Han Yu: Heretical Criticism, From Lan Guan Exiled to Chaozhou, Nephews and Grandchildren Bid Me Farewell

Heretical Criticism, From Lan Guan Exiled to Chaozhou, Nephews and Grandchildren Bid Me Farewell

左 迁 至 蓝 关 示 侄 孙 湘
一 封 朝 奏 九 重 天
夕 贬 潮 州 路 八 千。
欲 为 圣 朝 除 弊 事
肯 将 衰 朽 惜 残 年。
云 横 秦 岭 家 何 在?
雪 拥 蓝 关 马 不 前。
知 汝 远 来 应 有 意
好 收 吾 骨 瘴 江 边。
Zuo Qian Zhi Lan Guan Shi Zhi Sun Xiang

Yi feng zhao zou jiu chong tian
Xi bian chao zhou lu ba qian.
Yu wei sheng zhao chu bi shi
Ken jiang shuai xiu xi can nian.

Yun heng qin ling jia he zai?
Xue yong lan guan ma bu qian.
Zhi ru yuan lai ying you yi
Hao shou wu gu zhang jiang bian.


Heretical Criticism, From Lan Guan Exiled to Chaozhou, Nephews and Grandchildren Bid Me Farewell

From far away sent one sealed letter to the palace elites
By sunset I was on the two thousand mile road to Chaozhou.
Wanted to make a sacred petition to stop and eliminate the excessive regard for Buddhist relics
In the evening of my life, tell my descendants I need to cherish what time I have left.

Clouds from east to west across the Qin mountain range, how can I see my hometown?
Snow surrounds Lan Guan, even the horses too cold to move.
I know what my grandchildren are thinking, I am going too far into exile
Please collect my dead bones and bury them along the miasma-infected riversides.



Chaozhou:  City in far eastern corner of Guangdong Province. Ancient people there developed their own culture and language. The language is still spoken by many east Asian overseas Chinese.

Qin mountain range:  Mountain range east to west in Shaanxi Province, just to the south of the ancient capital city of Chang’an ( now Xi’an). Also known as the Southern Mountains

Emperor Xianzong went to great trouble and expense to obtain some of the bone relics of the Buddha

Lan Guan: Located in the Lantian mountains south of the capital Chang’an.

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