Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8

Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8

感 兴: 八 首
曷 来 荆 山 客
谁 为 珉 玉 分?
良 宝 绝 见 弃
虚 持 三 献 君。
直 木 忌 先 伐
芬 兰 哀 自 焚。
盈 满 天 所 损
沉 冥 道 所 群。
东 海 有 碧 水
西 山 多 白 云。
鲁 连 及 夷 齐
可 以 蹑 清 芬。


Gan Xing: Ba Shou


He lai jing shan ke
Shei wei min yu fen?
Liang bao jue jian qi
Xu chi san xian jun.

Zhi mu ji xian fa
Fen lan ai zi fen.
Ying man tian suo qun
Chen ming dao suo qun.

Dong hai you bi shui
Xi shan duo bai yun.
Lu lian ji yi qi
Ke yi nie qing fen.


嘉 谷 隐 丰 草
草 深 苗 且 稀。
农 夫 既 不 异
孤 穗 将 安 归?
常 恐 隐 畴 陇
忽 与 秋 蓬 飞。
乌 得 荐 宗 庙
为 君 生 光 辉?

Jia gu yin feng cao
Cao shen miao qie xi.
Nong fu ji bu yi
Gu sui jiang an gui?

Chang kong yin chou long
Hu yu qiu peng fei.
Wu dei jian zong miao
Wei jun sheng guang hui?


Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8


Why come to Mt. Jing as a visitor
And who can distinguish rock from jade?
Finest and most unique treasure seen, and then thrown away
Three times you displayed it.

Straight-grained trees enviously cut down first
Fragrant tree sorrows, first to be burned.
Blessed and endowed by Heaven, quickly attacked and diminished
Subside into obscurity, the Dao huddles here.

Eastern sea has bluish-green water
And western mountains white clouds where many find seclusion.
Lu Lian attained the same level as the ancients
Can still follow their pure fragrance.


Good grains hidden within plentiful grasses
Grasses so deep, sprouts are rare.
If farmers cannot differentiate and separate
How can the tasseled support and survive?

Often fear the hidden within plots and furrows
Neglected, give autumn tumbleweeds the gift of flight.
How can one give devotions to the imperial, ancestral shrines
Make you emerge into radiance and glory?



Mt. Jing: Located in western Hubei Province.

The tasseled: High level government officials.



The quatrain in number seven that begins with “Straight-grained trees…” comes right out of passages by the Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi.


Li Bai: Carriage People Leave For Wen Quan Empress Palace, Send As a Gift to Mountain Recluse Yang

Carriage People Leave For the Wen Quan Empress Palace, Send As a Gift to Mountain Recluse Yang

驾 去 温 泉 宫 后 赠 杨 山 人
少 年 落 托 楚 汉 间
风 尘 萧 瑟 多 苦 颜。
自 言 管 葛 竟 谁 许
长 吁 莫 错 还 闭 关。
一 朝 君 王 垂 拂 拭
剖 心 输 丹 雪 胸 臆。
忽 蒙 白 日 回 景 光
直 上 青 云 生 羽 翼。
幸 陪 鸾 辇 出 鸿 都
身 骑 飞 龙 天 马 驹。
王 公 大 人 借 颜 色
金 章 紫 绶 来 相 趋。
当 时 结 交 何 纷 纷
片 言 道 合 唯 有 君。
待 君 尽 节 报 明 主
然 后 相 携 卧 白 云。
Jia Qu Wen Quan Gong Hou Zeng Yang Shan Ren

Shao nian luo tuo chu han jian
Feng chen xiao se duo ku yan.
Zi yan guan ge jing shei xu
Chang xu mo cuo huan bi guan.

Yi zhao jun wang chui fu shi
Pou xin shu dan xue xiong yi.
Hu meng bai ri hui jing guang
Zhi shang qing yun sheng yu yi.

Xing pei luan nian chu hong dou
Shen qi fei long tian ma ju.
Wang gong da ren jie yan se
Jin zhang zi shou lai xiang qu.

Dang shi jie jiao he fen fen
Pian yan dao he wei you jun.
Dai wu jin jie bao ming zhu
Ran hou xiang xie wo bai yun.


Carriage People Leave For the Wen Quan Empress Palace,
Send As a Gift to Recluse Yang

In younger years, lived around Chuhan
Dreary wind and dust, many with suffering faces.
In my own words, fancied myself equal to imperial advisors
Many laments, nothing I wanted connected to a biguan mind-heart.

One day the emperor touched me
Opened up my heart-mind, and gave him my most intimate feelings.
Suddenly appreciated an imperial light, the new situation and landscape
Go straight up into the blue sky on emerged and feathered wings.

Good fortune to return next on the luan imperial carriage back to the Hanlin Academy
Ride upon flying dragons and heavenly foals.
Palace insiders wanted me to mention them by name in my court poems
Those with a gold seal and purple silk ribbons arrived to beckon my presence.

At this time, met so many people I became confused
Only you and I can match literary expressions.
Await for me to complete an imperial request
After this, we can go with each other to relax among the white clouds.



Chuhan: Province of Hubei 

Wen Quan Palace: Also known as Huaqing.  Located east of the capital city of Chang’an. The hot springs were used by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty and his consort, Yang Guifei.

Biguan: Literally means to close the gate. To turn one’s back on the dust of this world. To live in rural seclusion and study the sacred texts.

Luan: A legendary bird that flies among the clouds. In the Yijing they are considered to symbolize a great and accomplished person.

Hanlin Academy: Located in the capital of Chang’an. Founded by Emperor Xuanzong as a place where elite scholars perform their literary tasks for the emperor.


Li Bai: Below Southern Mountains, Visit Mountain Recluse Hu Si, Bought Some Wine and Spent the Night

Below Southern Mountains, Visit Mountain Recluse Hu Si, Bought Some Wine and Spent the Night

下 终 南 山 过 斛 斯 山 人 宿 置 酒
暮 从 碧 山 下
山 月 随 人 归。
却 顾 所 来 径
苍 苍 横 翠 微。
相 携 及 田 家
童 稚 开 荆 扉。
绿 竹 入 幽 径
青 萝 拂 行 衣。
欢 言 得 所 憩
美 酒 聊 共 挥。
长 歌 吟 松 风
曲 尽 河 星 稀。
我 醉 君 复 乐
陶 然 共 忘 机。


Xia Zhong Nan Shan Guo Hu Si Shan Ren Su Zhi Jiu

Mu cong bi shan xia
Shan yue sui ren gui.
Que gu suo lai jing
Cang cang heng cui wei.

Xiang xie ji tian jia
Tong zhi kai jing fei.
Lu zhu ru you jing
Qing luo fu xing yi.

Huan yan dei suo qi
Mei jiu liao gong hui.
Chang ge yin song feng
Qu jin he xing xi.
Wo zui jun fu le
Tao ran gong wang ji.


Below the Southern Mountains, Visit Mountain Recluse Hu Si, Bought Some Wine and Spent the Night

Sunset joins the bluish-green mountains below
Mountain moon follows people going home.
Arriving here, I seem to be lost
From east to west boundless blue peaks, profoundly drunk.

Hold each other’s hand and go straight down to the fields and houses
Children open their bramble gates.
Enter tranquil layers of green bamboo
Green vines touch this traveler’s clothes.

Words of joy, a place to rest
Share rounds of good wine.
Chant long songs like the pine trees
Sing until the Milky Way fades.
I am drunk, you have returned to another altered state
Happy and carefree, the key is to forget the commonplace.



Below the Southern Mountains: Refers to a famous poem, “Drinking Wine No.5”, by the Eastern Jin Dynasty poet, Tao Yuanming. This poem and the poet can be found on this website.

Li Bai: Horse-Drawn Carts with Clouds of Flying Dust

Horse-Drawn Carts With Clouds of Flying Dust

大 车 扬 飞 尘
大 车 扬 飞 尘
亭 午 暗 阡 陌。
中 贵 多 黄 金
连 云 开 甲 宅。
路 逢 斗 鸡 者
冠 盖 何 辉 赫?
鼻 息 干 虹 霓
行 人 皆 怵 惕。
世 无 洗 耳 翁
谁 知 尧 与 跖。


Da Che Yang Fei Chen

Da che yang fei chen
Ting wu an qian mo.
Zhong gui duo huang jin
Lian yun kai jia zhai.

Lu feng dou ji zhe
Guan gai he hui he?
Bi xi gan hong ni
Xing ren jie chu ti.
Shi wu xi er weng
Shei zhi yao yu zhi?


Horse-Drawn Carts With Clouds of Flying Dust

Horse-drawn carts with clouds of flying dust
Mid-day dark, they criss-cross the footpaths between fields.
With mid-level positions in society, yet they have a lot of yellow gold
And own a long string of houses.

Encounter on the highway some fighting cocks
Why do their official hats glow so with distinction?
Their noses elevated, exhale to make double rainbows
All pedestrians walk with fear and caution.
My society without old men having their washed ears
So who knows that the unethical are serving Emperor Yao.



Washed ears: Refers to legendary recluse, Xu You, who lived during the reign of Emperor Yao. He lived north of the Ying River in rural seclusion. The emperor offered the throne to him, which he refused. Subsequently he washed out his ears to remove the filth of such an offer and offense against his better judgment.

Emperor Yao: (2356-2255 BC) Legendary ruler, and considered one of the great Five Emperors. Believed to be a good example of a morally correct sage-king. Supposedly ruled for 99 years.

Li Bai: Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran

Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran

赠 孟 浩 然
吾 爱 孟 夫 子
风 流 天 下 闻。
江 颜 弃 轩 冕
白 首 卧 松 云。
醉 月 频 中 圣
迷 花 不 事 君。
高 山 安 可 仰
从 此 揖 清 芬。


Zeng Meng Hao Ran

Wu ai meng fu zi
Feng liu tian xia wen.
Jiang yan qi xuan mian
Bai shou wo song yun.

Zui yue pin zhong sheng
Mi hua bu shi jun.
Gao shan an he yang
Cong ci yi qing fen.


Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran

I love and respect master scholar Meng
His legend known throughout heaven and earth.
At a young age he already had forsaken the fancy carriages of the palace elite
Without an official position, he lies down among the pines and clouds.

Frequently drunk under the moon, yet retained his orientation and judgment
Lost among the peach blossoms, not a government bureaucrat.
Admire him, who towers above tall mountains
With respect, I bow to him and his purity.



Meng Haoran: Famous Tang Dynasty poet and friend of Li Bai.  His poems and biography can also be found on this website.

The peach blossoms: Refers to a famous poem by the Eastern Jin Dynasty poet Tao Yuanming. Please refer to this website for the poem and comments.

Li Bai: Ridicule Shandong Confucians

Ridicule Shandong Confucians

嘲 鲁 儒
鲁 叟 谈 五 经
白 发 死 章 句。
问 以 经 济 策
茫 如 坠 烟 雾。
足 看 远 游 履
首 戴 方 头 巾。
绶 步 从 直 道
未 行 先 起 尘。
秦 家 丞 相 府
不 重 褒 衣 人。
君 非 叔 孙 通
与 我 本 硃 伦。
时 事 且 未 达
归 耕 汶 水 滨。


Chao Lu Ru

Lu sou tan wu jing
Bai fa si zhang ju.
Wen yi jing ji ce
Mang ru zhui yan wu.

Zu kan yuan you lu
Shou dai fang tou jin.
Shou bu cong zhi dao.
Wei xing xian qi chen.

Qin jia cheng xiang fu.
Bu zhong bao yi ren.
Jun fei shu sun tong.
Yu wo ben zhu lun.
Shi shi qie wei da
Gui geng wen shui bin.


Ridicule Shandong Confucians

Old Shandong man discussed the Five Classics
The white-hair only follows dead words and chapters of the ancient texts.
Ask them if this classic, exam-based knowledge will help the society
Their ignorance like the descending mist and fog.

They can wear expensive, well-made shoes
They don head wraps perfectly squared with round stovetops.
Colored silk ribbons require them to move slowly
Cannot travel until after they dust themselves off of this material world
Qin Prime Minister Li Shi said these Confucians not important,
unworthy of praise.

These people not Shu Suntong of the early Han Dynasty
We have nothing to share with each other.
You do not understand the society and its current affairs
Go back to plow and work the land along the Wen riverbanks.



Shandong: Province is eastern China

Five Classics: The Confucian books on poetry, documents, rites, the Yijing, (I Ching) and on the Spring and Autumn Annals.

Li Shi: The last king of the Chang Han (reigned 344-361).

Shu Suntong: (?-188 BC) An official in both the Qing and Western Han courts who was a supporter of the ancient traditions.

Wen riverbanks: The Wen River is located near Yangzhou.

Li Bai: Traveler to a Strange Place

Traveler to a Strange Place

客 中 作
兰 陵 美 酒 郁 金 香
玉 碗 盛 来 琥 珀 光。
但 使 主 人 能 醉 客
不 知 何 处 是 他 乡。


Ke Zhong Zuo

Lan ling mei jiu yu jin xiang
Yu wan cheng lai hu po guang.                                                                                            Dan shi zhu ren neng zui ke
Bu zhi he wai shi ta xiang.


Traveler to a Strange Place

Lan Ling beautiful, their wine with a strong, golden fragrance
Jade bowls with ladles arrive with light amber wine.

Yet the host can make this visitor drunk
Then I forget where my hometown is.



Lan Ling: Located in southern Shandong Province. Now a county.

Li Bai: Luoyang Spring Evening, Hear a Bamboo Flute

Luoyang Spring Evening, Hear a Bamboo Flute

春 夜 洛 城 闻 笛
谁 家 玉 笛 暗 飞 声
散 入 春 风 满 洛 城。
此 夜 曲 中 闻 折 柳
何 人 不 起 故 园 情?
Chun Ye Luo Cheng Wen Di

Shei jia yu di an fei sheng
San ru chun feng man luo cheng.                                                                                           Ci ye qu zhong wen she liu
He ren bu qi gu yuan qing?


Luoyang Spring Evening, Hear a Bamboo Flute

From whose house do the jade flute sounds fly
Scattered like the spring breezes filling all of Luoyang?

Middle of the evening hear the missing-home melodies
Who cannot feel the welling-up of these old garden feelings?



Luoyang: Former eastern capital city east of Chang’an (Xi’an).

Li Bai: Red Cliff Songs of Departure

Red Cliff Songs of Departure

赤 壁 歌 送 别
二 龙 战 决 雌 雄
赤 壁 楼 般 扫 地 空。
烈 火 张 天 照 云 海
周 瑜 于 此 破 曹 公。
君 去 沧 江 望 澄 碧
鲸 鲵 唐 突 留 馀 迹。
一 一 书 来 报 故 人
我 欲 因 之 壮 心 魄。


Chi Bi Ge Song Bie

Er long zhan jue ci xiong
Chi bi lou ban sao di kong.
Lie huo zhang tian zhao yun hai
Zhou yu yu ci po cao gong.

Jun qu cang jiang wang cheng bi
Jing ni tang tu liu yu ji.
Yi yi shu lai bao gu ren
Wo yu yin zhi zhuang xin po.


Red Cliff Songs of Departure

Two generals met in combat to determine who wins, who loses
At Red Cliff, fires swept the boats away.
Intense fires spread, lighting up the clouds and sky all the way to the ocean
General Yu scattered their troops and sailors.

You depart for the clear section of the Changjiang, transparent bluish-green in the distance
Only traces remaining from the battle are the jingni fish.
Send your diary notes to me and your old friends
My heart-mind and spirit will naturally grow stronger with them.



Red Cliff:  Famous battle in 208 AD, near the end of the Han Dynasty. Reportedly the largest naval battle in history.

General Yu:  (?-221 AD): One of the Five Elite Generals of Chinese history.