes, and also serve as grease stains on the mouth and hands.


29. You must wait for everyone to sit down before using the napkin.


30. After spreading the napkin, place it on the upper thighs of the knees. Do not tie it in the belt or hang it on the neckline of the suit.


31. Never wipe tableware with a napkin.


32. After the meal, it is advisable to fold the napkin and place it on the table before leaving.


33. juicy fruits such as watermelon, grapefruit, etc., use a spoon to eat.


34. Grainy fruits like grapes can be eaten with your hands.


35. If you want to vomit, you should vomit it in your palm and put it in a dish.


36. For less juicy and crispy fruits such as apples, persimmons, and pears, you can cut them into four pieces, then peel them and eat them with a knife and fork.


37. Peel and slice peaches and melons, then use a fork to eat.


38. Bananas can be cut with a knife. After peeling the skin to the sides, take a bite with a knife and cut it.


39. After peeling the tangerines in Taiwan, you can tear them off and eat them piece by piece.


40. Strawberries are mostly placed on small plates and eaten with a fork.


41. For western food, when eating fruits, the hand-washing bowl is often used. The water contained in it is often sprinkled with petals and one rose for hand washing. But remember, only use the tip of your hand to wash your hands, don’t put your entire hand in.


42. It is not advisable to wipe your hands with a napkin when you have just finished eating fruits. Wash your fingers first and then dry your hands with a napkin.


43. For general cakes and pies, use a fork to divide and eat. For harder ones, use a knife. After cutting, use a fork to eat.


44. After sitting in the seat, the posture should be correct, the foot should be under the seat, and the elbow should not be leaned against the edge of the table or placed on the back of the adjacent seat.


45. You must be gentle, calm, and quiet when dining, and not be irritable.


46. At the table, you should not only care about yourself but also care about others, especially greeting the female guests on both sides.


47. Avoid talking if you have food in your mouth.


48. Tableware for personal use cannot be inserted into the public dining plate to pick up dishes.


49. you must eat with small mouths, do not stuff them with big mouths. If the food has not been swallowed, you can no longer stuff your mouth.


50. Use public chopsticks and spoons when making vegetable soup.


51. You can’t spit out imported food, such as hot food, drink water, or juice to take a shower.


52. When delivering food to the entrance, the elbows should be leaned inward, and it is not advisable to spread to the sides and touch the neighboring seats.


53. When holding a knife and fork in your hand, or when others are chewing food, avoid talking to others or toasting.


54. A good eating aspect is that the food is just the mouth, not the food, the food is juice, and you can’t eat it in a hurry, otherwise, the soup will drip on the tablecloth, which is extremely indecent.


55. Never use your fingers to dig out your teeth, apply toothpicks, and cover it with your hands or a handkerchief.


56. Avoid coughing, sneezing, and farting on the dining table. If you can’t help but say “I’m sorry”.


57. Drinking should be casual, toasting to the end, and never persuading wine, guessing, or yelling.


58. If the tableware falls to the ground, ask the waiter to pick it up.


59. In the event of an accident, if you accidentally spill wine, water, or soup on other people’s clothes, you can apologize. You don’t have to panic and apologize but embarrass the other person.


60. If you want to use the condiments placed in front of other guests at the same table, you should ask the neighboring guests to help pass them.


61. If the host cooks food by himself, don’t forget to praise the host.


62. After eating, cutlery must be placed neatly and not messy. Napkins should also be folded and placed on the table.


63. It is not advisable to smoke while the staple food is in progress. If you need to smoke, you must first obtain the consent of the neighbor.


64. Eat in a restaurant, don’t rush to pay the bill, push and pull to pay, it is indecent. If you are a guest, you cannot rush to pay the bill, and it is not advisable to pay the bill on your behalf without the consent of your friend.


65. The speed of eating should be synchronized with the host and hostess, not too fast or too slow.


66. Don’t talk about sorrows at the table, otherwise, the atmosphere of joy will be destroyed.


67. When eating meat, close your lips and keep silent. If the food in your mouth is not swallowed, do not put it in your mouth again.

elders first


Cultural difference

There are differences between China and the West in terms of food culture. Chinese people prefer to go to teahouses because they can taste more types of dim sum and dishes. Although the teahouses have tables for two, most of them serve four or more people. A dining table for diners. Tea houses are usually very noisy, and the atmosphere is not as romantic as Western restaurants. If two people have a meal, consider not going to the tea house.


The etiquette on the Chinese table boils down to the following points:


First, the etiquette of sitting. Guests are invited to take their seats first, then the elderly are invited to take their seats, and the guests take their seats in turn. When seated, enter from the left side of the chair. Do not move the chopsticks after seated, let alone make any noise, and do not get up and walk around. Say hello to the host if there is anything.


Second, when eating. Ask the guests and the elderly to move their chopsticks first. Each time you pick up dishes, eat fewer dishes that are far away from you. Don’t make any noise when eating, and don’t make any noise when eating soup. Use a spoon to drink the soup in small sips. It is not advisable to bring the bowl to your mouth to drink. When the soup is too hot, drink it after it is cold. Do not drink while blowing. Some people like to chew food when they eat, especially when they chew crispy food hard to make a very clear sound. This approach is not in accordance with the requirements of etiquette. Especially when eating with many people, try to prevent this phenomenon.


Third, don’t hiccup or make other sounds when eating. If there are involuntary noises such as sneezing or bowel sounds, you should say “I’m sorry,” “I’m sorry,” or “Excuse me” to apologize.


Fourth, if you want to serve guests or elders, it is best to use public chopsticks. You can also deliver dishes that are far away from the guests or elders. According to the custom of our Chinese nation, the dishes are served one by one. If there are leaders, elders, or guests at the same table, ask them to use the chopsticks every time a new dish comes up, or take turns to ask them to use the chopsticks first to show their importance.


Fifth, when you eat fish heads, bones, bones, etc., put it on your own plate or put it on a prepared paper.


Sixth, take the time to chat with the people on the left and right to reconcile the atmosphere. Do not eat no matter what others bareheaded, and do not gobble to eat a big meal, not a jail sentence.


Seventh, it is best not to pick your teeth on the dining table. If you want to floss your teeth, you should cover your mouth with a napkin or your hand.


Eighth, we must clarify the main task of this meal. It is necessary to make it clear whether the main business is to discuss business, to connect the relationship, or to eat. If it is the former, pay attention to placing the main negotiator’s seats close to each other when arranging seats. If it’s the latter, just pay attention to common sense etiquette and focus on appreciating the dishes.


Ninth, when leaving the table at the end, you must thank the host, or invite the host to be a guest at your home in return.

etiquette of using chopsticks


Banquet etiquette

  • When you are invited to a banquet, you are probably more interested in the people at the same table and the conversation at the table than in the food. Therefore, when eating, there should be as little noise and movement as possible.
  • When the hostess picks up the napkin, you can also pick up your napkin and put it on your lap. Sometimes a small piece of bread is wrapped in a napkin; if that’s the case, take it out and place it on a small dish nearby.
  • If the napkin is very large, put it on the lap in two layers; if it is small, open it all. Never put a napkin on your collar or vest, or rub it in your hands. You can wipe off the oil or dirt on your mouth or fingers with the corner of your napkin. Never use it to wipe knives, forks, or dishes.
  • Dinner usually starts with soup. The largest spoon in front of you is the spoon, which is next to the plate on your right. Don’t make the wrong use of the spoon in the middle of the table, because it might be used for vegetables and jam.
  • Guests are not allowed to eat any dish before the hostess picks up her spoon or fork. The hostess usually waits until every customer has the dishes before starting. She will not ask you to eat first, as is customary in China. When she picks up the spoon or fork, it means everyone can do the same.
  • If there is a fish dish, it is mostly served after the soup. There may be a special fork for fish on the table. It may also be similar to a fork for eating meat. It is usually smaller. In short, the harpoon is placed in the meat. The outer side of the fork is the side farther from the disk.
  • The fish bones are usually removed before the fish is served. If the piece of fish you eat has thorns, you can hold a roll or a piece of bread in your left hand and a knife in your right hand to remove the thorns.
  • If there is a thorn in the mouth, it should be taken out with your fingers quietly, as inattentively as possible, and placed on the edge of the plate, not on the table, or thrown on the ground.

etiquette of eating meal

Basic etiquette

There are many etiquettes that should be noted on the table, and these etiquettes are often overlooked.


(1) Seating and leaving

1. Wait until the elders are seated before they can sit down.


2. If there is a lady on the table, wait for the lady to take a seat before taking a seat. If the lady’s seat is next door, please greet the lady.


3. After the meal, you must wait for the hostess and hostess to leave before other guests can leave.


4. Sitting posture should be correct and keep a proper distance from the dining table.


5. When dining in a restaurant, the waiter should lead the table.


6. When leaving the seat, you should help the elders or women to pull the seat.


(2) The use of incense towels

1. Napkins are mainly used to prevent soiling of clothes, and also serve as grease stains on the mouth and hands.


2. You must wait until everyone is seated before using the napkin.


3. Napkins should be spread out and placed on the upper thighs of the knees. Never wear a belt or hang on the neckline of a suit.


4. Never wipe tableware with a napkin.

Toast etiquette


(3) General etiquette on the table

1. After sitting in the seat, the posture should be correct, the foot should be under the seat, and the elbow should not be leaned against the edge of the table, or the hand should be placed on the back of the adjacent seat.


2. Meals must be gentle and elegant, calm and quiet, and not irritable.


3. At the table, you should not only care about yourself but also care about others, especially greeting the female guests on both sides.


4. Avoid talking if you have food in your mouth.


5. Tableware for personal use cannot be inserted into the public dining plate to pick up dishes.


6. You must eat with small mouths, don’t stuff them with big mouths, and don’t stuff your mouth after swallowing food.


7. Use public chopsticks and spoons when making vegetable soup.


8. If you eat imported food, you can’t spit it out, such as hot food, you can take a shower with water or juice.


9. When delivering food to the entrance, the elbows should be leaned inward, not straight to the sides, touching adjacent seats.


10. When holding a knife and fork in your hand, or when others are chewing food, you should avoid talking to others or toasting.


11. Good food is to eat food, not only food. The food is juicy and should not be rushed into the mouth, otherwise, the soup will drip on the tablecloth, which is extremely indecent.


12. Never use your fingers to dig out your teeth, use toothpicks, and cover them with your hands or a handkerchief.


13. Avoid coughing, sneezing, and sulking at the table. In case you cannot help, you should turn around and sneeze, wrap it in a towel, and say “I’m sorry”.


14. Drinking alcohol should be casual, toasting to the end of the ceremony, and never persuading wine, guessing, or yelling.


15. If the tableware falls to the ground, ask the waiter to pick it up.


16. In the event of an accident, if you accidentally spill wine, water, or soup on other people’s clothes, you can just apologize. You don’t have to panic and apologize, which will embarrass the other person.


17. If you want to use the condiments placed in front of other guests at the same table, you should ask the neighboring guests to help pass them. Do not stretch your hands and drive them.


18. If the host cooks food by himself, don’t forget to praise the host.


19. If the food is unclean or smells, it should not be swallowed. The food should be taken out lightly with the thumb and index finger and placed on the plate. If you find that you have not eaten yet, and the dishes still on the plate contain insects and gravel, don’t make a fuss. The waiter Yihou approaches and gently informs the waiter to change.


20. After eating, cutlery must be placed neatly and not messy. Napkins should also be folded and placed on the table.


21. When the staple food is in progress, it is not suitable to smoke. If you need to smoke, you must first obtain the consent of the neighbor.


22. It is indecent to eat in a restaurant and not rush to pay the bill. If you are a guest, you can’t grab the bill. It is not advisable to pay the bill on behalf of the friend without the consent of the friend.


23. The speed of eating should be synchronized with the host and hostess, not too fast or too slow.


24. Don’t talk about sorrows at the table, otherwise, the atmosphere of joy will be destroyed.


(4) Sitting etiquette

If the banquet is held as the host, the host and host should sit in the middle of the long table and face each other. As the host, you have to invite all guests to sit one by one. Regarding the order of inviting to sit, the first person who arranges to sit should be the female companion of the VIP. The seat is on the right-hand side of the host, and the VIP sits on the hostess. Right-hand side.


If there is no special distinction between subject and object, unless there are elders present and they must be courteous, ladies can be generous to sit first, and a polite gentleman should also wait for the girls to sit down before entering.


When you go out to eat, you will inevitably carry your bag with you. At this time, you should put your bag between your back and the back of your chair instead of just putting it on the table or the floor. After sitting down, you should maintain an upright posture, but you don’t have to be as rigid as a wooden person and pay attention to keeping a proper distance from the dining table.


When you need to leave the seat halfway, it is absolutely necessary to say hello to the person at the same table. Men should also stand up and show politeness. Even if the elder or woman who is leaving the seat is left behind, they must also help drag the seat.


After the meal, you must wait for the host and hostess to leave before other people can start leaving.


(5) Eating meat

When cutting a steak, you should cut it from the outside to the inside. Cut it into pieces and eat one piece. Please do not cut it into pieces at a time for convenience. This is not only a lack of temperament, but it will also cause the loss of delicious meat juice. It is a pity; When cutting the meat, the size should be moderate. Don’t cut too much so that there is a danger that the mouth cannot be closed. When chewing food, be sure to close your mouth to avoid making any noise, and do not take the food in your mouth until you have swallowed it.

etiquette of eating meat


(6) Eating shellfish seafood

Shellfish seafood should be picked out by holding the shell in the left hand and the fork in the right hand. When eating fish fillets, you can eat with a fork in your right hand and avoid using knives, because the delicate fish can easily be chopped up and become difficult to clean; when you encounter a whole fish, eat the upper layer of the fish first, then use the knife Use a fork to remove the fish bones and avoid turning over. When eating lobster, use your fingers to remove the shell and eat.


(7) Eating fruits

Fruits with more moisture should be eaten with a small spoon. For peaches and melons, the restaurant will peel and slice first, and you should use a small fork to eat. Strawberries are mostly placed on small plates and can be eaten with a spoon or fork. In addition, when eating fruits, the restaurant usually provides a wash box with petals or lemons inside. For washing hands.


(8) Eating desserts


For general cakes and cakes, use a small fork to divide and eat. For the harder ones, use a small fork to divide and eat. As for ice cream or pudding, you can use a small spoon to eat. If you encounter small pieces of hard biscuits, you can take them directly.


(9) Drinking soup

When drinking soup, use a spoon instead of holding up the entire bowl to drink. When drinking soup with a spoon, the spoon should be scooped out from your own side. Avoid mixing the hot soup or blowing it cold with your mouth. It is the minimum politeness to avoid making a sound when drinking soup. When the soup is almost finished, you can hold the soup plate with your left thumb and index finger and tilt it outwards to take the soup. After drinking the soup, the spoon should be placed on the saucer of the soup plate or cup.


(10) Drinking coffee and tea

When drinking coffee or tea, the restaurant will definitely attach a small spoon. Its purpose is to disperse sugar and creamer, so try not to use the spoon in the sugar bowl, and creamer can stir your own drinks. Don’t use a spoon to scoop up the coffee to taste the sweetness, otherwise, you are guaranteed to get the attention of the whole table. When drinking coffee or tea, you should hold the cup with your index finger and thumb and hold it up to drink. As for the saucer, you don’t need to hold it up. After drinking, put the small spoon on the plate.

etiquette tips


Some tips

1. Tips for making an appointment. The more high-end restaurants require advance reservations. When making an appointment, you must not only state the number and time but also indicate whether you want a smoking area or a seat with a good view. If it is a birthday or other special day, you can inform the purpose and budget of the banquet. Arriving within the scheduled time is a basic courtesy.


2. No matter how expensive casual clothes are, you can’t wear them in the restaurant casually.


3. It is common sense for Europeans and Americans to dress appropriately when eating. To go to high-end restaurants, men should wear neat tops and leather shoes; women should wear suits and shoes with heels. If formal attire is specified, men must wear a tie.


4. Seat from the left side of the chair. The most decent way to seat is from the left side. When the chair is pulled apart, the body stands up straight at the distance of almost touching the table. The leader will push the chair in, and when the leg is bent and touch the chair behind, he can sit down.


5. When eating, lean your upper arms and back against the back of your chair, keep your abdomen and the table about one fist away. Sitting with your feet crossed is best avoided.


6. The order of the formal full set meal order is

① vegetables and soup

② cod liver oil

③ fruit

④ meat

⑤ milk creme

⑥ dessert and coffee

⑦ fruit, as well as pre-dinner wine and table wine.

It is not necessary to order them all, it is rude to order too much and not finish. A restaurant with a slightly higher standard does not welcome people who only order appetizers. Appetizer, main course (choose one of fish or meat), and dessert are the most appropriate combination. Ordering does not start with the appetizer, but first, choose the main course you want to eat, and then add the soup that suits the main course.


7. Don’t pretend to be an expert when ordering wine. In high-end restaurants, there will be bartenders who are good at tasting the wine list. People who don’t know much about wine should tell him his choice of dishes, budget, and favorite tastes. Ask the bartender for help.


8. If the main dish is meat, it should be paired with red wine, and fish with white wine. Before serving, you might as well have a lighter wine such as champagne, sherry, or gill.


9. Napkins can be opened before meals. After ordering, open the napkin before the appetizer is delivered, and fold it one-third inward so that two-thirds are flat on the legs, covering the legs above the knees. It is best not to stuff the napkin into the neckline.


10. Gently hold the foot of the cup with three fingers. In wine service, the waiter is usually responsible for pouring a small amount of wine into the wine glass to let the guests identify whether the quality is wrong. Just treat it as a form, take a sip and sign Good. Then, the waiter will come to pour the wine. At this time, don’t take the wine glass, but put the wine glass on the table and let the waiter pour it. The correct posture for holding the cup is to gently hold the foot of the cup with your fingers. In order to prevent the temperature of the hand from increasing the temperature of the wine, use your thumb, middle finger, and index finger to hold the foot of the cup, and place the little finger on the bottom of the cup to fix it.


11. Methods of drinking. Never inhale while drinking, but tilt the glass and drink as if you put the wine on your tongue. Gently shake the glass to allow the wine to contact the air to increase the aroma of the wine, but do not shake the glass violently. In addition, it is impolite to drink and see people through the glass while drinking. Do not wipe the lipstick mark on the rim of the cup with your fingers. It is better to wipe it with facial tissue.


12. You can’t breathe while drinking soup. First use a spoon to scoop up the soup from back to front, and place the bottom of the spoon on the lower lip to deliver the soup into the mouth. A 45° angle between the spoon and the mouth is better. The upper half of the body leans slightly forward. When there is not much soup left in the bowl, lift the bowl slightly with your fingers. If the soup is served in a bowl with a grip ring, you can directly hold the ring and drink it.


13. How to eat bread. First use both hands to tear into small pieces, and then use the left hand to eat. When eating hard bread, it is laborious to tear it by hand and the crumbs will fall all over the floor. At this time, you can cut it in half with a knife and then tear it into pieces by hand. Avoid cutting the bread like a saw, and pierce the other half with the knife first. When cutting, you can fix the bread with your hands to avoid making any noise.


14. How to eat fish. The fish is extremely tender and fragile, so restaurants often prepare special spoons instead of knives. This kind of spoon is slightly larger than the usual soup. It can not only divide the dishes but also scoop up the sauce. If you want to eat other mixed vegetables, it is better to use a fork. First, use a knife to pierce a straight line near the gills of the fish. Do not pierce the tip of the knife, just pierce it halfway. After picking up the upper body of the fish, starting from the beginning, place the knife and fork under the bone and cut it towards the tail of the fish, remove the needle bones and move them to the corner of the plate. Finally, cut off the fishtail. From left to right face, edge trimming eat.


15. How to use a knife and fork. The basic principle is to hold a knife or spoon in your right hand and a fork in your left hand. If there are more than two, the outermost one should be taken inward in turn. The method of holding the knife and fork is to lightly hold the end and press the index finger on the handle. The spoon can be held by holding a pen. If you feel inconvenient, you can switch to the right hand to hold the fork, but it appears crude if you change it frequently. When eating large vegetables, use a knife and fork to fold and cut. Softer food can be placed on the flat surface of the fork and tidy it up with a knife.


16. How to place knives and forks when resting. If you want to put down the knife and fork for a while after eating, you should place the knife and fork in the center of the plate in a figure-eight shape. If the knife and fork protrude out of the plate, it is unsafe and unsightly. It is impolite to speak while waving a knife and fork. After the meal, place the knife and fork in the four o’clock position.


Chinese Etiquette – Traditional etiquette

China is known as the “state of etiquette”, which is the so-called summer of etiquette. In Chinese etiquette, the week is the most important. In ancient China, Zhou etiquette was generally promoted. There are five rituals in ancient China. Sacrifices are auspicious rituals, wedding ceremonies are wedding ceremonies, guests are ceremonies, military ceremonies are military rituals, and funerals are fierce rituals. Folklore believes that etiquette includes four life etiquette: birth, crown, marriage, and funeral. In fact, etiquette can be divided into two major categories: politics and life. The political category includes sacrifices to heaven, land, and ancestral temples, sacrifices to ancestors, kings, and sages; rural drinking, meeting rituals, and military rituals. The life category includes the five sacrifices, the sacrifice of the Gaoqi, the Nuo ceremony, the birth ceremony, the crown ceremony, the diet etiquette, and the gift etiquette.

chinese traditional etiquette


Basic information

There are five gifts of ancient Han said, worship things as Jili, Crown things to the joy marriage ceremony, guests of things to Bin Li, the military things as a military salute, the funeral of things for Xiong Li.  Folklore believes that etiquette includes four life etiquette: birth, crown, marriage, and funeral. In fact, etiquette can be divided into two major categories: politics and life. The political category includes sacrifices to heaven, land, and ancestral temples, sacrifices to the ancestors and sages, drinking rituals in the township of respecting the teachers, meeting rituals, and military rituals. The life category includes the five sacrifices, the sacrifice of the Gaoqi, the Nuo ceremony, the birth ceremony, the crown ceremony, the diet etiquette, and the gift etiquette. Chinese etiquette plays a “quasi-law-jin” role in Chinese culture. Chinese etiquette permeates every bit of people’s daily life. The etiquette at the table, the way of hospitality, visits, and gifts, etc. Now promote the “Eight Ceremonies and Four Ceremonies”



According to Xunzi, there are “three books”, namely, “the foundation of those born in heaven and earth”, “the foundation of the ancestors and the kind”, and the “the foundation of the ruler and the master”. In etiquette, funerals are the earliest. Funeral for the dead is to soothe their ghosts, while for the living, it becomes the etiquette for filial piety and integrity. The establishment and implementation of etiquette gave birth to the Chinese patriarchal system (see Chinese patriarchal system). The essence of etiquette is the way of governing people, and it is a derivative of the belief in ghosts and gods. People believe that everything is controlled by invisible ghosts and gods. Performing etiquette is to please the ghosts and gods. Therefore, etiquette stems from the belief in ghosts and gods, and it is also a special form of belief in ghosts and gods. The emergence of the ” Three Ceremonies” (“Rituals”, “Book of Rites”, “Zhou Li”) marks the mature stage of the development of etiquette. In the Song Dynasty, etiquette and feudal ethics and morality were integrated, that is, etiquette and etiquette were mixed, which became one of the effective tools to implement etiquette. Salutes serve to persuade virtue, and red tape does its best. Until modern times, etiquette has been truly reformed. Both the national political life etiquette and the people’s life etiquette have been changed into the new content of the theory of ghostless gods, thus becoming modern civilized etiquette.

Etiquette of meeting and bowing hands


Development history

China is a country of etiquette that has been passed down for thousands of years, and voice teaching is broadcast overseas. According to legend, during the Yin and Zhou Dynasties more than 3,000 years ago, Zhou Gong system rituals and music put forward the program of ritual governance. Later, after Confucius and the Seventy Scholars, as well as the promotion and improvement of Mencius, Xunzi, and others, the ritual and music civilization became the core of Confucian culture. After the Western Han Dynasty, as the theoretical form of ritual music culture and the origin of the ancient ritual system, “Rituals”, “Zhou Li”, and “Book of Rites” were successively listed as academies. They not only became the must-read classics for ancient literati but also became dynasties It goes without saying that the foundation of making rituals has a profound impact on Chinese culture and history. With the formation of the East Asian Confucian cultural circle, the ritual and music culture has naturally become an important feature of Eastern civilization. There is no doubt that to understand Chinese traditional culture, one must understand Chinese etiquette culture.


The development of etiquette culture has its historical origin. Can be traced back to the long past. It should be said that when the first page of the history of the Chinese nation was opened, etiquette came into being with human activities and primitive religion. The etiquette system was formulated to deal with the three relationships between man and god, man and ghost, and man and man. After human beings have turned their fear and awe of gods and natural forces to humans themselves, with the development of human social life, people’s activities of expressing awe and offering sacrifices have become more and more numerous, gradually forming various fixed patterns… and finally becoming the norms of etiquette. Obviously, from the perspective of the emergence and development of etiquette, etiquette is the need for the development of human social life and an inevitable requirement and inevitable reflection of human social relations. This can also be further proved by the formation and changes of etiquette norms in the development of Chinese history. In ancient documents, there is a saying that “since the sacrifice, the five rituals have been manifested; during the time of Yao and Shun, the five rituals were prepared.” In fact, the evolution and development of the etiquette system have gone through a long and tortuous course, and what is truly complete and systematic is the etiquette system of the Western Zhou Dynasty. The etiquette system before the week was difficult to examine in detail due to a lack of materials and insufficient literature. The “Three Rituals”-“Zhou Rituals”, “Rituals”, and “Book of Rituals” compiled by Confucian scholars recorded and preserved many etiquettes of the Zhou Dynasty. For more than two thousand years after the Han Dynasty, they have been the classic works of the country to formulate etiquette systems, so they are called “ritual classics”. Now, to study and explore the ancient ritual system that was mainly applicable to the nobles, the “three rituals” are still the most important book. Although they have different evaluations of their ideological tendencies, and many of their discourses are based on the ideals of later Confucianists, they still have a certain reference value and influence in cultural history.


The so-called etiquette in ancient times included a very wide range of content and forms, such as political system, court codes, sacrifices to heaven and earth ghosts, prayers for floods and droughts, school imperial examinations, military campaigns, administrative divisions, building mausoleums, and even clothing, food, housing, weddings, and funerals. Marriage, speech, and behavior are all related to etiquette. It is almost a huge concept that encompasses all national political, economic, military, and cultural laws and regulations, as well as personal ethics and moral training, and codes of conduct. It wasn’t until modern times that the scope of etiquette gradually shrank, and now it only means etiquette and ceremony.

Etiquette of drinking tea

China’s etiquette culture has a profound impact on people with its peaceful and upright characteristics. However, the culture of any nation cannot be consistent throughout the world. It can only change with the times, discard its dross and choose its essence. The factors of excellent culture often last forever, survive the long river of history, and continuously affect the spirit and appearance of the nation. For example, around the sixth century BC, it was the axis age of ancient civilizations in the world. Such as Confucius, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, as well as philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Sakyamuni, and glorious classics appeared throughout the ages. For more than two thousand years, they have always been with the process of history, and people can feel their presence almost everywhere. In today’s highly developed technology, people often go back to that era to find wisdom. People should also view the ritual and music culture advocated by Confucius.


In modern times, due to the decline of the country and the invasion of foreign powers, the people of the country have changed rapidly. It is reasonable to blame the backwardness and beatings on traditional culture, but it is not entirely true. Imagine that a scholar who knows well is beaten by a robber. People can blame him for not being brave, but they cannot blame him for not knowing well. If the scholar abandons his books and only practices martial arts and becomes an uncultured “strong man”, then that would be the real tragedy. Human society will eventually enter a civilized era in which everyone believes in harmony and respects each other. Therefore, people must not only practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies but also promote the existing culture. The ritual and music culture will eventually have its new use.


China’s etiquette culture not only has a huge effect on the Chinese nation but also has a profound impact on the world. For example, Chinese traditional etiquette culture has been preserved in Korea and Japan and continues to play an active role in social life, but its loss rate is very alarming. In people’s interpersonal communication, people who know how to use elegant words and manners to show respect have become scarce. As the most common and solemn folk celebrations such as weddings and birthday ceremonies, they are losing their national identity and rapidly Westernizing; and Christmas and Valentine’s Day are increasingly becoming major festivals for Chinese young people. Once the etiquette and festivals, which are the symbol of national culture, are all westernized, it shows that the basic culture has been abandoned by the people, and its demise will not be too far away. The descendants of Yan and Huang, people of insight, should be aware of worries.


The etiquette culture forged by Chinese civilization for thousands of years could have been the strength of the tourism economy. However, many industry members can’t even say the ten-character polite language of “I’m sorry, thank you, it’s okay, please”, let alone others. Although hotels and hotels are becoming more and more magnificent, the quality of service has always been the weakness of the tourism industry, which is sighing. In addition, the number of Chinese traveling abroad in recent years has increased day by day, but there are many people who have vulgar behavior and lack etiquette education. Criticisms by overseas public opinion are often reported, which greatly damages the national image of people as an “ancient civilization” and “a country of etiquette”. In order to change this situation, in recent years, the government has made “clear etiquette and honesty” an important part of the “civic ethics” of the Second Cross. How to rebuild the etiquette norms that meet the requirements of the times has been on the agenda. Traditional Chinese etiquette and civilization are precious ideological resources and can provide an important reference for people.


The 21st century is a century of culture. The competition between nations and nations will be increasingly carried out in the cultural field. Culture is the basic feature of a nation. If culture survives, the nation survives, and the culture perishes the nation perishes. Throughout the ages, there have not been many ethnic groups that were truly extinct due to genocide, while the number of ethnic groups that perished due to the disappearance of their inherent culture is too numerous to list. China is the only civilization that has not experienced cultural interruption among the four ancient civilizations in the world. In the coming century, whether Chinese civilization can stand on its own among the nations of the world, one of the basic prerequisites is whether it can establish a strong standard culture on the basis of absorbing advanced foreign cultures. This is undoubtedly a major event of strategic significance. . Liyue culture is the core of Chinese traditional culture. Whether it can carry forward its essence is crucial to the rise and fall of the local culture.