I Wash My Tablecloth in a Neighboring Stream~ 寒山·《庄子说送终》 with English Translations
Before his death, Zhuangzi instructed his disciples on how to bury him. In Zhuangzi's view, heaven can be his coffin, earth can be his coffin, and all things are his burial companions. There is no need for a lavish burial for him. When people return to heaven and earth, all they need is a bamboo mat to wrap the body. After death, people surround themselves with flies and there is no need to bother coming to mourn. If a person can live their entire life like Boyi Shuqi, living in seclusion in Shouyang Mountain, picking willows and eating, dying of hunger, and living according to the solar terms, even if they starve to death, they will still be happy. 诗词大意:庄子临死前吩咐弟子们如何为他送葬,在庄子看来天可以做他的棺,地可以做他的槨,万物都是他的陪葬,不需要再为他厚葬。人总有回归天地的时候,只需要一张竹席包裹尸体就够了。人死之后都将苍蝇环绕,也用不着劳烦前来吊丧。人活一辈子如果能像伯夷叔齐那样,隐居于首阳山,采薇而食,饿而死,有节气的活着,就算饿死也是快乐的。 寒山·《庄子说送终》 庄子说送终,天地为棺椁。 吾归此有时,唯须一番箔。 死将喂青蝇,吊不劳白鹤。 饿著首阳山,生廉死亦乐。 I Wash My Tablecloth in a Neighboring Stream Disclaiming wishes for a gala funeral, Chuangtzu said, “I have heaven and earth for coffins.” For mine, coming when it must, and will, I’m less ambitious: a shroud will do. Why annoy the feeding flies with more than that? Too late, mourning, to summon ten white cranes. Some will not serve corruption, and they starve: How else do you know to make death a joy? (Peter Stambler…... Amico- 0
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Luo Binwang: Again to My Relatives ~ 骆宾王·《再与情亲书》 with English Translations
骆宾王(626年—687年),字观光,婺州义乌(今属浙江)人。唐代大臣、诗人、儒客大家,与王勃、杨炯、卢照邻合称“初唐四杰”。 Luo Binwang (626-687 AD), also known as Guan Gong, was born in Yiwu, Wuzhou (now part of Zhejiang). Tang Dynasty ministers, poets, and scholars were collectively known as the "Four Great Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty" along with Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, and Lu Zhaolin. 骆宾王·《再与情亲书》 某初至乡闾,言寻旧友,耆年者化为异物,少壮者咸为老翁;山川不改旧时,丘陇多为陈迹。感今怀古,抚存悼亡,不觉涕之无从也! 询问子侄,彼亦凋零,永言伤情,增以悲恸。虽生死之分,同尽此途,而存亡之情,岂能无恨! 终期展接,以申阔怀。取此月二十日栖桐成礼,事过之后,始可得行。祁叙尚赊,情系何及!各愿珍勖,远无所铨。 《骆临海集》 Again to My Relatives Luo Binwang I can still remember vividly what happened when I returned to my native place last time. At first I asked about my old friends I wanted to meet, but, alas, the elder ones had already gone to the other world, and the younger ones had also become aged. The hills and streams were the same as they had ever been, but the tombs had mostly become the only remains of the past. There I was, condoling the dead and consoling the living while remembering the past and pondering over the present. In such circumstances, how could I refrain from bursting into a flood or tears? Then I asked about my nephews. To my great surprise, many of them had also withered away. My sorrow for the old was thus heightened by my lament for the young. Although death is the destined end…... Amico- 0
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Liu Changqing: At a Farewell Dinner for Wang the Eleventh Setting Out on Travels to the South ~ 刘长卿·《饯别王十一南游》 with English Translations
《饯别王十一南游》是唐代诗人刘长卿的作品,为《唐诗三百首》所收录。此诗抒发自己对友人的真挚情意,描写了挥手远望直到陷入思念,愁肠百结,写得动人心弦。全诗没有“别离”二字,只写离别后的美景,然而浓浓的离情别绪已完全融入景中,曲折婉转,首尾呼应,手法新颖,别具匠心,离思深情,悠然不尽。诗人借助眼前景物,通过遥望和凝思,来表达离愁别绪。手法新颖,不落俗套。 Farewell to the King on the Eleventh Southern Tour "is a work by the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Changqing, included in" Three Hundred Tang Poems ". This poem expresses one's sincere affection for a friend, depicting waving and looking far away until falling into longing, with a heart full of worries and emotions, and touching the heart. The whole poem does not have the word 'farewell', only describing the beautiful scenery after parting. However, the strong emotions of separation have been fully integrated into the scenery, with twists and turns, echoes at the beginning and end, innovative techniques, and unique craftsmanship. The thoughts and emotions of separation are deep and endless. Poets use the scenery in front of them to express their feelings of separation and sorrow through distant observation and contemplation. The technique is innovative and not conventional. 刘长卿·《饯别王十一南游》 望君烟水阔,挥手泪沾巾。 飞鸟没何处,青山空向人。 长江一帆远,落日五湖春。 谁见汀洲上,相思愁白蘋。 At a Farewell Dinner for Wang the Eleventh Setting Out on Travels to the South Liu Changqing A vast expanse of misty water lying ahead, I find myself in tears, waving farewell to you. Off you to like a flying bird to places remote, While I all alone face a mountain blue. In a boat…... Amico- 0
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Yu Xuanji: Reply to a Friend ~ 鱼玄机·《酬李郢夏日钓鱼回见示》 with English Translations
《酬李郢夏日钓鱼回见示》是唐代诗人鱼玄机的作品之一。鱼玄机,女,晚唐诗人,长安(今陕西西安)人。初名鱼幼微,字蕙兰。咸通(唐懿宗年号,860—874)中为补阙李亿妾,以李妻不能容,进长安咸宜观出家为女道士。与文学家温庭筠为忘年交,唱和甚多。后被京兆尹温璋以打死婢女之罪名处死。鱼玄机性聪慧,有才思,好读书,尤工诗。与李冶、薛涛、刘采春并称唐代四大女诗人。其诗作现存五十首,收于《全唐诗》。有《鱼玄机集》一卷。其事迹见《唐才子传》等书。 The "Return to Li Ying's Summer Fishing" is one of the works by the Tang Dynasty poet Yu Xuanji. Yu Xuanji, female, was a poet of the late Tang Dynasty, born in Chang'an (now Xi'an, Shaanxi). The original name is Yu Youwei, with the courtesy name Huilan. In Xiantong (Tang Yizong era name, 860-874), Li Yifei was appointed as a concubine to fill the vacancy. As Li's wife could not tolerate her, she entered Xianyi Temple in Chang'an and became a female Taoist priest. As a lifelong friend of the literary figure Wen Tingyun, he sang many songs together. Later, he was executed by the Jingzhao Yin Wen Zhang on charges of killing a maid. Yu Xuanji is intelligent, talented, good at reading, and particularly skilled in poetry. She is known as one of the four great female poets of the Tang Dynasty, along with Li Ye, Xue Tao, and Liu Caichun. Fifty of his poems still exist and are included in the 'Complete Tang Poems'. There is a volume called 'Fish Mysteries Collection'. His deeds can be found in books such as "Biography of Tang Talented Scholars". 鱼玄机·《酬李郢夏日钓鱼回见示》 住处虽同巷,经年不一过。 清词劝旧女,香桂折新柯。 道性欺冰雪,禅心笑绮罗。 迹登霄汉上,无路接烟波。 Reply to a Friend Yu Xuanji…... Amico- 0
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Sikong Tu: Motion ~ 司空图·《二十四诗品·流动》 with English Translations
司空图(837年—907年),河中虞乡(今山西运城永济)人。字表圣,自号知非子,又号耐辱居士。晚唐诗人、诗论家。司空图成就主要在诗论,《二十四诗品》为不朽之作。《全唐诗》收诗三卷。 Sikong Tu (837-907 AD) was born in Yu Township, Hezhong (now Yongji, Yuncheng, Shanxi). His courtesy name is Saint, and he is also known as Zhifeizi or Naifenjushi. Late Tang poet and critic of poetry. Sikong Tu's achievements mainly lie in poetry theory, and "Twenty Four Poems" is an immortal work. The Complete Collection of Tang Poetry consists of three volumes. The Twenty Four Poems: Flowing "is the final theoretical work in the" Twenty Four Poems "by the Tang Dynasty poet Sikong Tu, which explores the aesthetic style of poetry. It mainly expresses that poetry should be in an endless state of movement and change like all things in the universe, and has profound implications. 司空图·《二十四诗品·流动》 若纳水輨,如转丸珠。 夫岂可道,假体如愚。 荒荒坤轴,悠悠天枢。 载要其端,载同其符。 超超神明,返返冥无。 来往千载,是之谓乎。 Motion Like a whirling water-wheel, Like rolling pearls,-- Yet how are these worthy to be named? They are but illustrations for fools. There is the mighty axis of Earth, The never-resting pole of Heaven; Let us grasp their clue, And with them be blended in One, Beyond the bounds of thought, Circling for ever in the great Void, An orbit of a thousand years,-- Yes, this is the key to my theme. (Herbert A. Giles 译)... Amico- 0
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Huangfu Ran: Spring Thoughts ~ 皇甫冉·《春思》 with English Translations
《春思》是唐代诗人皇甫冉创作的一首七言律诗。这首诗是借闺妇抒写春怨,期望早日了结战事,征夫能功成名遂。诗的首联点明题意,首句点“春”,次句点路遥“相思”。颔联写少妇和征人所在之地,一在汉,一在胡,相隔千里。颈联写离恨,写春情。末联故作问语,问征夫何时功成返乡。全诗流露非战情绪,也是借汉咏唐,讽刺穷兵黩武。 Spring Thoughts "is a seven character regulated poem created by the Tang Dynasty poet Huang Furan. This poem is written by a young woman to express her spring grievances, hoping for an early end to the war and the success of her husband's expedition. The first couplet of the poem indicates the meaning of the title, with the first ending being "spring" and the second ending being "longing for love" on the road. The couplet depicts the location of the young woman and the conscript, one in Han and the other in Hu, separated by thousands of miles. Neck couplets depict departure from hatred and spring romance. At the end of the couplet, it is used as a rhetorical question, asking when the husband will return home after achieving success. The whole poem expresses non war emotions, and also uses the Han Dynasty to sing about the Tang Dynasty, satirizing the militarism of the poor. 皇甫冉·《春思》 莺啼燕语报新年,马邑龙堆路几千。 家住层城临汉苑,心随明月到胡天。 机中锦字论长恨,楼上花枝笑独眠。 为问元戎窦车骑,何时返旆勒燕然。 Spring Thoughts Huangfu Ran With merry songs the orioles and swallows announce New Year, Yet how many thousand miles away do border towns lie? I live in the towered city near the royal palace, My heart now chases the…... Amico- 0
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Wei Ying-wu: To My Cousins ~ 韦应物·《寄诸弟》 with English Translations
《寄诸弟》是唐代诗人韦应物所作的一首七言绝句。韦应物,唐京兆万年人。韦待价曾孙。初以三卫郎事玄宗,后折节读书,肃宗时入太学。代宗永泰中,为洛阳丞,迁京兆府功曹。德宗建中二年,累除比部员外郎,出为滁州刺史,寻改江州刺史,追赴阙,迁左司郎中。贞元初,复出为苏州刺史,世称韦苏州。后罢居苏州永定寺,斋心屏除人事。工诗,与顾况、刘长卿等相酬唱。与王维、孟浩然、柳宗元合称“王孟韦柳”,或与陶渊明合称“陶韦”。 Sending to My Brothers "is a seven character quatrain written by the Tang Dynasty poet Wei Yingwu. Wei Yingwu, born in the capital of Tang Dynasty for ten thousand years. Wei Daijia's great grandson. At the beginning, he served as the Minister of the Three Guards to Emperor Xuanzong, and later withdrew from his studies. During the reign of Emperor Suzong, he entered the Imperial Academy. During the reign of Emperor Yongtai, he served as the magistrate of Luoyang and was appointed as the Grand Tutor of Jingzhao Prefecture. In the second year of Emperor Dezong's Jianzhong reign, he was dismissed from his position as a member of the Bi tribe and appointed as the Governor of Chuzhou. He sought to change his position as the Governor of Jiangzhou, but later pursued him to the Que and was transferred to the position of Left Censor. At the beginning of the Zhenyuan period, he made a comeback and became the governor of Suzhou, known as Wei Suzhou. After retiring to Yongding Temple in Suzhou, he fasted and eliminated all personnel. Gongshi, sung as a tribute to Gu Kuang, Liu Changqing, and others. Together with Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, and Liu…... Amico- 0
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Wei Ying-wu: The Call of the Cuckoo ~ 韦应物·《子规啼》 with English Translations
《子规啼》是唐代韦应物的作品。韦应物,唐京兆万年人。韦待价曾孙。初以三卫郎事玄宗,后折节读书,肃宗时入太学。代宗永泰中,为洛阳丞,迁京兆府功曹。德宗建中二年,累除比部员外郎,出为滁州刺史,寻改江州刺史,追赴阙,迁左司郎中。贞元初,复出为苏州刺史,世称韦苏州。后罢居苏州永定寺,斋心屏除人事。工诗,与顾况、刘长卿等相酬唱。与王维、孟浩然、柳宗元合称“王孟韦柳”,或与陶渊明合称“陶韦”。 Ziguai Ci "is a work by Wei Yingwu of the Tang Dynasty. Wei Yingwu, born in the capital of Tang Dynasty for ten thousand years. Wei Daijia's great grandson. At the beginning, he served as the Minister of the Three Guards to Emperor Xuanzong, and later withdrew from his studies. During the reign of Emperor Suzong, he entered the Imperial Academy. During the reign of Emperor Yongtai, he served as the magistrate of Luoyang and was appointed as the Grand Tutor of Jingzhao Prefecture. In the second year of Emperor Dezong's Jianzhong reign, he was dismissed from his position as a member of the Bi tribe and appointed as the Governor of Chuzhou. He sought to change his position as the Governor of Jiangzhou, but later pursued him to the Que and was transferred to the position of Left Censor. At the beginning of the Zhenyuan period, he made a comeback and became the governor of Suzhou, known as Wei Suzhou. After retiring to Yongding Temple in Suzhou, he fasted and eliminated all personnel. Gongshi, sung as a tribute to Gu Kuang, Liu Changqing, and others. Together with Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, and Liu Zongyuan, they are called "Wang…... Amico- 0
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Chia Tao: Overnight at a Mountain Temple ~ 贾岛·《宿山寺》 with English Translations
Jia Dao 《宿山寺》是唐代诗人贾岛的作品。此诗写诗人夜宿山寺的所见所感。首联突出佛寺之高,颔联描写夜景之奇,颈联体现了山顶的高远幽深,尾联烘托出山上环境的幽僻。诗歌风格清幽淡雅,语言精练,尤其是颔联两句突出了诗人炼字的精妙,为后人所激赏。 The "Sushan Temple" is a work by the Tang Dynasty poet Jia Dao. This poem depicts the poet's observations and feelings while staying overnight at the mountain temple. The first couplet highlights the height of the Buddhist temple, the chin couplet describes the wonder of the night scene, the neck couplet reflects the high and deep mountain top, and the tail couplet highlights the secluded environment on the mountain. The poetic style is serene and elegant, with concise language, especially the two lines of couplets that highlight the poet's exquisite character refinement, which has been greatly appreciated by later generations. 贾岛·《宿山寺》 众岫耸寒色,精庐向此分。 流星透疏木,走月逆行云。 绝顶人来少,高松鹤不群。 一僧年八十,世事未曾闻。 Overnight at a Mountain Temple Chia Tao Flock of peaks hunched up and colored cold. The path forks here, toward the temple. A falling star flares behind bare trees, and the moon breasts the current of the clouds. Few men come to the very top… One tall pine won't hold a flock of cranes. One monk here, at eighty, has never heard tell of the "world" down below. (J.P. Seaton 译)... Amico- 0
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Chia Tao: Quatrain ~ 贾岛·《绝句》 with English Translations
Jia Dao 贾岛(779~843年),字浪(阆)仙,唐代诗人。汉族,唐朝河北道幽州范阳县(今河北省涿州市)人。早年出家为僧,号无本。自号“碣石山人”。据说在洛阳的时候因当时有命令禁止和尚午后外出,贾岛做诗发牢骚,被韩愈发现其才华。后受教于韩愈,并还俗参加科举,但累举不中第。唐文宗的时候被排挤,贬做长江主簿。唐武宗会昌年初由普州司仓参军改任司户,未任病逝。 Jia Dao (779-843 AD), also known as Lang Xian, was a Tang Dynasty poet. Han ethnicity, born in Fanyang County, Youzhou, Hebei Province during the Tang Dynasty. In his early years, he became a monk and was known as Wuben. Self proclaimed 'Jieshi Mountain People'. It is said that when he was in Luoyang, there was an order prohibiting monks from going out in the afternoon. Jia Dao wrote poetry and complained, and his talent was discovered by Han Yu. After being taught by Han Yu, he returned to secular life and participated in the imperial examination, but failed to pass the exams. During the reign of Emperor Wenzong of Tang, he was excluded and demoted to be the chief clerk of the Yangtze River. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Wuzong of Huichang was transferred from the military position of Puzhou Sicang to the position of Sihu, but passed away due to illness before taking up his post. Jia Dao's "Quatrain" depicts a peaceful and mysterious underwater world with peculiar imagination and profound artistic conception, and endows the underwater moon with extraordinary value and power. 贾岛·《绝句》 海底有明月,圆于天上轮。 得之一寸光,可买千里春。 Quatrain Chia Tao At the bottom…... Amico- 0
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Chia Tao: After Finishing a Poem ~ 贾岛·《题诗后》 with English Translations
Jia Dao 《题诗后》是唐代诗人贾岛创作的一首五言绝句,写在《送无可上人》 之后。 贾岛,唐代杰出诗人。他是河北省涿州市人。早年贫寒,落发为僧,法名无本。曾居房山石峪口石村,遗有贾岛题跋版刻像庵。19岁云游,识孟郊等,因和推敲韩愈。还俗后屡举进士不第。唐文宗时任长江(四川蓬溪县)主簿,故被称为“贾长江”。其诗精于雕琢,喜写荒凉、枯寂之境,多凄苦情味,自谓“两句三年得,一吟双泪流”。但后又普州司仓参军,卒于任所。有《长江集》10卷录诗370余首。另有小集3卷、《诗格》1卷传世。这首诗是他视艺术为生命,全身心投入,执着追求完美境界的精神风貌的真实写照。 After the Poem "is a five character quatrain created by the Tang Dynasty poet Jia Dao, written after" Farewell to No One ". Jia Dao was an outstanding poet of the Tang Dynasty. He is from Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. In his early years, he was poor and became a monk, with no legal name. He once lived in Shiyukou Shicun, Fangshan, and left behind a statue temple with inscriptions and inscriptions from Jia Island. At the age of 19, Yunyou learned about Meng Jiao and others, and also scrutinized Han Yu. After returning to secular life, he repeatedly passed the imperial examination and failed to rank. During the reign of Emperor Wenzong of Tang, he served as the chief clerk of Changjiang (Pengxi County, Sichuan Province), hence he was known as "Jia Changjiang". His poetry is exquisite in carving, and he likes to write about desolate and desolate places, with a touch of sadness and bitterness. He calls himself "two lines of three years' worth, one poem with two tears flowing". But later, he joined the army in Puzhou Sicang and died in his post. There are over 370 poems recorded in 10 volumes…... Amico- 0
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Chia Tao: A Letter Sent ~ 贾岛·《寄远》 with English Translations
Jia Dao 《寄远》是唐代诗人贾岛创作的一首五言古诗,以《寄远》为题,抒写了对远方友人的思念之情。 Ji Yuan "is a five character ancient poem created by the Tang Dynasty poet Jia Dao. With the title" Ji Yuan ", it expresses the longing for distant friends. 贾岛·《寄远》 家住锦水上,身征辽海边。 十书九不到,一到忽经年。 A Letter Sent Chia Tao The family's living up Brocade Creek, while I've struggled off to this distant sea. Of ten letters sent, maybe one gets through, and when it does, it says another year's gone by. (J.P. Seaton 译)... Amico- 0
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Tang Yanqian: Rugosa Rose ~ 唐彦谦 ·《玫瑰》 with English Translations
唐彦谦(?~893?)字茂业,号鹿门先生,并州晋阳(今山西太原)人。咸通末年上京考试,结果十馀年不中,一说咸通二年(861)中进士。乾符末年,兵乱,避地汉南。中和中期,王重荣镇守河中,聘为从事,累迁节度副使,晋、绛二州刺史。光启三年(887),王重荣因兵变遇害,他被责贬汉中掾曹。杨守亮镇守兴元(今陕西汉中市东)时,担任判官。官至兴元(今陕西汉中)节度副使、阆州(今四川阆中)、壁州(今四川通江)刺史。晚年隐居鹿门山,专事著述。 昭宗景福二年(893)前后卒于汉中。 唐彦谦 ·《玫瑰》 麝炷腾清燎,鲛纱覆绿蒙。 宫妆临晓日,锦段落东风。 无力春烟里,多愁暮雨中。 不知何事意,深浅两般红。 Rugosa Rose Tang Yanqian Scenting of musk incense in combustion, And garnished with shark gauze1 to veil the green cluster as a decoration, She in the morrow Sol beams, pranks herself after the palatial style for adornment. Alas! With the waft of eastern breeze fall the silk-brocade ornament. Amidst the vernal mist she is flaccid without vitality and vigor. And vexatious with dole and grief in the rainy vesper. Beyond comprehension is her intention To be dressed in rubicundity of deep-delicate coloration. (黄龙 译)... Amico- 0
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Meng Jiao: For Her Son Who’ll Be Away for a While ~ 孟郊·《游子吟》 with English Translations
Meng Jiao 《游子吟》是唐代诗人孟郊创作的一首五言诗。这是一首母爱的颂歌。全诗共六句三十字,采用白描的手法,通过回忆一个看似平常的临行前缝衣的场景,凸显并歌颂了母爱的伟大与无私,表达了诗人对母爱的感激以及对母亲深深的爱与尊敬之情。此诗情感真挚自然,虽无藻绘与雕饰,然而清新流畅,淳朴素淡的语言中蕴含着浓郁醇美的诗味,千百年来广为传诵。 The Wanderer's Song "is a five character poem created by the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao. This is a hymn of maternal love. The whole poem consists of six lines and thirty words, using the technique of white line drawing. By recalling a seemingly ordinary scene of sewing clothes before leaving, it highlights and praises the greatness and selflessness of maternal love, expressing the poet's gratitude for maternal love and deep love and respect for her mother. This poem has sincere and natural emotions. Although there is no ornate painting or carving, it is fresh and smooth, and the simple and plain language contains a rich and beautiful poetic flavor. It has been widely recited for thousands of years. 孟郊·《游子吟》 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 For Her Son Who'll Be Away for a While Meng Jiao Needle and thread in doting mother's hand Turn out garments for her son out to roam the land. She puts in more stitches e'en as he leaves And frets that his homecoming may be moved back. Who says the tiny inch-tall blade of grass Can e'er repay the warm sunshine of spring? (龚景浩 译) The Wandering Son's Song The thread from my dear…... Amico- 0
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Li He: Song of the Bronze Statue ~ 李贺·《金铜仙人辞汉歌并序》 with English Translations
Li He 《金铜仙人辞汉歌》是唐代诗人李贺因病辞职由京师长安赴洛阳途中所作的一首诗。诗人借金铜仙人辞汉的史事,来抒发兴亡之感、家国之痛和身世之悲。全诗设想奇特,而又深沉感人;形象鲜明,而又变幻多姿;词句奇峭,而又妥帖绵密。此诗充满了浪漫主义色彩,是李贺的代表作品之一。特别是其中“天若有情天亦老”一句,已成为传诵千古的名句,曾被毛泽东引用在其诗《七律·人民解放军占领南京》中。 The poem "Jin Tong Xian Ci Han Ge" was composed by Tang Dynasty poet Li He during his journey from Chang'an to Luoyang after resigning due to illness. The poet uses the historical events of the Han Dynasty in the words of the immortal of gold and copper to express his feelings of rise and fall, the pain of his family and country, and the sorrow of his background. The entire poem has a unique and deeply moving conception; Clear and varied in appearance; The words and phrases are sharp yet coherent. This poem is full of romanticism and is one of Li He's representative works. Especially the line 'Heaven is old even if it has feelings' has become a famous quote that has been passed down through the ages, and was quoted by Mao Zedong in his poem' Seven Rhymes: The People's Liberation Army Occupys Nanjing '. 李贺·《金铜仙人辞汉歌并序》 魏明帝青龙元年八月,诏宫官牵车,西取汉孝武捧露盘仙人,欲立致前殿。宫官既拆盘,仙人临载,乃潸然泪下。唐诸王孙李长吉遂作《金铜仙人辞汉歌》。 茂陵刘郎秋风客,夜闻马嘶晓无迹。 画栏桂树悬秋香,三十六宫土花碧。 魏官舝车指千里,东关酸风射眸子。 空将汉月出宫门,忆君清泪如铅水。 衰兰送客咸阳道,天若有情天亦老。 携盘独出月荒凉,渭城已远波声小。 Song of the Bronze Statue Li He In the eighth month of the first year of the Qinglong era, during the reign of Emperor Ming of Wei, the court ordered a palace officer to ride west and bring back the gilded…... Amico- 0
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Tu Hsun-ho: See a Friend Off to Wu ~ 杜荀鹤·《送人遊吴》 with English Translations
《送人游吴》是唐代诗人杜荀鹤的作品。这是一首借送行向行人描绘苏州风貌的诗,诗题中的“吴”,诗中的“姑苏”都是苏州故称。结尾以料想行者赴苏后的乡思来衬托自己的惜别之意,尤具清新蕴藉之美。 "Farewell to Wu "is a work by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Xunhe. This is a poem that depicts the scenery of Suzhou to passersby by bidding farewell. The "Wu" in the poem title and the "Gusu" in the poem are both old names for Suzhou. The ending, with the anticipation of the traveler's hometown thoughts after going to the Soviet Union, serves as a contrast to one's own farewell, especially with a fresh and profound beauty. 杜荀鹤·《送人遊吴》 君到姑苏见,人家尽枕河。 古宫闲地少,水巷小桥多。 夜市卖菱藕,春船载绮罗。 遥知未眠月,乡思在渔歌。 See a Friend Off to Wu Tu Hsun-ho I see you to Ku-su. Homes there, sleeping by the stream. Ancient palace, few abandoned spots. And by the harbor, many little bridges. In the night market, lotus, fruit and roots. On the spring barges, satins and gauze. Know, far off, the moon still watches. Think of me there, in the fisherman’s song. (J. P. Seaton 译)... Amico- 0
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Chang Chiu-ling: Climbing a Tall Building on an Autumn Evening: I Gaze to Where the South River Touches the Shih-hsing Road ~ 张九龄·《秋晚登楼望南江入始兴郡路》 with English Translations
《秋晚登楼望南江入始兴郡路》是唐代张九龄的五言诗。这首诗写于张九龄辞官回到家乡之时(公元716年)。前四句描写南江泛滥的景象;五到十四句反映了作者在朝中受制、劳碌无成而心不甘的复杂心情;后四句诗人借用陶潜《归去来词》“觉今是而昨非”,肯定了辞官的决定。 The poem "Ascending the Tower in Autumn and Looking at the South River Entering Shixing County Road" is a five character poem by Zhang Jiuling in the Tang Dynasty. It mainly expresses the poet's complex emotions and profound insights into the natural scenery when he resigns from his official position and returns south. 张九龄·《秋晚登楼望南江入始兴郡路》 潦收沙衍出,霜降天宇晶。 伏槛一长眺,津途多远情。 思来江山外,望尽烟云生。 滔滔不自辨,役役且何成。 我来飒衰鬓,孰云飘华缨。 枥马苦踡跼,笼禽念遐征。 岁阴向晼晚,日夕空屏营。 物生贵得性,身累由近名。 内顾觉今是,追叹何时平。 Climbing a Tall Building on an Autumn Evening: I Gaze to Where the South River Touches the Shih-hsing Road Chang Chiu-ling Streaming rivulets draw back, sandflats emerge, Frost comes down, the sky’s vault, crystalline. Hunched at the railing, I gaze long and far, Path and ford draw many emotions of distant places. Longing comes from beyond the rivers and mountains; Where my gaze breaks off, clouds and mists arise. A rolling flood where nothing is distinct— Oh, what is accomplished from all this constant toil? I came here, wind shaking my frail white locks, No one could say it shook ribbons of high office. A stabled horse suffering cramped restraints, A caged bird longing for faraway journeys. The year grows ever darker toward its close. At the end of day, a pointless restlessness. All living creatures…... Amico- 0
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In Abbot Zan’s Room at Dayun Temple: Four Poems (1)
dufu In Abbot Zan's Room at Dayun Temple: Four Poems (1) Du Fu 大云寺赞公房四首 (一) 杜甫 心在水精域衣沾春雨时洞门尽徐步深院果幽期到扉开复闭撞钟斋及兹醍醐长发性饮食过扶衰把臂有多日开怀无愧辞黄鹂度结构紫鸽下罘罳愚意会所适花边行自迟汤休起我病微笑索题诗 dà yún sì zàn gōng fáng sì shǒu (yī) xīn zài shuǐ jīng yùyī zhān chūn yǔ shídòng mén jìn xú bùshēn yuàn guǒ yōu qīdào fēi kāi fù bìzhuàng zhōng zhāi jí zītí hú zhǎng fā xìngyǐn shí guò fú shuāibǎ bì yǒu duō rìkāi huái wú kuì cíhuáng lí dù jié gòuzǐ gē xià fú sīyú yì huì suǒ shìhuā biān xíng zì chítāng xiū qǐ wǒ bìngwēi xiào suǒ tí shī Heart at water essence landClothes wet spring rain timePenetrate gate utmost walk slowlyLarge court really tranquil appointmentReach door open again closeHit bell vegetarian meal at hereCream enhance develop natureDiet give support declineHold arm be many daysOpen heart without shame evasionGolden oriole pass structurePurple dove descend lattice screenHumble think reach place suitFlower beside go self slowTangxiu raise me sicknessSmile ask write poem My heart is in a world of water and crystal,My clothes are damp in this time of spring rains.Through the gates I slowly walk to the end,The great court the appointed tranquil space.I reach the doors- they open and shut again,Now strikes the bell- the meal time has…... Amico- 0
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白居易《杭州春望》 – Bai Juyi English Translations – Chinese Poems
Bai Juyi 杭州春望 望海楼明照曙霞, 护江堤[1]白踏晴沙。 涛声夜入伍员[2]庙, 柳色春藏苏小家。 红袖织绫夸柿蒂, 青旗沽酒趁梨花。 谁开湖寺西南路? 草绿裙腰一道斜。 这首诗是白居易写杭州春景之作。第一联写登楼远望海天瑰丽的景色,旭日东升,霞光万道;钱塘江水,奔流入海;护江长堤,闪着银光。据民间传说,伍子胥因为怨恨吴王,死后驱水为涛,所以第二联说,夜里听见庙中涛声,分外清晰。苏小小是南齐钱塘名妓,这里的“苏小家”代指歌楼舞榭,掩藏在一片青青柳色之中。第三联的“红袖”指织绫的女子,“柿蒂”指绫花纹,“青旗”就是酒旗,代指酒店,“趁梨花”是说,正好赶在梨花开时去饮梨花春酒。最后一联转到西湖,“湖寺”指孤山寺,“西南路”指白沙堤,白堤在一片碧绿的湖洲之中,望之有如裙腰。这首诗写景结合咏古,把自然景色和风物人情结合起来,使景物更加丰富多彩,更加富有诗味。 注释: [1]护江堤:指白沙堤,后人为纪念白居易称白堤。 [2]伍员:字子胥,春秋时期楚国人。父兄皆被楚平王杀害,遂辗转逃往吴国,他协助吴王先后打败楚国、越国,然而吴王夫差听信谗言,将其杀害。 Spring View in Hangzhou Viewed from the Seaside Tower morning clouds look bright, Along the river bank I tread on fine sand white. The General’s Temple hears roaring nocturnal tide, Spring dwells in the Beauty’s Bower green willows hide. The red sleeves weave brocade broidered with flowers fine, Blue streamers show amid pear blossoms a shop of wine. Who opens a southwest road to the temple scene? It slants like a silk girdle around a skirt green.... Amico- 0
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Po Chü-I: Ch’in ~ 白居易·《琴》 with English Translations
Bai Juyi 白居易(772年-846年),字乐天,号香山居士,又号醉吟先生,祖籍山西太原,到其曾祖父时迁居下邽,生于河南新郑 。白居易是唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,唐代三大诗人之一。白居易与元稹共同倡导新乐府运动,世称"元白",与刘禹锡并称"刘白"。 白居易·《琴》 置琴曲几上,慵坐但含情。 何烦故挥弄,风弦自有声。 Ch'in Po Chü-I Letting my ch'in stay on its little table, I sit idly, letting what I feel stay deep. Why bother to play it? In this breeze, strings sing perfectly well themselves. (David Hinton 译)... Amico- 0
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白居易《与梦得沽酒闲饮且约后期》- Poems of Bai Juyi | Chinese poet
Bai Juyi 与梦得沽酒[1]闲饮且约后期[2] 少时犹不忧生计, 老后谁能惜酒钱? 共把十千[3]沽一斗, 相看七十欠三年。 闲征雅令穷经史, 醉听清吟胜管弦。 更待菊黄[4]家酿熟, 共君一醉一陶然[5]。 此时,白居易和刘禹锡(梦得)同在洛阳,白居易任太子少傅,是个闲职。二人饮酒闲谈,回首平生,难免有“早岁那知世事艰”的感慨。两人争着付钱买酒,相看都已67岁,虽有高雅情怀,却只能引经据史,行行酒令,听听知己的“清吟”奏出心灵的乐章而已。二人相约等到重阳佳节,家酿的菊花酒熟了,再到家里会饮,更能消愁解闷。全诗言简意富,语淡情长,见出炉火纯青的艺术功力。 注释: [1]沽酒:买酒。 [2]后期:后会之期,再次相聚的日期。 [3]十千:十千钱,极言酒价之高以表二人尽兴豪饮。 [4]菊黄:菊花盛开的时节,通常指代重阳节。 [5]陶然:闲适愉悦的样子。 Drinking Together with Liu Yuxi While young, I was not worried about livelihood. Now old, how could I grudge money for buying wine? Let’s spend ten thousand coins for a jarful of drink good! Looking in face, two years more we’ll be sixty-nine. We read and play the drinkers’ wager game at leisure; Drunk, we listen to verse better than music light. When chrysanthemums yellow, may I have the pleasure To invite you to drink my home-brew with delight?... Amico- 0
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白居易《览卢子蒙侍御旧诗,多与微之唱和,感今伤昔,因赠子蒙,题于卷后》- Poems of Bai Juyi | Chinese poet
Bai Juyi 览卢子蒙侍御旧诗,多与微之唱和,感今伤昔,因赠子蒙,题于卷后 昔闻元九咏君诗, 恨与卢君相识迟。 今日逢君开旧卷, 卷中多道赠微之。 相看泪眼情难说, 别有伤心事岂知? 闻道[1]咸阳坟上树, 已抽三丈白杨枝。 白居易晚年与卢子蒙侍御交往,公元841年翻阅卢子蒙的旧诗集,发现不少诗是赠给元稹(元九,字微之)的,而元稹去世已经10年了。白居易不禁心酸,就写下了这首诗。头两句把30年前与元稹论诗衡文、谈笑风生的情景,重新展现在眼前。三、四句写今日与卢子蒙聚首,共同批阅他赠元稹的诗。五、六句写两个老人你望着我,我望着你,却都不说一句话。最后说,元稹坟上的白杨树枝都已三丈长了,树犹如此,人何以堪?这首七律悼念亡友,是一首情真意深的作品。 注释: [1]闻道:听闻,听说。 On Reading Lu Zimeng’s Old Poems Writtenin the Same Rhyme Schemes as Yuan Zhen’s Poems I have read Yuan Zhen’s verse on you of early date, And I regret not to have known you till so late. Today we read your verse together to the end, I find so many poems on our deceased friend. Looking at you in tears, what can I say at last? Who else can know what broke my poor heart in the past? I’ve heard say poplar trees in old capital loom With branches thirty feet long over our friend’s tomb.... Amico- 0
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白居易《红鹦鹉》- Poems of Bai Juyi | Chinese poet
Bai Juyi 红鹦鹉 安南远进红鹦鹉, 色似桃花语似人。 文章辩慧皆如此, 笼槛[1]何年出得身? 这是白居易以议论入诗的一首七言绝句。第一句叙事,说红鹦鹉是远方进贡的珍禽。第二句状物,说明鹦鹉的色彩如花,言语似人。三、四句议论,说和红鹦鹉一样光彩夺目、能言善辩的知识分子,其实也和红鹦鹉一样关在笼子里,什么时候才能飞出牢笼,恢复自由,一展宏图呢?这首诗借物起兴,为天下不得志的读书人,吐出了一口不平的怨气。 注释: [1]笼槛:囚困禽兽之处,此处指鸟笼。 The Red Cockatoo Annam has sent us from afar a red cockatoo; Colored like the peach blossom, it speaks as men do. But it is shut up in a cage with bar on bar Just as the learned or eloquent scholars are.... Amico- 0
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白居易《昼卧》- Poems of Bai Juyi | Chinese poet
Bai Juyi 昼卧 抱枕无言语, 空房独悄然[1]。 谁知尽日卧, 非病亦非眠。 这是白居易写孤寂心情的一首小诗。第一句写人,“抱枕”可见是独卧,“无言语”可见寂寞。第二句写境,“空房”更增加孤独之感,“悄然”更增加寂寞之情。第三句转为问话,“尽日卧”可见时间之长,“谁知”可见无人知晓,更加显得孤寂。第四句从反面作答,“非病”说明不是身体不好,“非眠”说明不是需要卧床;可见只是心情不佳,但又不便明说,而是有难言之隐。 注释: [1]悄(qiǎo)然:形容寂静无声。 Depression Hugging my pillow, what to say? My empty room’s in silence deep. Who knows I lie in bed all day, Not ill and not even asleep?... Amico- 0
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