Dai Shulun Poem: A Scenery like His Homeland – 戴叔伦《题稚川山水》

This poem is a seven-line poem written by Dai Shu Lun, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, during his travels.
Dai Shulun Poem: A Scenery like His Homeland – 戴叔伦《题稚川山水》
Dai Shulun








[1] 题:题写;书写。

[2] 稚川:地名。

[3] 汀:水边的平地。

[4] 行人:在外浪游的人。

A Scenery like His Homeland

Dai Shulun

Summer is cool beneath thatched roof under the pine,

Clouds cast a gloom over the trees and the sand fine.

In autumn breeze the roamer will sink in a dream.

How like his homeland look hills beyond the stream?

The poet does not describe the scenery so much as his own feeling.


This poem is a seven-line poem written by Dai Shu Lun, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, during his travels. This poem is not about the landscape, but about the author’s strong feelings of homesickness.

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