Liu Yuxi Poem: Memories at Jinling – 刘禹锡《金陵怀古》












[1] 冶城渚:位于今江苏南京朝天宫一带,据说是东吴时期冶炼吴钩、吴刀的场所。

[2] 征虏亭:位于南京市玄武湖北,东晋时征虏将军谢石的哥哥谢万曾在这里送客。

[3] 蔡洲:长江过南京江段中心的小岛。

[4] 幕府:指金陵门户幕府山,因东晋王导曾在这里建立幕府屯兵而得名。

[5] 后庭花:指《玉树后庭花》这首曲子,由南朝陈后主陈叔宝创作,后人一般用“后庭花”来象征导致陈灭亡的陈叔宝的骄奢淫逸。

Memories at Jinling

Liu Yuxi

The tide overwhelms the forge’s site,

The tower drowned in slanting sunlight.

The islet covered with grass green,

And hills are veiled by a smoke screen.

Man decides a state’s rise and fall,

Hills and streams can do nothing at all.

O hear the captive ruler’s song!

How can you bear his grief for long?

Jinling was the capital of six dynasties (220—604). The last ruler fond of pleasure-making became a captive and the place where weapons were forged was overwhelmed by the tide.


The first half of the poem is about the scenery of the Six Dynasties. The first half of the poem is about the scenery seen and the famous places in Jinling related to the Six Dynasties, in order to imply the cause of the rise and fall of a thousand years; the second half of the poem reveals the main theme of the poem through discussion and emotion, drawing on the past to satirize the present. The second half of the poem reveals the main theme of the poem through discussion and emotion. The whole poem is well-crafted and deeply emotional.

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