Even If It’s the Night即使黑暗降临

Not seeing for a few seconds widens our eyes and not hearing for a few seconds make our ears sharper. I wish there would be death for a few seconds so that life would get back to us stronger than before. However when a leave falls, it resembles of the spring that is going to come.“
Key words
失明shī mínɡ:blindness
失聪shī cōnɡ:deafness
绝症jué zhènɡ:incurable disease

Blueberry Blue 蓝莓蓝 ~ Chinese Movies&TV

Fritjof works for a Munich architectural firm and is sent to make measurements at a hospice for the dying. At the hospice Fritjof meets Hannes, a former school friend who is now in the final stages of pancreatic cancer. That life is a gift and that one has to embrace it wholeheartedly is something he learns from Hannes and from another patient in the hospice, Frau Fahrenholtz. She makes blueberry wine and carefully guards the secret of the very best blueberries: “You young people are just going to have to pull up your socks and find out for yourselves!” When Hannes and Frau Fahrenholtz die, Fritjof is able to shed his half-hearted approach to life. Now he finally discovers what it means to really live his own life.
Key words
收容所shōu rónɡ suǒ:asylum
蓝莓lán méi:blueberry
测量cè liánɡ:measure

The Spring River Flows East 一江春水向东流 ~ Chinese Movies&TV

Director: Cai Chusheng, Zheng Junli 1947

This epic drama begins in 1930s Shanghai: poor but honest Su Fen (Bai Yang) and Zhang Zhongliang (Tao Jin) meet in the factory wher they work. They marry and live with Zhang’s parents in one room of a small house. Zhong Liang’s brother and sister-in-law work for the revolution in the northeast. As the Japanese Army approaches Shanghai, Zhong Liang flees to Chongqing with Nationalist sympathizers-namely a Miss Wang Lizhen (Shangguan Yunzhu).
Unable to contact his family for months, Zhong Liang has no idea that his father has died and his wife has borne him a son. In fact, his new life in Chongqing keeps him so busy that he forgets about his family left behind in wartime Shanghai, and eight years pass without contact between them. While Zhong Liang works his way up the ladder of success by using Miss Wang’s guanxi, Su Fen, her child and mother-in-law slip deeper and deeper into poverty.
At the end of the war, homelessness and starvation threaten Su Fen and her family. Assuming that Zhong Liang has died in the war, she goes out to find work. But with her previous experience as a factory worker, Su Fen can only find work as a maid in the home of a wealthy Shanghai family that have just returned from Chongqing. The family turn out to be relatives of Miss Wang, now Zhong Liang’s spoiled and jealous wife. When Miss Wang and Zhong Liang return to Shanghai, Miss Wang’s cousin throws a large party at which Sun Fen must serve the guests. Finally, she comes face to face with her long lost husband, now married into a wealthy, bourgeois family.
The last half hour of the film sees Zhong Liang struggling to pacify his spoiled wife while his impoverished family waits in the wings for him to recognize their existence. Distraught and heartbroken, Su Fen heads to the Bund with her son in tow…
A prime example of Shanghai’s leftist film-making past, The Spring River Flows East stars two of the biggest female stars of that era: Bai Yang and Shangguan Yunzhu. Bai revels in the melodramatic role of Su Fen, while Shangguan’s role as the spoiled playgirl challenges the likes of Alex in Fatal Attraction – but 50 years earlier.
Despite the melodrama and rather obvious bourgeoisie versus proletariat plot line, The Spring River remains nothing less than a masterpiece. The diversity of Shanghai society at that time is revealed in this film that captures the imagination for the entire playing time of 3 hours.

Adlon A Family Saga阿德龙大酒店

“Adlon. A Family Saga” is not only a chronicle of the times and portrayal of morals and customs set against the backdrop of Hotel Adlon; it is also a captivating and emotional drama, telling the tale of two families’ entwined fates throughout four generations. This epic three-part television event spans a historical arch, commencing with the planning of the first Hotel Adlon through to the official opening of the “second Adlon” in 1997. The biography of a fictional hotel guest, Sonja Schadt, forms the guiding thread which seamlessly links the three episodes, thus spinning a tale of almost 100 years of remarkable hotel history.

Chinese Film: the Park (Gong Yuan) 公园 ~ Chinese Movies&TV

In recent years, the Chinese park has become a venue where concerned parents convene to discuss potential partnerships for their children. Set in a Kunming park, first-time director Yin Lichuan(尹丽川 Yǐn Lìchuān) focuses her story on this matchmaking ritual, with a delicate story of a father-daughter relationship.

June is a journalist approaching her 30th birthday who lives with her boyfriend Doudou, a young musician who doesn’t have a stable job. When her father comes to visit her from her hometown, June feels as if her personal life has been intruded upon.

Her father, not satisfied with her younger boyfriend, takes it upon himself to find her a new boyfriend. And so he heads to the park every day to meet like-minded elderly people, who have similar concerns for their children.

Rather than protest, June finds it easier to go along with her father and as a result meets many strange men, merely fueling the unspoken conflict between father and daughter that takes place every day.

The movie is reminiscent of Ang Lee‘s(李安 Lǐ An) early films, such as Pushing Hands(推手 Tuī shǒu) or Eat, Drink, Man, Woman(饮食男女 Yǐnshí nánnǚ), which both explore Chinese family relationships and feature imposing father figures.

Wang Deshun turns in a superb performance as June’s worried, lonely, caring and sometimes helpless father, effortlessly expressing the complex and contradicting emotions of his character.

Yin’s previous experience as a poet and a writer has obviously influenced her directorial style, resulting in a lyrical, softly spoken film, which involves slow camera and character movements. This style also marries well with the beauty of Yunnan and Kunming’s parks.

Joe Wong‘s Talkshow

Joe Wong (Chinese: 黄西; pinyin: Huáng Xī), is a Chinese American comedian and chemical engineer.He was born to a Korean Chinese family in Baishan, Jilin, China. His family moved from Korea to China three generations ago. He graduated from Jilin University and Chinese Academy of Sciences, before he came to further study chemistry at Rice University in Texas in 1994. He moved to Boston in 2001 and began to perform his comedy.

Although he had won numerous awards, he did not attract nationwide attention until after his appearance on Late Show with David Letterman on April 17, 2009, though most his deadpan material was suggested by the producers.His multiple appearances on TV, courtesy of Ellen DeGeneres, have boosted his reputation further. On February 10, 2010 Wong made his second appearance on David Letterman’s show.He also appeared on the March 30, 2012, episode of Late Show.

On St. Patrick’s Day, 2010, he headlined the annual dinner hosted by the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association.

Wong documented his performances in United States and China, discussing his limitations and style in Chinese humor.

On June 19, 2010, he placed first in the Third Annual Great American Comedy Festival.

各位晚上好,我是Joe Wong(黄西)。但是对很多人来说,听到我的名字,会问“谁”?Who(同音“Hu”)恰恰是我妈的娘家姓,也是我信用卡安全问题的答案。
Good evening, everyone. My name is Joe Wong. But to most people, I am known as “Who?” “Hu” is actually my mother’s maiden name, and the answer to my credit card security question.



But joking aside, I just want to reassure everybody that I am invited here tonight.



I grew up in China. Who wouldn’t?



As my childhood memories are totally ruined by my childhood.When I was in elementary school, as part of the curriculum, I have to work at a rice paddy, right next to a quarry where they use explosives to break rocks. And that is where I learned that light travels faster than sound, which is almost as slow as a flying rock.



My dad was a grumpy guy, but occasionally he would tried to cheer me up with jokes. But he doesn’t do it right. When I was seven, one day he said to me, “Hi, son, why is tofu better than centralized socialist economy?” So, five minutes later, I said, “Why?” He said, “Because I said so!”



我24岁的时候来到美国,在Texas的Rice University求学。这不是个笑话,不过现在是了。
I came to the United States when I was 24, to study at Rice University in Texas. That wasn’t a joke, until now.



And I was driving that a used car with a lot of bumper stickers that are impossible to peel off. And one of them said, “If you don’t speak English, go home!” And I didn’t notice it for two years.



And like many other immigrants, we wanted our son to become the president of this country. And we try to make him bilingual, you know, Chinese at home and English in the public. Which is really a tough to do, because many times I had to say to him in public, “Hi, listen, if you don’t speak English, go home!”



And he was said to me, “Hi, Dad, Why do I have to learn two languages?”I said, “Son, once you become the president of the Unite States, you will have to sign legislative bills in English, and talk to debt collectors in Chinese!”



When I graduated from Rice, I decided to stay in the Unite States,Because in China I can’t do the thing I do best here, being ethnic.



And in order for me to become a US citizen, I had to take those American history lessons,Where they ask questions like: Who’s Benjamin Franklin?We were like, “Ahh.., the reason our convenient store gets robbed?”



What’s the second Amendment? We were like, “Ahh.., the reason our convenient store gets robbed?”



“Roe vs. Wade是什么?”“呃!两种来美国的途径?”(Roe vs.Wade是美最高法院关于堕胎的经典案例。他在这里则是说那些偷渡到美国的人,要不就是通过row a boat(划船,和人名Roe同音),要不就是靠游到河对岸(wade是跋涉的意思))
What is Roe vs Wade? We were like, “Ahh& , two ways of coming to the Unite States?”



后来我读了很多的美国历史,以至于我都开始充满了白人罪恶感。(white guilt是指白人因为奴役黑人的历史而产生的负罪感。)
Later on, I read so much about American history that I started to harbor white guilt.



And in America, they say that all menare created equal, but after birth,it kind of depends on their parents’ income for early education and healthcare.



I read in the Men’s Health magazine that president Obama every week has two cardio days and 4 weight lifting days. You see, I don’t have to exercise because I have health insurance.



我现在住在麻省,我们有全面的医疗保险。然后我们选了Scott Brown当州长。哦,有歧义。我想有一部电影是关于他的,那就是《杀死比尔》(Kill Bill)。(bill在英文里有议案的意思,这里讽刺这名州长极力反对Obama的医保改革方案。)
I live in Massachusetts now, where we had universal healthcare then we elected Scott Brown.Talk about mixed messages! I think there was a movie about him. It’s called “Kill Bill”



我很荣幸今晚能见到副总统Joe Biden。事实上,我曾经读过你的自传。今天见到你了,我觉得书(比本人)要好的多(然后镜头就给了副总统,副总统笑的哈开心),他们应该请布拉德·皮特来演,或者是安吉丽娜·茱莉。
I’m honored to eh.. meet vice president Joe Biden here tonight. em, I actually read autobiography of you,And today I see you. I think the book is much better.They should have cast Brad Pitt, you know, or even Angelina Jolie.



坦率的说,我真的非常荣幸今天能应邀来到这里。为了今晚的节目我也准备了好几个月了。我还把关于奥巴马总统的笑话给白宫看,于是奥巴马总统就决定不出席今天的晚会了。他还决定要讨论移民政策改革了。Stephen Colbert,给他记上。(Steve是专攻政治人物的政治评论家、主持人,总统总是拿他没办法)
So, I, to be honest, was really honored to be here tonight, and I have prepared for months eh, for tonight show, and I showed the White House my jokes about President Obama, and that is why he decided not to come. And he decide to talk about immigration reforms. Take that Stephen Colbert!



And President Obama has always been accused of being too soft, but he was conducting two wars, and they still gave him the Nobel Peace Prize. and he accepted it. You can’t be more badass than that. Well, actually, I’m thinking, the only way you can more badass than that, is if you take the Nobel Peace Prize money and give it to the military.



We have many distinguished journalists here tonight, whom I consider as my peers. Because I used to write for the campus newspaper. I think journalism is the last refuge for puns. Only on a newspaper can you see just like, “I was born in the year of the horse, and that’s why I’m a neigh-sayer(nay-sayer).” My point exactly.



今晚是我第一次出现在C-span频道,通常当我无法忍受PBS和QVC的鼓吹与煽动时我就会看这个频道(PBS的节目以主观著称,QVC则是购物频道)。如果我看了C-span还是睡不着,那还有C-span 2套和3套(C-span频道是国会辩论转播频道)。非常感谢!
And tonight is my first time on C-SPAN, which is a channel I obvious always watch when I couldn’t stand the sensationalism and demagoguery of PBS and QVC. If I can’t still fall asleep after watching C-SPAN, there are C-SPAN2 and C-SPAN3. Thank you very much!



So, I became a US citizen in 2008, eh, which I am really happy about. oh, Thank you very much! eh. America is number one! That’s true! cause we won the World Series every year!



成为美国公民之后,我立刻就登记了大选,并投给了奥巴马和拜登。(他回头看着拜登,对拜登说)不用谢。你们的口号“猜想我们可以”征服了我。这是他们的口号。(此处故意将“Yes We Can”混淆成了“Guess We Can”。)
After becoming a US citizen, and I immediately registered to vote for Obama and Biden. You are welcome. You had me at “Guess we can”. That was their slogan.



So, after getting Obama-Biden elected, I felt this power trip.And I started to think maybe I should run for president myself.



Well, I have to take a step back and explain a little bit. Because I had always been a morose and pessimistic guy.
I feel that life is a kind of like pee into the snow in a dark winter night. You probably made a difference, but it’s really hard to tell.



But now we have a president who is half black half white.
That just gives me a lot of hope, because I am half not black half not white. Two negatives make a positive.



你或许会问:“嘿,那你的竞选口号是什么?”你看,过去的90年代里我度过了10年。什么,你也是?好吧。所以我很理解美国人所经历的痛苦。所以,我的竞选口号将会是“Hu Cares”(此处又是Who-Hu的谐音,Hu Cares:“胡关心你”Who Cares:“谁在乎你”。)
You may be saying, hi, what would be your campaign slogan? You see, I spent 10 years in the past decade.Oh, you too? ok. So, I understand that American people are suffering.
So, my campaign slogan will be, “Who cares?” (Hu Cares)



If elected, I will make same sex marriage not only legal, but required!



That will give me the youth vote. You see I’m married now, but I used to be really scared about marriage. I was like, “Wow! 50% of all marriages end up lasting forever!”



And I will eliminate unemployment in this country by reducing the productivity of the American workforce. So, two people will have to do the work of one, just like the president and the vice president, or the Olson twins.



And despite heart diseases and cancer, most Americans die of natural causes. So if elected, I will find a cure for natural causes. You seem to like that one. But you won’t be covered by health insurance, you know. because of pre-existing conditions.



And I have a quick solution for global warming. I will switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius. It was 100 degrees, now it’s 40! You are very welcome!



我也很擅长外交政策,因为我来自中国。我从我家后院就看得到俄罗斯!(这里也隐指Sarah Palin曾经说的“我从我家门廊就看得到俄罗斯”)。
And I’m great with foreign policy because I am from China and I can see Russia from my backyard.



我认为,单边主义代价太高,公开对话又效率太低。如果我当选,我会选择“发短信”。我会发给我的盟友,仅仅打着招呼。我会在敌人开车的时侯给他们发短信。“天呐!听说你在造核武器?但是你们的做法是不对的!哈哈哈哈。OMG和LOL都是短信流行用语, OMG是Oh My God, LOL是Laugh Out Loud)。
I believe that, you know, unilateralism is too expensive, and open dialog is too slow. So if elected, I will go with text messaging. I’ll text our allies just to say “hi”, and text our enemies when they are driving. “OMG you are building a nuclear weapon? but you’re doing it wrong, LOL!”

Chinese Film: Spider Lilies 刺青 ~ Chinese Movies&TV

Though critics have picked up on the Sapphic aspects of Spider Lilies(刺青 Cìqīng), the story has more important themes and motifs, such as love, loneliness, family and the lives of the weak and marginalized.

Jade(小绿 Xiǎolǜ) and Takeko(小竹 Xiǎozhú) are two young, troubled women, both haunted by their past, who are reunited by chance. Jade (Raine Yang), makes a living performing via webcam for online voyeurs, but her private life is occupied by memories of a kind-hearted friend who helped her through her lonely childhood.

Meanwhile, this very girl, Takeko (Isabella Leong), makes a living as a reclusive tattoo artist. Takeko is haunted by the death of her father. The spider lily design that hangs on her parlor is a tattoo that was quite literally cut from the flesh on his back after he died while trying to save her younger brother from an earthquake. Takeko was away that night, on a date with her partner, and has never been able to forgive herself since.

The style of the film, from the dialogue to the visuals, is delicate and clear. Director Zero Chou uses the tattoo to symbolize a scar – physical proof of pain and injury – and in doing so asks what it takes to escape the shadow of the past. As the story progresses, we see that love and time are the only remedy for this kind of guilt and sadness. As a result, the film’s conclusion is certainly more hopeful than that of Butterfly, another Chinese film to which Spider Lilies has been (inevitably) compared. However, the real shining light is Yang’s illuminating performance as sad-eyed cyber temptress Jade.

The Founding of a Republic建国大业

The Founding of a Republic(建国大业Jiànguó Dàyè ) is a 2009 Chinese historical film commissioned by China’s film regulator and made by the state-owned China Film Group to mark the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. The film was directed by Huang Jianxin and China Film Group head Han Sanping.

Although the film premiered on September 17, 2009 in mainland China, it has yet to receive publicity in Taiwan. The film was produced with the backing of the Communist Party, but in response to reactions outside Mainland China, Huang Jianxin, the film’s co-director, “has said it was unfair to describe The Founding of a Republic as propaganda, since modern Chinese audience were too sophisticated to swallow a simplistic rendering of history.” While the Taiwan government has asserted that it has no plans to actively censor the film, it has yet to be released because Taiwan’s 2009 annual quota of 10 mainland films was already reached.

The film retells the tale of the Communist ascendancy and triumph, and has a star-studded cast including Andy Lau, Ge You, Hu Jun, Leon Lai, Zhang Ziyi, Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Zhao Wei, and directors Jiang Wen, Chen Kaige and John Woo, many of whom make cameo appearances so brief they could be easily missed; the leading roles are played by actors equally renowned in China, such as Tang Guoqiang and Zhang Guoli, but they are less well-known internationally. A CFG spokesman said many stars answered Han Sanping’s call to appear in the film, and waived their fee. Thus, the movie kept to its modest budget of 60–70 million yuan (US$8.8–$10 million). According to the executive at one of China’s top multiplex chains, the film unusually marries “the core of an ‘ethically inspiring’ film with commercial packaging.”


In 1945 after the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Mao Zedong and members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) travel to Chongqing for a meeting with Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang (KMT). With help from the China Democratic League, the Double Tenth Agreement is signed between the KMT and CCP, with both sides agreeing to stop the civil war and to establish a multi-party government in China.

The following year, Chiang Kai-shek calls for a National Assembly in Nanjing and is elected as President of the Republic of China (ROC). At the same time, the peace negotiations between the CCP and KMT fail and the civil war continues. Other political figures such as Zhang Lan, Soong Ching-ling and Li Jishen, support the CCP because they oppose Chiang’s government, even though they are in non-battleground areas such as Shanghai and Hong Kong.

In May 1948, the CCP declares the opening of a “War of Liberation” against Chiang’s ROC government, with many other political parties responding to the call and taking the CCP’s side. The Red Army scores victories against the NRA in subsequent battles and eventually Chiang’s forces retreat to Taiwan in December 1949. On 1 October 1949, Mao Zedong proclaims the People’s Republic of China with its capital at Beijing, marking the start of a new era for China.

Chinese Film: The Case (Xiangzi) 箱子 ~ Chinese Movies&TV

From young actress-turned-director Wang Fen(王分 Wáng Fēn) comes this offbeat tale of intrigue and suspense, set in Lijiang(丽江 Lìjiāng). Anyone who has experienced the tourist hell of this UNESCO-listed town may be surprised to see it quiet, atmospheric and free of hordes of people. Wang uses the old streets to lend a sense of claustrophobia to her tale.

A middle-aged couple run a guesthouse by the river, and one day the husband, Dashang (Wu Gang), spots a case floating by. Rather than the treasures he had hoped to find, the case contains body parts. As Dashang puzzles over how to dispose of his grisly find, an attractive young couple show up at the guesthouse, prompting feelings of longing, desire and suspicion.

Wang gives the film a twist by suggesting that it may all be a figment of Dashang’s imagination, trapped as he is in an unhappy marriage and longing for escape. The film has a dreamlike quality, while also portraying the psychological world of a middle-aged man in contemporary China. But not everyone will enjoy the strange blend of comedy and suspense, the characters engaged in farcical goings-on while living in a mysterious and empty city, in which unexpected horrors hide around every corner.

The ideal city 一座城池


导演: 孙渤涵
编剧: 孙渤涵;韩寒
主演: 房祖名 王太利
类型: 喜剧
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2013-09-18(中国大陆)
电影讲述从学校肄业的“我(林夕)”(房祖名饰)因为一次群架事件,和朋友“健叔”(王太利饰)从上海逃到了一个城镇。健叔是高我一年级的同学,我 们住在长江旅馆里,整日在这个城市里闲晃。后来我们认识了新朋友王超,从此,王超和他的桑塔纳就和我们混在了一起。故事将青年人的无奈、茫然、彷徨与尴尬 表现的淋漓尽致,就好像一直在寻找着一条路,然而最后发现路就在脚下。
The Ideal City
Director: Sun Bohan
script by: Sun Bohan Hanhan
Actors: Jaycee Fong, Wang Taili
Type: Comedy
Language: Standard Chinese
Release date: September 18th, 2013
Lin Xi is fed up with life in Shanghai’s underbelly. A final gang fight sends him looking for better prospects elsewhere, with best friend Jianshu. After putting enough distance between themselves and Shanghai’s chaos, the two wind up at the Yangtze River Hotel. The tranquility of the area is in stark contrast to the city they once called home, but then memories of Shanghai start to plague Lin Xi as he and his friends drift aimlessly around this peaceful town. Running away from Shanghai didn’t solve any problems, it just presented new ones, and they look for a way out of feeling lost.