Bai Juyi: What Lives and Flourishes Upon This Pond: Two Four-Line Poems: No. 2

Bai Juyi: What Lives and Flourishes Upon This Pond: Two Four-Line Poems: No. 2
Bai Juyi

What Lives and Flourishes Upon This Pond: Two Four-Line Poems: No. 2



水 浅 鱼 稀 白 鹭 饥
劳 心 瞪 目 待 鱼 时。
外 容 闲 暇 中 心 苦
似 是 而 非 谁 是 知?

Chi Shang Yu Xing: Er Jue

Shui qian yu xi bai lu ji
Lao xin deng mu dai yu shi.
Wai rong xian xia zhong xin ku
Si shi er fei shei shi zhi?

What Lives and Flourishes Upon This Pond: Two Four-Line Poems: No. 2


Rare shallow-water fish, white egrets hungry
Rack one’s brains, eyes staring ahead awaiting the fishing season.
Outside one is permitted leisure and freedom, although the heart suffers
Who cannot know what this is like?

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Tang poems

Bai Juyi: What Lives and Flourishes Upon This Pond: Two Four-Line Poems: No. 1

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