Meng Haoran: Gather Firewood Composition

Gather Firewood Composition

採 樵 作
採 樵 入 深 山
山 深 水 重 疊。
橋 崩 卧 查 擁
路 险 垂 藤 接。
日 落 伴 將 稀
山 风 拂 薜 衣。
長 歌 負 輕 策
平 野 望 烟 归。
Cai Qiao Zuo

Cai qiao ru shen shan
Shan shen shui chong die.
Qiao beng wo cha yong
Lu xian chui teng jie.

Ri luo ban jiang xi
Shan feng fu bi yi.
Chang ge fu qing ce
Ping ye wang yan gui.


Gather Firewood Composition

Gathering firewood, enter deep into the mountains
Easily reached branches across deep waters in the mountains.
Collapsed bridge, sit to investigate the supports
Dangerous road, take hold of hanging vines.

Setting sun, very few people left in the forest
Mountain wind against my simple clothes.
Long song, enjoy a light load of firewood
Going back, gaze into the distance, level open country.

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