Like A Child小顽童 ~ [Chinese Songs]

‘Like A Child’ is Hong Kong Cantonese singer Xie Anqi’s song. Xie Anqi is known for her versatile vocal range and expertise in various music genres, especially in jazz.This song is from her latest album 《谢—安琪》 Kay Tse, released this past September 20th.


Composer: Phil Lam aka Lin Yikuang
Lyrics: Adrian Chow aka Zhou Boxian & Zhong Yingyi
Singer: Kay Tse aka Xie Anqi

Lyrics (Original Chinese, Pinyin Romanization, and English Translation):

méi yǒu guò rén de jī zhì
No outstanding intelligence
méi yǒu jiāo rén shén hún diān dǎo de xiào róng
No enchanting smile
méi yǒu chāo rén de qì lì
No superman-like strength
zhǐ shì fán rén zǎo shàng huì shuì yǎn xīng sōng
As long as you are an average person, you will be bleary-eyed in the morning
wǎn shàng jué de dòng
and feel cold in the night

zhè yì tiān gēn měi yì tiàn tóng yàng lái qù cōng cōng
This day and every other day are the same, coming and going in haste
shēng huó xiàng wéi rào zhe shí zhōng
Life is like revolving around a clock
zhè yì tiān gēn měi yì tiān tóng yàng guò de pǔ tōng
This and and every other day are equally mediocre
dàn nèi xīn yǒu kuáng yě de mèng
But in the heart are wild dreams

xiǎng yào he hǎi tún xī shuǐ tài píng yáng zhōng

Wanting to play with dolphins in the Pacific Ocean
xiǎng yào dào gāo shān bài jiàn shào lín wǔ gōng
Wanting to go to Mount Song to visit Shaolin Kung Fu
做巴塞的前锋 到柬埔寨耕种
zuò bā sài de qián fēng dào jiǎn pǔ zhài gēng zhòng
To be a forward for FC Barcelona, to farm in Cambodia
qiān wàn zhǒng rén yǒu qiān wàn zhǒng rén de fàng zòng
Millions of people have millions of [ways to] go wild
wǒ men dōu xí guàn àn zhe guǐ jì zhuàn dòng
We’re all used to spinning around a trajectory
wǒ men xīn zhōng què zhù le gè xiǎo wán tóng
Yet in our hearts resides a naughty little child
这念头很汹涌 有突破的冲动
zhè niàn tóu hěn xiōng yǒng yǒu tū pò de chōng dòng
This idea surges, with the urge to break free
diǎn qǐ liǎng jiǎo lí dì shuāng shǒu kě chù pèng tiān kōng
Standing on our toes, our hands can touch the sky

yě xǔ wǒ men dōu tīng guò
Maybe we’ve all heard
mèng xiǎng tài làng màn tài tiān zhēn huì shī kòng
that dreams too romantic or too naive will get out of control
yě xǔ zhǎng bèi dōu shuō guò
Maybe older people have all said
nǔ lì chuàng zào cái fù hé jiē dài chuán zōng
to work hard, create wealth, and carry on the family line
lù bì xū gēn cóng
that the path must be followed


duō shǎo cì shùn cóng lǐ zhì de sǒng yǒng
How many times have we submitted to the enticement of rationality
ràng nèi xīn de wán tóng
leaving the naughty little child in our hearts
kū de shuāng yǎn tōng hóng
crying with red eyes
duō shǎo cì lǚ chéng yǒu shǐ méi yǒu zhōng
How many journeys have started but never ended
zhé fǎn yuán dì gèng jiā xīn tòng
Going back to the starting place is even more painful
xiǎng yào hé qíng rén xī shuǐ ài qín hǎi zhōng
I want to play with my love in the Aegean Sea
xiǎng yào dài hái zi jìn jù lí kàn dà bèn zhōng
I want to take my children to see Big Ben up close
yán jiū zhōng rǔ shí dòng
to study stalactites
shǒu hù bīn wēi wù zhǒng
to protect endangered species
qí shí wú rén néng zǔ zhì wǒ de fàng zòng
And actually, nobody can stop my wild dreams
wǒ men dōu bù gān yú àn guǐ jì zhuàn dòng
We are all unwilling to spin around a trajectory
wǒ men xīn zhōng zhù le gè kě ài xiǎo wán tóng
In our hearts reside a cute naughty little child
若坚守我初衷 梦想就能启动
ruò jiān shǒu wǒ chū zhōng mèng xiǎng jiù néng qǐ dòng
If I just hold fast to my original wish, the dream can take off
yǒu tiān zhōng yú lí dì shuāng shǒu kě chù pèng tài kōng
And one day I’ll eventually leave the ground and my hands can reach outer space

Rule-Breaking Animals违章动物 ~ [Chinese Songs]

Xu Song(许嵩), English name “Vae”, is an independent musician in pop music in China.《违章动物》 ‘Rule-Breaking Animals’ is 27-year-old mainland singer-songwriter 许嵩 Xu Song aka Vae Xu’s latest work, recently released on August 21st.

The music video presents a non-linear narrative of a little boy and his father, a street vendor who sells watermelons off the back of his three-wheeled bicycle. Much of the first half of the video shows the boy preparing to write an essay for school and imagining of what he would be like as a chengguan, municipal employees tasked with supervising and enforcing local ordinances usually involving use of public spaces and whom have a notorious reputation for clashing with street vendors and peddlers. In his imagination, chengguan would be kind-hearted like his own father. Upon meeting an old man selling apples on the street, he gathers up the apples but instead of confiscating them, he merely moves them across the street and invites the old man to continue there. The boy laughs as he finishes imagining this.

Halfway through the music video, the father has come home after a day’s work and the boy notices pieces of shattered watermelon on the back of the father’s cart. The father quickly comes up with a story to explain what had happened, that a zebra had escaped a zoo and crossed a zebra crossing on a red light in front of him, causing him to crash and break the watermelon. The boy laughs but is later seen taping together his father’s hand scale (to weigh and price the watermelons). While the father is in the bathroom washing clothes and then appears to touch a still tender wound on his face, the song attempts to fix the scale, secretly in tears.

It is then suggested that the boy may have seen what really happened that day. While on his way to bring his father a meal, the son notices something wrong and hides around a corner where he watches his father apparently trying to protect his stock of watermelons during a struggle. Who the father is struggling with is not explicitly shown, but what follows is a scene of the hand scale thrown on the ground and snapped, while a broken piece of watermelon lies beside it. Huddling on the ground clutching the lunch tin and bottle of water, the son cries for his father.

The music video ends with a voiceover of the boy reading from his essay, describing his wish that people “protect hardworking people, treasure fruits and vegetables, be more patient, and guide zebras when crossing the street.”

Lyrics (Original Chinese, Pinyin Romanization, and English Translation):

wǒ mù dǔ jiē jiǎo de hú dié fēi shàng le qīng tiān
I witness the butterflies of the street corner flying into the clear sky

yào shàng fǎng qīng tiān dà lǎo yé
to appeal to “Grandpa of the Clear Sky”.

[Note: “The clear sky” is symbolic of Bao Zheng, a historical government official respected as the cultural symbol of justice in Greater China who was also known as “Clear Sky Bao”, as well as referring to honest, upright officials in general.]

xiāng guān yá mén tí chū le yì xiē zhǐ dǎo xìng yì jiàn
The relevant government offices gave some guidance

jiē fǎng wán mìng zhuǎn bō zhēn xiàng yǔ liú yán
and the neighborhood eagerly relayed the truth and the rumors.

mài hóng shǔ de gū niang xiǎng zài xué táng mén qián bǎi tān
The girl who sells sweet potatoes wants to sell in front of the school.

那不可以没钱 也不可以不陪笑脸
nà bù kě yǐ méi qián yě bù kě yǐ bù péi xiào liǎn
If so, she can’t not have money, nor can she not put on a smiling face [to butter up government officers].

有点小权的 时时刻刻都想要用上小权
yǒu diǎn xiǎo quán de shí shí kè kè dōu xiǎng yào yòng shàng xiǎo quán
Those with a little power, they want to take advantage of that little power at all times,

而有大权的 脑子坏了才和你站一边
ér yǒu dà quán de nǎo zi huài le cái hé nǐ zhàn yì biān
while those with a lot of power, they will only stand with you when they’ve lost their minds.


yì qún gāo guì qì zhì de chāi rén zài chǔ fà wéi zhāng dòng wù
A bunch of noble government officers punishing rule-breaking animals.

她一身尘土 在街角迷了路
tā yì shēn chén tǔ zài jiē jiǎo mí le lù
She was covered in dust, lost on the street corner.

yì qún gāo guì qì zhì de chāi rén zài chǔ fà wéi zhāng dòng wù
A bunch of noble government officers punishing rule-breaking animals.

缄默的泪 没有人在乎
jiān mò de lèi méi yǒu rén zài hū
Silent tears, with no one caring.

zhè fán huá de chéng chí yǒu shí ràng rén gǎn dào mò shēng
This bustling city sometimes feels strange.

当乌云不断堆叠 暴雨也就如期而至
dāng wū yún bú duàn duī dié bào yǔ yě jiù rú qī ér zhì
When dark clouds keep piling up, the rainstorm will come as expected.

“幸福”的定义连番升级 拒绝回到初始版本
xìng fú de dìng yì lián fān shēng jí jù jué huí dào chū shǐ bǎn běn
The definition of “happiness” keeps upgrading, refusing to return to the original version.

就买个红薯吧 否则夜太寒冷
jiù mǎi gè hóng shǔ ba fǒu zè yè tài hán lěng
So just buy a sweet potato, lest the night will be too cold.


yì qún gāo guì qì zhì de chāi rén zài chǔ fà wéi zhāng dòng wù
A bunch of noble government officers punishing rule-breaking animals.

她一身尘土 在街角迷了路
tā yì shēn chén tǔ zài jiē jiǎo mí le lù
She was covered in dust, lost on the street corner.

yì qún gāo guì qì zhì de chāi rén zài chǔ fà wéi zhāng dòng wù
A bunch of noble government officers punishing rule-breaking animals.

缄默的泪 汇成这方土地的湖
jiān mò de lèi huì chéng zhè fāng tǔ dì de hú
Silent tears, pooling to become the lake of this land.

Actors and Singers演员和歌手 ~ [Chinese Songs]

This song’s name is very interesting. It was written by 28-year-old guitarist, producer, and singer 李荣浩 Li Ronghao and sung by him and 37-year-old actor and singer 陈坤 Chen Kun. Li Ronghao has written songs or worked as a producer for 赵薇 Vicki Chao aka Zhao Wei, 信 Shin, 杨丞琳 Rainie Yang aka Yang Chenglin, 张信哲 Jeff Chang aka Zhang Xinzhe, 李宇春 Chris Lee aka Li Yuchun, etc.

Chen Kun gained recognition from the 2001 television drama Love in Shanghai and the 2002 film Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. He rose to international prominence with the 2006 film The Knot and the 2008 fantasy film Painted Skin, which also garnered him a Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actor.

Chen was crowned “Asia’s Sexiest Male Vegetarian” by PETA this past June.

Released on August 19th, this song discusses show business and the experiences of actors and singers in China.

Music Video:

Lyrics (Original Chinese, Pinyin Romanization, and English Translation):

李: 一扇门 一盏灯 继续看没有看完的剧本
lǐ: yí shàn mén yì zhǎn dēng jì xù kàn méi yǒu kàn wán de jù běn
Li: A door, a lamp, keep reading the script I haven’t finished reading

快尾声 剧太温 谁用文言文哀悼 谁怎么牺牲
kuài wěi shēng jù tài wēn shuí yòng wén yán wén āi dào shuí zěn me xī shēng
[Sometimes the story] ends fast, [sometimes it] is too slow. Who grieves in classical Chinese? How did who sacrifice?

陈 : 翻阅过 的生活 愤怒 发呆 叙述 沉默 啰嗦
chén: fān yuè guò de shēng huó fèn nù fā dāi xù shù chén mò luō suō
Chen: The life I have browsed – anger, daze, narration, silence, verbosity

滴上了 纸的墨 积雪的窝 蚂蚁没觉得不妥
dī shàng le zhǐ de mò jī xuě de wō mǎ yǐ méi jué dé bù tuǒ
The ink dripped on the paper, the nest filled with snow, the ants don’t feel it’s improper

合: 一杯水多清澈 记得一切是错 自卑流泪是正果
hé: yì bēi shuǐ duō qīng chè jì dé yí qiè shì cuò zì bēi liú lèi shì zhèng guǒ
Both: How limpid a glass of water is, remembering everything is a mistake; tears of low self-esteem is the proper result

合: 什么最不独特 什么事深刻 流离浪荡演戏唱歌
hé: shén me zuì bù dú tè shén me shì shēn kè liú lí làng dàng yǎn xì chàng gē
Both: What is the least unique? What is deep? Wandering and loitering acting and singing

李: 演员和歌手 换了镜头扔掉了麦克风
lǐ: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu huàn le jìng tóu rēng diào le mài kè fēng
Li: Actors and singers, changing between lenses, throwing away the microphone

陈: 演员和歌手 这戏台没分左右
chén: yǎn yuán he gē shǒu zhè xì tái méi fēn zuǒ yòu
Chen: Actors and singers, there is no left or right when it comes to the stage

李: 演员和歌手 这样的年头 说理想没够 也不是作秀
lǐ: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu zhè yàng de nián tóu shuō lǐ xiǎng méi gòu yě bú shì zuò xiù
Li: Actors and singers, in this day and age, talking about dreams is not enough, neither is it [talking about dreams] for publicity’s sake

合: 学文艺戏里男人说的自由
hé: xué wén yì xì lǐ nán rén shuō de zì yóu
Both: When it comes to learning [to pursue] the freedom spoken of by the men in the artistic dramas [non-action scenes in TV dramas or movies]

李: 他们始终还学得不好还不够
lǐ: tā men shǐ zhōng hái xué de bù hǎo hái bú gòu
Li: They [actors and singers] still haven’t learned well, learned enough
陈: 一首歌 在附和 没想学着只是听的太多
chén: yì shǒu gē zāi fù hé měi xiǎng xué zhe zhǐ shì tīng de tài duō
Chen: The song I’m singing along to, didn’t intend to learn it, just heard it too many times

刚副歌 就结果 没有安宁没有爱 却多了选择
gāng fù gē jiù jié guǒ méi yǒu ān níng méi yǒu ài què duō le xuǎn zé
The chorus just began, but the song is ending. There’s no peace or love, but there come more choices

李: 又摆酒 又奔波 又祝贺我又接济了娱乐
lǐ: yòu bǎi jiǔ yòu bēn bō yòu zhù hè wǒ yòu jiē jì le yú lè
Li: Again the celebrations, again the running around, again congratulating me on again assisting the entertainment [industry]

生了根 分了神 天真演的婀娜也可以诚恳
shēng le gēn fēn le shén tiān zhēn yǎn de ē nuó yě kě yǐ chéng kěn
Having taken root [in the show business], I’ve lost my soul, [I can] innocently perform grace, as well as sincerity

合: 一杯水多清澈 记得一切是错 自卑流泪是正果
hé: yì bēi shuǐ duō qīng chè jì dé yí qiè shì cuò zì bēi liú lèi shì zhèng guǒ
Both: How limpid a glass of water is, remembering everything is a mistake; tears of low self-esteem is the proper result

合: 什么最不独特 什么事深刻 流离浪荡演戏唱歌
hé: shén me zuì bù dú tè shén me shì shēn kè liú lí làng dàng yǎn xì chàng gē
Both: What is the least unique? What is deep? Wandering loitering acting and singing

李: 演员和歌手 换了镜头扔掉了麦克风
lǐ: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu huàn le jìng tóu rēng diào le mài kè fēng
Li: Actors and singers, changing between lenses, throwing away the microphone

陈: 演员和歌手 这戏台没分左右
chén: yǎn yuán he gē shǒu zhè xì tái méi fēn zuǒ yòu
Chen: Actors and singers, there is no left or right when it comes to the stage

李: 演员和歌手 这样的年头 说理想没够 也不是作秀
lǐ: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu zhè yàng de nián tóu shuō lǐ xiǎng méi gòu yě bú shì zuò xiù
Li: Actors and singers, in this day and age, talking about dreams is not enough, neither is it [talking about dreams] for publicity’s sake–

合: 学文艺戏里男人说的自由
hé: xué wén yì xì lǐ nán rén shuō de zì yóu
Both: When it comes to learning [to pursue] the freedom spoken of by the men in the artistic dramas [non-action scenes in TV dramas or movies]

合:演员和歌手 演好个角色唱首好歌
hé: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu yǎn hǎo gè jué sè chàng shǒu hǎo gē
Both: Actors and singers, play a role well, sing a good song

合:演员和歌手 不讨好内心的自我
hé: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu bù tǎo hǎo nèi xīn de zì wǒ
Both: Actors and singers, not pleasing the self in their hearts

合:演员和歌手 慢几步迟到 追丢了自嘲 模糊了对焦
hé: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu màn jǐ bù chí dào zhuī diū le zì cháo mó hu le duì jiāo
Both: Actors and singers, [if] slow a few steps, they’re late; [if] lost, they laugh at themselves, having blurred their focus [lost their goals]

hé: shēn shǒu shì yì yǒu hǎo zài jǐ lóu wēi xiào
Both: Waving the hand, on which floor are they friendly smiling?

lǐ: tài kě ài huì bú huì shì bìng le de zhēng zhào
Li: Is being too cute a sign of having become sick?

Jacky Cheung 张学友《qingwang》 ~ [Chinese Songs]

Jacky Cheung shì xiānɡɡǎnɡ yuètán” sìdàtiānwánɡ” zhīyī ,< wěnbié >lìnɡ Jacky Cheung dédào”ɡē shén ” de fēnɡhào.” qínɡwǎnɡ” láizì zhuānjí.

Gēqǔ qínɡwǎnɡ
Geshǒu zhānɡxuéyǒu zhuānjí wěnbié
歌手:张学友 专辑:吻别

Qǐnɡ nǐ zài wèi wǒ diǎnshànɡ yìzhǎn zhúɡuānɡ
Yīnwéi wǒ zǎoyǐ míshī le fānɡxiànɡ
wǒ yǎnshì búzhù de huānɡzhānɡ
Zài pòbùjídài de zhānɡwànɡ
Shēnɡpà zhè yílù shì hǎomènɡ yìchǎnɡ
Ér nǐshì yìzhānɡ wúbiānwújì de wǎnɡ
Qīnɡyì jiù bǎ wǒ kùn zài wánɡ zhōnɡyānɡ
wǒ yuè xiàn yuè shēn yuè míwǎnɡ
lù yuèzǒuyuè mànchánɡ
rúhé wǒ cáinénɡ zhuōzhù nǐ yǎnɡuānɡ
Qínɡyuàn jiù zhèyɑnɡ shǒuzài nǐ shēnpánɡ
Qínɡyuàn jiù zhèyɑnɡ yíbèizi búwànɡ
wǒ dǎkāi àiqínɡ zhè shàn chuānɡ
què kànjiàn chánɡyè lǐ qīliánɡ,
Wèn nǐ shìfǒu huì shěde wǒ xīnshānɡ
Ernǐ shì yìzhānɡ wúbiānwújì de wǎnɡ
Qīnɡyì jiù bǎ wǒ kùn zài wǎnɡ zhōnɡyānɡ,
Wǒ yuè xiàn yuèshēn yuè míwǎnɡ
Lù yuè zǒu yuè mànchánɡ
Rúhé wǒ cái nénɡ zhuōzhù nǐ yǎnɡuānɡ
Qínɡyuàn jiù zhèyɑnɡ shǒuzài nǐshēnpánɡ
Qínɡyuàn jiù zhèyɑnɡ yíbèizi búwànɡ
Wǒ dǎkāi àiqínɡ zhè shànchuānɡ
Què kànjiàn chánɡyè de qīliánɡ
Wèn nǐ shìfǒu shěde wǒ xīnshānɡ
Qínɡyuàn jiù zhèyɑnɡ shǒuzài nǐshēnpánɡ
Qínɡyuàn jiù zhèyɑnɡ yíbèizi búwànɡ
Wǒ dǎkāi àiqínɡ zhè shànchuānɡ
Què kànjiàn chánɡyè de qīliánɡ
Wèn nǐ shìfǒu shěde wǒ xīnshānɡ

Existence 存在 ~ [Chinese Songs]

存在(cúnzài) Existence
演唱(yǎnchàng) Singer:汪峰(Wāng Fēng) Wang Feng

duōshǎo rén zǒuzhe què kùn zàiyuándì
多少 人 走着 却 困 在原地
Too many people still walk but trapped in the same place

duōshǎo rén huózhe què rútóng sǐqù
多少 人 活着 却 如同 死去
Too many people still live but live as if they were dead

duōshǎo rén àizhe què hǎosì fēnlí
多少 人 爱着 却 好似 分离
Too many people still love but love as if they were seperate

duōshǎo rén xiàozhe què mǎn hán lèidī
多少 人 笑着 却 满 含 泪滴
Too many people still laugh but with sad tears in their eyes.

shéi zhīdào wǒmen gāi qùxiàng héchù
谁 知道 我们 该 去向 何处

Who knows where should we go

shéi míngbái shēngmìng yǐ biànwéi hé wù
谁 明白 生命 已 变为 何 物
Who knows what has life turned to

shìfǒu zhǎogè jièkǒu jìxù gǒuhuó
是否 找个 借口 继续 苟活
Though unhappy, Should we just find a excuse to live

huòshì zhǎnchì gāofēi bǎochí fènnù
或是 展翅 高飞 保持 愤怒
Or keep the anger to life to let us fly high?

wǒ gāi rúhé cúnzài
我 该 如何 存在
How should I live in this world?

duōshǎo cì róngyào què gǎnjué qūrǔ
多少 次 荣耀 却 感觉 屈辱
Feel ashamed despite so many honors

duōshǎo cì kuángxǐ què bèishòu tòngchǔ
多少 次 狂喜 却倍受 痛楚
Feel suffered despite so much joy

duōshǎo cì xìngfú què xīn rú dāojiǎo
多少 次 幸福 却 心 如 刀绞
Feel stabbed in heart despite so much happiness

duōshǎo cì cànlàn què shīhúnluòpò
多少 次 灿烂 却 失魂落魄
Feel lost despite so many glories

shéi zhīdào wǒmen gāi mèng guī héchù
谁 知道 我们 该 梦 归何处
Who knows where should our dreams go?

shéi míngbái zūnyán yǐ lún wéi héwù
谁 明白 尊严 已 沦为 何物
Who knows what dignity has degraded to

shìfǒu zhǎogè lǐyóu suíbōzhúliú
是否 找个 理由 随波逐流
Should we find a excuse to just go with it

huòshì yǒnggǎn qiánxíng zhēngtuō láolóng
或是 勇敢 前行 挣脱 牢笼
Or go straight forward to break the limitations

wǒ gāi rúhé cúnzài
我 该 如何 存在
How should I live in this world?

shéi zhīdào wǒmen gāi qùxiàng héchù
谁 知道 我们 该 去向 何处
Who knows where should we go

shéi míngbái shēngmìng yǐ biànwéi hé wù
谁 明白 生命 已 变为 何 物
Who knows what has life turned to

shìfǒu zhǎogè jièkǒu jìxù gǒuhuó
是否 找个 借口 继续 苟活
Though unhappy, Should we just find a excuse to live

huòshì zhǎnchì gāofēi bǎochí fènnù
或是 展翅 高飞 保持 愤怒
Or keep the anger to life to let us fly high?

shéi zhīdào wǒmen gāi mèng guī héchù
谁 知道 我们 该 梦 归 何处
Who knows where should our dreams go?

shéi míngbái zūnyán yǐ lún wéi héwù
谁 明白 尊严 已 沦 为 何物
Who knows what dignity has degraded to

shìfǒu zhǎogè lǐyóu suíbōzhúliú
是否 找个 理由 随波逐流
Should we find a excuse to just go with it

huòshì yǒnggǎn qiánxíng zhēngtuō láolóng
或是 勇敢 前行 挣脱 牢笼
Or go straight forward to break the limitations

wǒ gāi rúhé cúnzài
我 该 如何 存在
How should I live in this world?

Chinese song: ‘Courage’ 勇气 by Fish Leong ~ [Chinese Songs]

作词Lyrics:瑞业Rui Ye

作曲Composer:光良Guang Liang

演唱Singer:梁静茹Liang Jingru/Fish Leong

终于做了这个决定(Zhōnɡyú zuòle zhèɡe juédìnɡ)
别人怎么说我不理 (Biérén zěnme shuō wǒ bùlǐ)
只要你也一样的肯定 (Zhǐyào nǐ yě yíyànɡ de kěndìnɡ)
我愿意天涯海角都随你去 (Wǒ yuànyì tiānyá hǎijiǎo dōu suí nǐ qù)
我知道一切不容易 (Wǒ zhīdào yíqiè bú rónɡyì)
我的心一直温习说服自己 (Wǒde xīn yìzhí wēnxí shuìfú zìjǐ)
最怕你忽然说要放弃 (Zuì pà nǐ hūrán shuō yào fànɡqì)
爱真的需要勇气 (Ai zhēnde xūyào yǒnɡqì)
来面对流言蜚语 (Lái miànduì liúyánfēiyǔ)
只要你一个眼神肯定 (Zhǐyào nǐ yíɡè yǎnshén kěndìnɡ)
我的爱就有意义 (Wǒde ài jiù yǒuyìyì)
我们都需要勇气 (Wǒmen dōu xūyào yǒnɡqì)
去相信会在一起 (Qù xiānɡxìn huì zài yìqǐ)
人潮拥挤我能感觉你 (Réncháo yōnɡjǐ wǒ nénɡ ɡǎnjué nǐ)
放在我手心里你的真心 (Fànɡzài wǒ shǒuxīnlǐ nǐde zhēnxīn)
如果我的坚强任性 (Rúɡuǒ wǒde jiānqiánɡ rénxìnɡ)
会不小心伤害了你 (Huì bùxiǎoxīn shānɡhài le nǐ)
你能不能温柔提醒 (Nǐ nénɡ bùnénɡ wēnróu tíxǐnɡ)
我虽然心太急 (Wǒ suīrán xīn tài jí)
更害怕错过你 (Gènɡ hàipà cuòɡuò nǐ)
爱真的需要勇气 (Ai zhēnde xūyào yǒnɡqì)
来面对流言蜚语 (Lái miànduì liúyánfēiyǔ)
只要你一个眼神肯定 (Zhǐyào nǐ yíɡè yǎnshén kěndìnɡ)
我的爱就有意义 (Wǒde ài jiù yǒuyìyì)
我们都需要勇气 (Wǒmen dōu xūyào yǒnɡqì)
去相信会在一起 (Qù xiānɡxìn huì zài yìqǐ)
人潮拥挤我能感觉你 (Réncháo yōnɡjǐ wǒ nénɡ ɡǎnjué nǐ)
放在我手心里你的真心 (Fànɡzài wǒ shǒuxīnlǐ nǐde zhēnxīn)

Chinese classical instruments: Guqin ~ [Chinese Songs]

Guqin has traditionally been favored by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement. Guqin has always been viewed as the first place among the four Chinese high culture activities such as Guqin, Chess, calligraphy and painting.

There are 7 strings in of Guqin. The first 5 in pentatonic scale representing 5 elements Metal, wood, water, fire and the earth. The 6 string was added by King Wen when his son was died. So the 6 string is sorrowful. The 7 string was added by King Wu when he encourage his soldiers go to the war. So the 7 string is very strong.

The Guqin produce the most diligent and subtle tones. There are 3 category sounds produced by the Guqin. Harmonics is representing the sound from the Heaven. Open Strings is representing the sound from the earth. Stopped string is representing the Human Beings.

A City of Sadness悲情城市 ~ [Chinese Songs]

Today, I will introduce a Chinese film which called A City of Sadness (悲情城市bēi qíng chéng shì). So let us have a brief introduction.

A City of Sadness is a 1989 Taiwanese historical drama film directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien (侯孝贤Hóu Xiàoxián). It tells the story of a family embroiled in the tragic “White Terror” that was wrought on the Taiwanese people by the Kuomintang government (KMT) after their arrival from mainland China in the late 1940s, during which thousands of Taiwanese were rounded up, shot, and/or sent to prison.The film was the first to deal openly with the KMT’s authoritarian misdeeds after its 1945 turnover of Taiwan from Japan, and the first to depict the 228 Incident of 1947, in which thousands of people were massacred.

A City of Sadness was the first Chinese-language film to win the Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival.This is a very fabulous film.

The Moon Represents my Heart ~ [Chinese Songs]

The Moon Represents my Heart


你问我爱你有多深(nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn )
How deep I loved you,



我爱你有几分(wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐ fēn )
How strong emotion within myself You are wondering



我的情也真(wǒ de qínɡ yě zhēn )
My feeling is true



我的爱也真(wǒ de ài yě zhēn )
My love is never new



月亮代表我的心(yuè liɑnɡ dài biǎo wǒ de xīn )
The moon represents my heart



你问我爱你有多深(nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn )
How deep I loved you,



我爱你有几分(wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐ fēn )
How strong emotion within myself You want to know



我的情不移(wǒ de qínɡ bù yí )
My passion for you is real



我的爱不变(wǒ de ài bú biàn )
My devotion to you is a belief



月亮代表我的心(yuè liɑnɡ dài biǎo wǒ de xīn )
The moon represents my heart



轻轻的一个吻(qīnɡ qīnɡ de yí ɡè wěn )
A tender kiss



已经打动我的心(yǐ jīnɡ dǎ dònɡ wǒ de xīn)
Moved me to the heaven



深深的一段情(shēn shēn de yí duàn qínɡ )
A love story between you and me



教我思念到如今(jiāo wǒ sī niàn dào rú jīn)
It’s alive ’til today



你去想一想(nǐ qù xiǎnɡ yi xiǎnɡ )
Would you think so



你去看一看(nǐ qù kàn yi kàn )
Would you trust me

A Visit to Qiantang Lake in Spring ~ [Chinese Songs]

A Visit to Qiantang Lake in Spring
Bai Juyi

qián táng hú chūn xíng

gū shān sì běi jiǎ tíng xī
shuǐ miàn chū píng yún jiǎo dī
jǐ chù zǎo yīng zhēng nuǎn shù
shuí jiā xīn yàn zhuó chūn ní
luàn huā jiàn yù mí rén yǎn
qiǎn cǎo cái néng mò mǎ tí
zuì ài hú dōng xíng bù zú
lǜ yáng yīn lǐ bái shā dī Gushan temple north Jiating west
Water surface first flat cloud base low
Several places early orioles fight warm tree
Every house new swallows peck spring mud
Disordered flowers gradually almost confuse person eye
Light grass able hide horse hoof
Most love lake east go not enough
Green poplar shade in white sand causeway Gushan Temple is to the north, Jiating pavilion west,
The water’s surface now is calm, the bottom of the clouds low.
In several places, the first orioles are fighting in warm trees,
By every house new swallows peck at spring mud.
Disordered flowers have grown almost enough to confuse the eye,
Bright grass is able now to hide the hooves of horses.
I most love the east of the lake, I cannot come often enough
Within the shade of green poplars on White Sand Embankment.