Wang Wei: His Life
Wang Wei Wang Wei: His Life Wang Wei was born during the golden years of the Tang Dynasty, in the current city of Puxian, province of Shanxi, in 701, into an aristocratic family. His father, grandfather and great grandfather were all government officials. His mother belonged to a prominent family as well. Wang had at least four younger brothers and one younger sister. Wang’s family background helped especially during the second part of his life, but in the beginning of his governmental career it was more of a hindrance to his advancement. Wang Wei came of age during the reign of emperor Xuanzong, who ruled from 712 to 756. Academically he was a child prodigy. By the age of fifteen Wang went to the capital Chang’an (modern day Xi’an) to study with the famous and well known teachers in order to pass the imperial examinations needed to be assigned a government position. He wrote his first poem in 718 at the age of seventeen. In 720 he sat for the regional examinations, and passed with the highest score. This qualified him to sit for the most difficult test, the jinshi, taken in the capital during the early part of each year by several thousand candidates. Only… -
Wang Wei: Gold Bamboo Mountain Ridge
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Gold Bamboo Mountain Ridge 斤竹岭 檀 奕 映 空 曲青 翠 漾 涟 漪。 暗 入 商 山 路樵 人 不 可 知。 Jin Zhu Ling Tan yi ying kong quQing cui yang lian yi An ru shang shan luQiao ren bu ke zhi. Gold Bamboo Mountain Ridge Elegant bamboo contrasts with the remote clearing along a winding pathwayEmerald green waves of ripples upon ripples. … -
Wang Wei: Longxi Journey
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Longxi Journey 陇西行 十 里 一 走 马五 里 一 扬 鞭. 都 护 军 书 至匈 奴 围 酒 泉. 关 山 正 飞 雪烽 戎 断 无 烟. Long Xi Xing Shi li yi zou maWu li yi yang bian. … -
Wang Wei: Floating On the Pond Out Front
Wang Wei Floating on the Pond Out Front 泛前陂 秋 空 自 明 迥况 复 远 人 闻。畅 以 沙 际 鹤兼 之 云 外 山。 澄 波 澹 将 夕清 月 皓 方 闲。此 夜 任 孤 棹夷 犹 殊 未 还。 Fan Qian Bei Qiu kong zi ming jiongKuang fu yuan ren jianChang yi sha ji heJian zhi yun wai shan Cheng bo dan jiang xiQing yue hao fang xianCi ye ren gu zhaoYi yu shu wei huan. Floating on the Pond Out Front Autumn sky naturally bright and distantIt too is far away from the human world.Smooth sand in between the cranesLike these clouds around the mountains. Transparent waves in motion excites sunset lightClear moon lucidity facilitates idleness.This night I take up a solitary oarVacillating mind between beauty and going back. Commentary: The smooth sand between the cranes is typical of an accomplished painter of Wang Wei’s abilities and sensitivities to notice the negative space, kongbai, (空白) between the cranes. So often the ancient Chinese landscape paintings (mountains and rivers) have the kongbai of white clouds hovering in and around the mountains. This time it is the white sand along the riverbanks. The word “leisure” or “idleness” is often used throughout ancient… -
Wang Wei: Puti Temple
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Puti Temple 普提寺禁裴迪来相看说逆贼等凝碧池上作音乐供奉人等举声便一时泪下,私成口号诵示裴迪 万 户 伤 心 生 野 烟百 宫 何 日 再 朝 天? 秋 槐 叶 落 空 宫 里凝 碧 池 头 奏 管 弦。 Pu Ti Si Jin Pei Di Lai Xiang Kan ShuoNi Zei Deng Ning Bi Chi Shang Zuo Yin Yue Gong Feng RenDeng Ju Sheng Bian Yi Shi Lei Xia, Si Cheng Kou Hao SongShi Pei Di Wan hu shang xin sheng ye yanBai gong he ri zai zhao tian? Qiu huai ye luo kong gong liNing bi chi tou zou guan xuan. Puti Temple Detention Area, Pei Di Arrives, We See Each Other to Talk to… -
Wang Wei: Shen the Fourteenth
Wang Wei Shen the Fourteenth 沈十四拾遗新竹生读经处同诸公之作 闲 居 日 清 静修 竹 自 檀 栾嫩 节 留 馀 箨新 丛 出 旧 栏 细 枝 风 响 乱疏 影 月 光 寒乐 府 裁 龙 笛渔 家 伐 钓 竿 何 如 道 门 里青 翠 拂 仙 坛. Shen Shi Si Shi Yi Xin Zhu Sheng Du Jing Chu Tong Zhu Gong Zhi Zuo Xian ju ri qing jingXiu zhu zi tan luanNen jie liu yu tuoXin cong chu jiu lan Xi zhi feng xiang luanShu ying yue guang hanYue fu cai long diYu jia fa diao gan He ru dao men liQing cui fu xian tan. Shen the Fourteenth (Who Awaits for the Imperial Examination) Amid New Bamboo Sprouts, Reading Buddhist Sutras With Friends, Then Writing Poetry Together Days spent in still, pure leisureNaturally slender, elegant bamboo, wingceltis and golden rain trees.First year bamboo still with their outer… -
Wang Wei: Luoyang Ladies’ Life Journeys
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Luoyang Ladies’ Life Journeys 洛阳女儿行 洛 阳 女 儿 对 门 居才 可 颜 容 十 五 余。良 人 玉 勒 乘 骢 马侍 女 金 盘 脍 鲤 渔。 画 阁 朱 楼 尽 相 望红 桃 绿 柳 垂 檐 向。罗 帷 送 上 七 香 车宝 扇 迎 归 九 华 帐。 框 夫 富 贵 在 青 春意 气 骄 奢 剧 李 伦。自 怜 碧 玉 亲 教 舞不 异 珊 瑚 持 与 人。 春 窗 曙 灭 九 微 火九 微 片 片 飞 花 琐。戏 罢 曾 无 理 曲 时妆 成 只 是 薰 香 坐。 城 中 相 识 尽 繁 华日 夜 经 过 赵 李 家。谁 怜 越 女 颜 如 玉贫 贱 江 头 自 涣 纱。 Luo Yang Nv Er Xing Luo yang Nv er dui men juCai ke yan rong shi wu yuLiang ren yu lei cheng cong maShi Nv jin pan kuai li yu Hua ge zhu lou jin xiang wangHong tao lu liu chui yan xiangLuo wei song shang qi xiang cheBao shan ying gui jiu hua zhang. Kuang fu fu gui zai qing chunYi qi jiao she ju… -
Wang Wei: Zhongnan Mountain Retreat
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Zhongnan Mountain Retreat 终南别业 中 岁 颇 好 道晚 家 南 山 陲。兴 来 每 独 往胜 事 空 自 知。 行 到 水 穷 处坐 看 云 起 时。偶 然 值 林 叟谈 笑 无 还 期。 Zhongnan Bie Ye Zhong sui po hao daoWan jia nan shan chui.Xing lai mei du wangSheng shi kong zi zhi. Xing dao shui qiong chuZuo kan yun qi shi.Ou ran zhi lin souTan xiao wu huan qi. Zhongnan Mountain Retreat In middle age partial to the Dao Buddhist doctrineLate in life build a house bordering the Southern Mountains Passion and joys always seem to arrive when aloneOnly measure of success is knowledge of self. Walk to the river’s sourceFrom time to time sit and watch the clouds arise By chance I met the forest caretaker, a wise old manWe talk and laugh, don’t return for quite some time. Notes:Zhongnan Mountains: near the southern suburbs of the capital city Chang’an River’s source: reference to the poem Peach Blossom Water Source by Tao Yuanming -
Wang Wei: Departure Send Off
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Departure Send Off 送别 下 马 饮 君 酒问 君 何 所 之? 君 言 不 得 意归 卧 南 山 陲。 但 去 莫 复 问白 云 无 尽 时。 Song Bie Xia ma yin jun jiuWen jun he suo zhi? Jun yan bu de yiGui wo nan shan chui Dan qu mo fu wenBai yun wu jin shi. Departure Send Off Dismount my horse, we drink wine togetherI ask you, where are you going? You reply, to a place without pride or successReturn to the edge of the Southern Mountains and live in seclusion. Just go, and don’t ask again about anythingThe white clouds there are eternal. Notes: Southern Mountains and live in seclusion: This section refers to a very famous poem, Drinking Wine No. 5 by Tao Yuanming. This poem was my first one posted on this site. White clouds: Literally means something that is free and transitory. Metaphorically means a state of… -
Wang Wei: Deer Park
Wang Wei Deer Park 鹿寨 空 山 不 见 人但 闻 人 语 响。 返 景 入 深 林复 照 青 苔 上。 Lu Zhai Kong shan bu jian renDan wen ren yu xiang. Fan jing ru shen linFu zhao qing tai shang. Deer Park This poem can be translated with two different viewpoints and outlined below: Empty mountains no people seenYet one can hear human words echo. … -
Wang Wei: Meal For the Monks of Mt. Fufu
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Meal For the Monks of Mt. Fufu 饭覆釜山僧 晚 知 清 浄 理日 舆 人 群 疏。將 侯 遠 山 僧先 期 掃 敝 盧。 果 從 雲 峰 裏顾 我 蓬 蒿 居。藉 草 飯 松 屑焚 香 看 道 書。 然 燈 書 欲 盡鸣 磬 夜 方 初。已 悟 寂 蔿 樂此 生 閒 有 余 . 思 歸 何 必 染? 身 世 猶 空 虚。 Fan Fu Fu Shan Seng Wan zhi qing jing liRi yu ren qun shu.Jiang hou yuan shan sengXian qi sao bi lu. Guo cong yun feng liGu wo peng hao ju.Ji cao fan song xieFen xiang kan dao shu. Ran deng shu yu jinMing qing ye fang chu.Yi wu ji wei leCi sheng jian you you . Si gui he bi ran ? … -
Wang Wei: White Hair Chant
Wang Wei Wang Wei: White Hair Chant 歎白髪 宿 昔 朱 颜 成 暮 齿须 臾 白 髪 变 垂 髫。 一 生 几 许 伤 心 事不 向 空 门 何 處 销。 Tan Bai Fa Su xi zhu yan cheng mu chiXu you bai fa bian chui tiao Yi sheng ju xu shang xin shiBu xiang kong men he chu xiao White Hair Chant Old red face achieved at a late ageNoticed white hair changing from early childhood All one’s life, several places with troubles that break the mind-heartBeing partial to the door of Emptiness is what atones and cancels Notes: Kongmen (空门): Literally means the door or gateway to emptiness. It is another Chinese name for Buddhism. One enters this door or gate when committing to the teachings of the Buddha. When the Buddha realized enlightenment, and then shared it with the world, it has been called the… -
Wang Wei: Lacquer Tree Plantation
Wang Wei Lacquer Tree Plantation 漆园 古 人 非 傲 吏自 阙 经 世 务。 偶 寄 一 微 官婆 娑 数 株 树。 Qi Yuan Gu ren fei ao liZi que jing shi wu Ou ji yi wei guanPo suo shu zhu shu. Lacquer Tree Plantation Zhuangzi was not a proud, arrogant government officialMy mistake, to endure outside, worldly affairs. Occasionally depend upon a minor government positionSpend time… -
Wang Wei: Wang River House
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Wang River Country House 辋川别业 不 到 东 山 向 一 年归 来 才 及 种 春 田。雨 中 草 色 绿 堪 染水 上 桃 花 红 欲 燃。 优 娄 比 丘 经 论 学伛 偻 丈 人 乡 里 贤。披 衣 倒 屣 且 相 见相 欢 语 笑 衡 门 前。 Wang Chuan Bie Ye Bu dao dong shan xiang yi nianGui lai cai ji zhong chun tianYu zhong cao se lu kan ranShui shang tao hua hong yu ran You lou bi qiu jing lun xueYu lu zhang ren xiang li xianPi yi dao xi qie xiang jianXiang huan yu xiao heng men qian. Wang River Country House Almost one year since last arriving in the eastern mountainsReturn just at the right time for the spring fieldsFallen rain on grass, green colors dye and stain like a paintingWater on the peach blossoms, their red a burning flame Youlou and Biqiu study the high level Buddhist sutrasHunchbacked old man in your hometown wise and virtuousOver the shoulder clothes, sandals worn reversed, just to see one anotherJoyous words with one another, laughter in front of the flimsy front door. Notes: Eastern mountains: A place for yinju: rural… -
Wang Wei: Autumn Night Sitting Alone
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Autumn Night, Sitting Alone 秋夜独坐 独 坐 悲 双 鬓空 堂 欲 二 更。雨 中 山 果 落灯 下 草 虫 鸣。 白 发 终 难 变黄 金 不 可 成 。欲 知 除 老 病惟 有 学 无 生。 Qiu Ye Du Zuo Du zuo bei shuang binKong tang yu er gengYu zhong shan guo luoDeng xia cao chong ming Bai fa zhong nan bianHuang jin bu ke chengYu zhi chu lao bingWei you xue wu sheng. Autumn Night, Sitting Alone Sitting alone, both temples whiteEmpty hall, almost midnightRain in the mountains, fruit falls downLamp light on the grass, insects sing In the end, white hair difficult to changeYellow gold not able to accomplishAlready know how to eliminate old age and illnessOnly have to learn to remove the life-death distinctions Notes: Yellow gold: Can mean the yellow gold of money and/or refer to the Daoist alchemy practice of trying to create the gold immortality pills, taken by many emperors Old age and illness: The Buddhist belief of trying to overcome the four obstacles: sheng 生 (birth), lao 老 (old age), bing 病 (illness), si 死 (death) -
Wang Wei: Morning Audience in the Daming Palace
Wang Wei Morning Audience in the Daming Palace With Imperial Scribe Jia 和贾舍人早朝大明之作 绛 帻 鸣 人 送 晓 筹尚 衣 方 进 翠 云 裘。九 天 阊 阖 开 宫 殿万 国 衣 冠 拜 冕 旒。 日 色 才 临 仙 掌 动香 烟 欲 傍 衮 龙 浮。朝 罢 须 裁 五 色 诏佩 声 归 向 风 池 头 。 He Jia Shi Ren Zao Zhao Da Ming Zhi Zuo Jiang ze ji ren song xiao chouShang yi fang jin cui yun qiuJiu tian chang he kai gong dianWan guo yi guan bai mian liu Ri se cai lin xian zhang dongXiang yan yu bang gun long fuZhao ba xu cai wu se zhaoPei sheng gui xiang feng chi tou. Morning Audience in the Daming Palace Poem With Imperial Scribe Jia With crimson headdresses, palace time keepers deliver counters at daybreakEveryone wearing the imperial audience clothes, emerald-green bird feather coats.Door after door, ascending to the last one, big door to a large roomFrom all over the empire to pay respect to the emperor’s crown. Sun arrives, shadows from the candle holders movingFragrant incense, all desire to be close to his ceremonial robe, a dragon that appears… -
Wang Wei: Climb Up to Bie Jue Temple
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Climb Up to Bian Jue Temple 登辨觉寺 竹 径 连 初 地莲 峰 出 化 城。窗 中 三 楚 尽林 上 九 江 平。 软 草 承 趺 坐长 松 响 梵 声。空 居 法 云 外观 世 得 无 生。 Deng Bian Jue Si Zhu jing lian chu diLian feng chu hua chengChuang zhong san chu jinLin shang jiu jiang ping Ruan cao cheng fu zuoChang song xiang fan shengKong ju fa yun waiGuan shi de wu sheng. Climb Up to Bian Jue Temple Bamboo trail connects to the beginning of groundAt Lotus Petal Peak, come back to the City of Change.Out the middle window one can see the country of Chu in its entiretyAbove the forest, looking down on the Jiu River spread far and wide. Sit cross-legged on grass, soft yet firmTall pines echo sounds of Buddhist chants.Live within your emptiness, outside the Dharma spiritViewing what is beyond this life and worldly existence. Notes: Bian Jue: A Buddhist temple located half-way up Mt. Lu in the province of Guizhou. Beginning of ground: Refers to both the first steps leading up to the mountain, and the first steps a Buddhist must travel to achieve… -
Wang Wei: Presented to Official Shi Xinggong
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Presented to Official Shi Xinggong 献始兴公 宁 栖 野 树 林宁 饮 涧 水 流;不 用 坐 梁 肉崎 岖 见 王 侯。 鄙 哉 匹 夫 节布 褐 将 白 头!任 智 诚 则 短守 仁 固 其 优。 侧 闻 大 君 子安 问 党 与 仇。所 不 卖 公 器动 为 苍 生 谟。 贱 子 跪 自 陈可 为 帐 下 不?感 激 有 公 议曲 私 非 所 求! Xian Shi Xing Gong Ning qi ye shu linNing yin jian shui liuBu yong zuo liang rouQi qu jian wang hou Bi zai pi fu jieBu he jiang bai touRen zhi cheng ze duanShou ren gu qi you Ce wen da jun ziAn wen dang yu chouSuo bu mai gong qiDong wei cang sheng mo Jian zi gui zi chenKe wei zhang xia bu ?Gan ji you gong yiQu si fei suo qiu. Presented to Official Shi Xinggong I would rather live in open country forestsWould rather drink mountain water flows.Do not eat roasted rib meatOnly after many introductions can I meet a relative of the emperor. The humble, common people have moral integrity!I can wear coarse brown cloth until I have… -
Wang Wei: Inside Xinchong
Wang Wei Inside Xinchang This Past Spring With Pei Di, Pay a Visit, But Do Not Meet the Recluse Lu 春日与裴迪过新昌里访捛逸人不遇 桃 源 一 向 绝 风 尘柳 市 南 头 访 隐 沦。到 门 不 敢 题 凡 鸟看 竹 何 须 问 主 人? 城 外 青 山 如 屋 里东 家 流 水 入 西 邻。闭 门 著 书 多 岁 月种 松 皆 老 作 龙 鳞。 Chun Ri Yu Pei Di Guo Xin Chang Li Fang Lu Yi Ren Bu Yu Tao yuan yi xiang jue feng chenLiu shi nan tou fang yin lunDao men bu gan ti fan niaoKan zhu he xu wen zhu ren? Cheng wai qing shan ru wu liDong jia liu shui ru xi linBu hu zhu shu duo sui yueZhong song jie lao zuo long lin. Inside Xinchang This Past Spring, With Pei Di, Pay a VisitBut Do Not Meet, the Recluse Lu The Peach Blossom River Source is one way to break off from the hardships and uncertainties of an unstable societyIn the willow trees, past the south end of the city we seek the hidden hermit.Arrive at his door, we certainly cannot write “fan niao” over his doorAs… -
Wang Wei: Sent As an Envoy to a Strategic Border Stronghold
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Sent As an Envoy to a Strategic Border Stronghold 使至塞上 单 车 欲 问 边属 国 过 居 延。征 蓬 出 汉 塞归 雁 入 胡 天。 大 漠 孤 烟 直长 河 落 日 圆萧 关 逢 候 骑都 护 在 燕 然。 Shi Zhi Sai Shang Dan che yu wen bianShu guo guo ju yanZheng peng chu han saiGui yan ru hu tian Da mo gu yan zhiChang he luo ri yuanXiao guan feng hou qiDu hu zai yan ran. Sent As an Envoy to a Strategic Border Stronghold Traveling in a single carriage to inspect the borderAt Juyan, an area that just came under the country’s rule.Arrive at the Han border stronghold after a long journey through wind-blown tall grassesReturning wild geese enter the Hu skies. Large desert, solitary sand twisters straight up into the skyLong river, setting sun still round.At the Xiao fortress on a strategic mountain pass, I await at the station to change horsesTold that a general of the palace guard, returning from a victory at Mt. Yanran, will take the next fresh horse. Notes: Juyan: An area on the Mongolian frontier Han: A Chinese military outpost. Hu: non-Han, nomadic people and… -
Wang Wei: Visit to Xiangji Temple
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Visit to Xiangji Temple 过香积寺 不 知 香 积 寺数 里 入 云 峰。古 木 无 人 径深 山 何 处 钟? 泉 声 咽 危 石日 色 冷 青 松。薄 暮 空 潭 曲安 禅 制 毒 龙. Guo Xiang Ji Si Bu zhi xiang ji siShu li ru yun feng.Gu mu wu ren jingShen shan he chu zhong ? Quan sheng ye wei shiRi se leng qing song.Bo mu kong tan quAn chan zhi du long. Visit to Xiangji Temple Exact location of the Xiangji Temple is unknownInside countless summit peaks, the clouds enter.Ancient woods, no human pathwaysThis deep in the mountains, where do these bell sounds come from? Spring water sounds, slow and deep, obstructions under a steep stone cliffEven in bright daylight, green pine trees are cold.Thin misty sunset, quiet and deep pool hidden among rocky zigzagsPeaceful, long and intense meditation kills the sinister dragons. Notes: Xiangji; Literally means “accumulated fragrance” and/or “accumulated merit”. Sinister dragons: Worldly desires and passions. -
Wang Wei: Mt. Lantian
Wang Wei Wang Wei: Mt. Lantian Mountain Stone Gate Refined Temple 蓝田山石门精舍 落 日 山 水 好漾 舟 信 归 风。玩 奇 不 觉 远因 以 缘 源 穷。 遥 爱 云 木 秀初 疑 路 不 同。安 知 清 流 转偶 与 前 山 通。 舍 舟 理 轻 策果 然 惬 所 适。老 僧 四 五 人逍 遥 荫 松 柏. 朝 梵 林 未 曙夜 禅 山 更 寂。道 心 及 牧 童世 事 问 樵 客。 瞑 宿 长 林 下焚 香 卧 瑶 席。涧 芳 袭 人 衣山 月 映 石 壁。 再 寻 畏 迷 误明 发 更 登 历。笑 谢 桃 源 人花 红 复 来 觌。 Lantian Shan Shimen Jing She Luo ri shan shui haoYang zhou xin gui fengWan qi bu jue yuan,Yin yi yuan yuan qiong. Yao ai yun mu xiu,Chu yi lu bu tongAn zhi qing liu zhuan,Ou you qian shan tong. She zhou li qing ce,Guo ran qie suo shiLao seng si wu ren,Xiao yao yin song bai. Zhao fan lin wei shu,Ye chan shan geng jiDao xin ji mu tong,Shi shi wen qiao ke. Ming su chang lin xia,Fen xiang wo yao xiJian fang xi ren yi,Shan… -
Wang Wei: His Work
Wang Wei Wang Wei: His Work The reign of Xuanzong (712-756) during the middle of the Tang Dynasty saw the peak of Chinese culture, prosperity and world influence. This period, known as the High Tang was an era of peace and economic growth. Emperor Xuanzong was a major patron of the arts, funding eight orchestras, a theater, and a dance school within the palace. Of the three major poets of this time, Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei, Wang was the most prominent poet during their lifetimes. He was personally acquainted with every well-known poet, except Li Bai. He was also the only one to be consistently, yet not always, connected to the imperial court in the capital of Chang’an. He was considered an excellent craftsman and court poet, yet he wore both the tassled cap of the government official, and the cloth cap of a recluse. Wang Wei was famous for writing fine nature and landscape poetry. Many of these poems were either sent to friends, or used in connection with many of the send-off poems created upon departure of a friend, or himself, going off to travel to a new governmental position. A significant influence upon Wang… -
Wang Wei: Wei River Farmhouses
Wang Wei Wei River Farmhouses 渭川田家 斜 光 照 墟 落穷 巷 牛 羊 归。野 老 念 牧 童倚 杖 候 荆 扉。 雉 雊 麦 苗 秀蚕 眠 桑 叶 稀。田 夫 荷 锄 至相 见 语 依 依。即 此 羡 闲 逸怅 然 吟 式 微。 Wei Chuan Tian Jia Xie guang zhao xu luoQiong xiang niu yang gui.Ye lao nian mu tongYi zhang hou jing fei. Zhi gou mai miao xiuCan mian sang ye xi.Tian fu he chu zhiXiang jian you yi yi.Ji ci xian xian yiChang ran yin shi wei. Wei River Farmhouses Slanting sunbeams fall to illuminate ramshackle homesEnd of a narrow street, ox and sheep have returned.Rural old man waiting for the child-herdersLeans against his cane at the bramble gate. Pheasants eat the sprouted grain that have put forth sproutsSilkworms dormant, mulberry leaves rare.Field laborers arrive carrying a hoe on their shouldersThey talk with each other, reluctant to part.I envy their attainment of this idle leisure and solitudeDisappointed, I chant “Shi Wei” . Notes: “Shi Wei”: A Chinese version of “Show Me the Way to Go Home”.
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