李璟《浣溪沙·菡萏香销翠叶残》- The Lyrics of Li Yu – Chinese Poems – (Southern Tang)
Li Jing 浣溪沙 李璟 菡萏[1]香销翠叶残, 西风愁起碧波间。 还与韶光共憔悴, 不堪看。 细雨梦回鸡塞[2]远, 小楼吹彻[3]玉笙寒。 多少泪珠无限恨! 倚阑干。 这首《浣溪沙》最著名,上片的英译文可以回译如后:“荷花谢了,绿叶也凋残了。西风吹得绿水起波,露出了愁容,就像时间在美人脸上划下了皱纹一样,怎么经得起看,怎么经得起看呢?”下片主要写人:“在微雨中她梦见了遥远的边塞,就吹起玉笙来,悲凉的声音把小楼都吹凉了。啊!她多么想念(在边塞的)丈夫,流了多少眼泪!最后只好倚栏远望去了。”这首词中最难译的是“还与韶光共憔悴”,直译是荷花和时间一同憔悴,那就看不出荷花、碧波和美人的关系了。译文巧妙地把荷花的凋谢、绿水的波澜、美人的皱纹合而为一,又把西风吹起波澜和时光划下皱纹联系起来,使画面生动活泼了。这可以说是创造性的翻译。 This is the most famous poem, Huanxisha. The English translation of the first part can be translated back as follows: "The lotus has faded, and the green leaves have withered. The west wind has caused the green water to ripple, revealing a sad look, just like time has drawn wrinkles on the face of a beauty. How can it stand up to scrutiny? How can it stand up to scrutiny?" The second part mainly describes people: "In the drizzle, she dreamed of the distant frontier, and she played the jade flute. The sad sound cooled the small building. Ah! How much she missed her husband (in the frontier), how many tears she shed! In the end, she could only lean on the railing and look into the distance." The most difficult part to translate in this poem is "still withering with the time". The literal translation is that the lotus has withered with time, and the relationship between the lotus, the green waves and the beauty cannot be seen. The translation skillfully combines the withering of the lotus, the ripples of the green water and the wrinkles…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: It Was the Deep Cup
Li Qingzhao It Was the Deep Cup 浣溪沙 莫 许 杯 深 琥 珀 浓未 成 沉 醉 意 先 融疏 钟 已 应 晚 来 风。 瑞 脑 香 消 魂 梦 断辟 寒 金 小 髻 鬟 松醒 时 空 对 烛 花 红。 Huan Xi Sha Mo xu bei shen hu po nongWei cheng chen zui yi xian rongShu zhong yi ying wan lai feng. Rui nao xiang xiao hun meng duanPi han jin xiao ji huan songXing shi kong dui zhu hua hong. It Was the Deep Cup: (Wash Small Creek Sand) It was the deep cup, and strong amber wineNot yet sunk and drunk, mind in the early stages of melting and blendingLightly struck temple bell, predawn wind arrives. The expensive and foreign incense fragrance has vanished along with thebroken dreams.Pull out, to take apart small hairpins and coilsSober up to an empty room, tall part of a red candle and I the same. Notes: Li Qingzhao wrote many ci (词) poems. These poems are like the lyrics of songs. It is poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, also with fixed numbers of lines and words. For Li, most of…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Solitary and Lonely
Li Qingzhao Solitary and Lonely 点绛唇 寂 寞 深 闺,柔 肠 一 寸 千 缕。惜 春 春 去,几 点 催 花 雨。倚 遍 阑 干,只 是 无 情 绪。人 何 处? 连 天 衰 草望 断 归 来 路。 Dian Jiang Chun Ji mo shen gui, rou chang yi cun qian lu.Xi chun chun qu, ji dian cui hua yu.Yi bian lan gan, zhi shi wu qing xu.Ren he chu? Lian tian shuai caoWang duan gui lai lu. Solitary and Lonely: (Embellished Crimson Lips) Solitary and lonely deep within my roomTender heart, one inch has one thousand threads of sorrow.Cherish little bits of the parting springCounting raindrops and falling flowers. Always lean on the banistersIsolated without happy feelingsWhere are the living now?Across the horizon see declining grassesIn the distance, roads coming back to me are broken....- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Setting Sun Like Gold
Li Qingzhao Setting Sun Like Gold 永遇乐 落 日 熔 金, 暮 云 合 璧人 在 何 处?染 柳 烟 浓, 吹 梅 笛 怨春 意 知 几 许? 元 宵 佳 节, 融 和 天 气次 第 岂 无 风 雨?来 相 召, 香 车 宝 马谢 他 酒 朋 诗 侣。 中 州 盛 日, 闺 门 多 暇记 得 偏 重 三 五。铺 翠 冠 儿, 捻 金 雪 柳簇 带 争 济 楚。 如 今 樵 悴, 风 鬟 霜 鬓怕 见 夜 间 出 去。不 如 向, 帘 儿 底 下听 人 笑 语。 Yong Yu Le Luo ri rong jin, mu yun he biRen zai he chu?Ran liu yan nong, chui mei di yuanChun yi zhi ji xu? Yuan xiao jia jie, rong he tian qiCi de qi tian feng yu?Lai xiang zhao, xiang che bao maXie ta jiu peng shi lu. Zhong zhou sheng ri, gui men duo xiaJi de pian chong san wu.Pu cui guan er, nian jin xue liuCu dai zheng ji chu. Ru jin qiao cui, feng huan shuang binPa jian ye jian chu qu.Bu ru xiang, lian er di xiaTing ren xiao yu. Setting Sun Like Melting…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: My Poem Based Upon the Ode Wu Xi Zhong By the Poet Zhang Wenqian: Two Poems: No. 2
Li Qingzhao My Poem Based Upon the Ode Wu Xi Zhong By the Poet Zhang Wenqian: Two Poems: No. 2 浯溪中兴颂诗和张文潛:二首 (2) 君 不 见, 惊 人 废 兴 传 天 宝中 兴 碑 上 今 生 草。不 知 负 国 有 奸 雄但 说 成 功 尊 国 老。 谁 令 妃 子 天 上 来?虢 秦 韩 国 皆 天 才。花 桑 羯 鼓 玉 方 响春 风 不 敢 生 尘 埃。 姓 名 谁 复 知 安 史?健 儿 猛 将 安 眠 死。去 天 尺 五 抱 翁 峰峰 头 凿 出 开 元 字。 时 移 势 去 真 可 哀奸 人 心 丑 深 如 崖。西 蜀 万 里 尚 能 反南 内 一 闭 何 时 开? 可 怜 孝 德 如 天 大反 使 将 军 称 好 在。呜 呼!奴 辈 乃 不 能 道辅 国 用 事 张 后 尊乃 能 念 春 荠 长安 作 斤 卖。 Wu Xi Zhong Xing Song Shi He Zhang Wen Qian: Er Shou (2) Jun bu jian, jing ren fei xing chuan tian baoZhong xing bei shang jin sheng cao.Bu zhi fu guo you jian xiongDan shuo cheng gong zun guo lao.…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Autumn Red Lotus Flowers
Li Qingzhao Autumn Red Lotus Flowers 一剪梅 红 藕 香 残 玉 簟 秋轻 解 罗 裳 独 上 兰 舟。云 中 谁 奇 锦 书 来?雁 学 回 时 月 满 西 楼。 花 自 飘 零 水 自 流一 种 相 思 两 处 闲 愁。此 情 无 计 可 消 除才 下 眉 头 却 上 心 头。 Yi Jian Mei Hong ou xiang can yu dian qiuQing jie luo chang du shang lan zhou.Yun zhong shei qi jin shu lai?Yan xue hui shi yue man xi lou. Hua zi piao ling shui zi liuYi zhong xiang si liang chu xian chou.Ci qing wu ji ke xiao chuCai xia mei tou que shang xin tou. Autumn Red Lotus Flowers (One Cutting of Plum Blossoms) Autumn red lotus flowers fragrant from a small bamboo seatRemove my light wrap, board a solitary orchid boatWho has come from the clouds to bring a letter to me? Geese formations shaped like a word, the season for them to return under a full moon towards the western tower. Flowers wither and fall, float by themselves on river flowsWe are thinking of each other, two dwelling in idleness and worry.These emotions…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Spring Arrives in Changmen
Li Qingzhao Spring Arrives in Changmen 小重山 春 到 长 门 春 草 青江 每 些 子 破 未 开 云。碧 云 笼 碾 玉 成 尘留 咙 梦 惊 破 一 瓯 春。 花 影 压 重 门疏 帘 铺 淡 月 好 黄 昏。二 年 三 度 负 东 君归 来 也 渚 意 过 今 春。 Xiao Chong Shan Chun dao chang men chun cao qingJiang mei xie zi po wei kai yun.Bi yun long nian yu cheng chenLiu long xiao meng jing po yi ou chun. Hua ying ya chong menShu lian pu dan yue hao huang hun.Er nian san du fu dong junGui lai ye zhu xi guo jin chun. Spring Arrives in Changmen (Small Mt. Chong) Spring arrives in Changmen, grasses become greenSome river plum blossoms begin to break open, some do not open at allBin tea brick, grinding over and over until it is dustEarly morning dreams remainSurprised to realize one spring day of tea drinking has gone. Flower shadows press against the doorThin curtains hold the crescent’s moon light, a lovely yellow duskTwo years without you, a third springtime magic could be missedCome back now, we need to compare poems…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Late Spring
Li Qingzhao Late Spring 春残 春 残 何 事 苦 思 乡?病 里 梳 头 恨 发 长。 梁 燕 语 多 终 日 在蔷 薇 风 细 一 帘 香。 Chun Can Chun can he shi ku si xiang?Bing li shu tou hen fa chang. Liang yan yu duo zhong ri zaiQiang wei feng xi yi liang xiang. Late Spring: (Spring Remnants) Late spring, why do I suffer so thinking about hometown things?For a long time develop resentments, sick inside combing my hairover and over. Everyday many roof beam swallows express themselvesOnly a soft wind…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Dawn Dreams
Li Qingzhao Dawn Dreams 晓梦 晓 梦 随 疏 钟飘 然 蹑 云 霞。因 缘 安 琪 生邂 逅 萼 娽 华。 秋 风 正 无 赖吹 尽 玉 井 花。共 看 藕 如 船同 食 枣 如 瓜。 翩 翩 坐 上 客意 妙 语 亦 佳。嘲 辞 斗 诡 辩活 火 分 新 茶。 虽 非 助 帝 功其 乐 莫 可 涯。人 生 能 如 此何 必 归 故 家? 起 来 敛 衣 坐掩 耳 厌 喧 哗。心 知 不 可 见念 念 犹 咨 嗟。 Xiao Meng Xiao meng sui shu xiaPiao ran nie yun xia.Yin yuan an qi shengXie hou e lu hua. Qiu feng zheng wu laiChui jin yu jing hua.Gong kan ou ru chuanTong shi zao ru gua. Pian pian zuo shang keYi miao yu yi jia.Chao ci dou gui bianHuo huo fen xin cha. Sui fei zhu di gongQi le mo ke ya.Ren sheng neng ru ciHe bi gui gu jia? Qi lai lian yi zuoYan er yan xuan hua.Xin zhi bu ke jianNian nian you zi jie. Dawn Dreams Dawn dreams in the sync with scattered bell soundsFloating in the air, rosy clouds glow and lighten.Predestined to meet…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Written About Bayong Tower
Li Qingzhao Written About Bayong Tower 题八咏楼 千 古 风 流 八 咏 楼江 山 留 与 后 人 愁。 水 通 南 国 三 千 里气 压 江 城 十 四 州。 Ti Ba Yong Lou Qian gu feng liu ba yong louJiang shan liu yu hou ren chou. Shui tong nan guo san qian liQi ya jiang cheng shi si zhou. Written About Bayong Tower Thousands of ancient customs propagate around Bayong TowerRivers and mountains remain, we failed to protect this legacy for thelater generations. For one thousand miles this river flows to the…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Cold Food Days
Li Qingzhao Cold Food Days 鹧鸪天 寒 日 潇 潇 上 锁 窗悟 桐 应 恨 夜 来 霜。酒 阑 更 喜 团 茶 苦梦 断 偏 宜 瑞 脑 香。 秋 已 尽, 日 犹 长仲 宜 怀 远 更 凄 凉。不 如 随 分 尊 前 醉莫 负 东 篱 菊 蕊 黄。 Zhe Gu Tian Han ri xiao xiao shang suo chuangWu tong ying hen ye lai shuang.Jiu lan geng xi tuan cha kuMeng duan pian yi rui nao xiang. Qiu yi jin, ri you changZhong huan huai yaun geng qi liang.Bu ru sui fen zun qian zuiMo fu dong li ju rui huang. Cold Food Days: (Partridge Sky) Cold food days, sound of wind through locked windowsParasol and paulownia trees should hate the arrival of evening frost.Wine replaced with happiness, need to grind some bitter teaDream breaks up, only the residues of a fragrant incense stick. Autumn ends, days still longZhongxuan’s heart also remote, more lonely and cool.But not like following the old example, I get drunk againCannot sustain myself with yellow chrysanthemums along the eastern fence. Notes: Cold Days: More commonly known as Cold Food Festival. Celebrated during the three days before Qing Ming. Qing…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Outside Curtains
Li Qingzhao Outside Curtains 浪淘沙 帘 外 五 更 风吹 梦 无 踪。画 楼 重 上 与 谁 同?记 得 玉 钗 斜 拔 火宝篆成空。 回首紫金峰雨 润 烟 浓。一 江 春 浪 醉 醒 中 。留 得 罗 襟 前 日 泪弹 与 征 鸿。 Lang Tao Sha Lian wai wu geng fengChui meng wu zong.Hua lou chong shang yu shei tong?Ji de yu chai xie ba huoBao zhuan cheng kong. Hui shou zi jin fengYu run yan nong.Yi jiang chun lang zui xing zhongLiu de luo jin qian ri leiDan yu zheng hong. Outside Curtains: (Waves Wash Curtains) Outside curtains just before the dawn windBlows my dreams away without a traceGo to my painting studio, who can I share this with?Remember when a jade hairpin was askewUsed it to stir incense ashes, awoke to an empty house. Turn around to see the Zijin peaksRain and thick mists moistensOne spring river, waves sober up in between drunkennessKeep on a laced blouse, daily tears fall on the frontAsk the geese to launch this up to my husband. Notes: Zijin: Located on the eastern side of the city of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Also known as the Purple Mountain....- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Cold Windows
Li Qingzhao Cold Windows 感怀 寒 窗 败 几 无 书 史公 路 可 怜 合 至 此。青 州 从 事 孔 方 兄终 日 纷 纷 喜 生 事。 作 诗 谢 绝 聊 闭 门燕 寝 凝 香 有 佳 思。静 中 吾 乃 得 至 交乌 有 先 生 子 虚 子。 Gan Huai Han chuang bai ji wu shu shiGong lu ke lian he zhi ci.Qing zhou cong shi kong fang xiongZhong ri fen fen xi sheng shi. Zuo shi xie jue liao bi menYan qin ning xiang you jia si.Jing zhong wu nai de zhi jiaoWu you xian sheng zi xu zi. Cold Windows: (Recollections and Reflections) Cold windows, rental furniture, without good booksHad to join my husband who is on the government bureaucratic highway.[I have arrived at a place where Yuan Shu was before his death]We come from Qingzhou, with a life like Cong Shi, but have to be herefor the moneyAll day long party after party, one cannot stand their poor quality wine, then come home as a troublemaker. Close my door to refuse visitors to just write poetryLight incense in this government housing, have beautiful thoughts.Inside this centered contemplation I…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Everlasting Evening
Li Qingzhao Everlasting Evening 蝶恋花 永 夜 恹 恹 欢 意 少。空 梦 长 安, 认 取 长 安 道。为 报 今 年 春 色 好花 光 月 影 宜 相 照。 随 意 杯 盘 虽 草 草。酒 美 梅 酸, 恰 称 人 杯 抱。醉 莫 插 花 花 莫 笑可 怜 春 似 人 将 老。 Die Lian Hua Yong ye yan yan huan yi shao。Kong meng chang an, ren qu chang an dao.Wei bao jin nian chun se haoHua guang yue ying yi xiang zhao. Sui yi bei pan sui cao cao.Jiu mei mei suan, qia chen ren bei bao.Zui mo cha hua hua mo xiaoKe lian chun si ren jiang lao. Everlasting Evening: (Butterflies Love Flowers) Everlasting evening, many concerns, happy times are fewEmpty dreams of Chang’anI seek and find the road back to Chang’an.Current spring colors so greatMake flowered scenery and the moon’s reflection shine upon each other. Desire cups and plates, although they are not fancyBeautiful wine and sour plums match exactly the human heart.Drunk, flowers do not laugh at me as I try to insert you in my hairSpring flowers can sympathize with this old person. Notes: Chang’an: Ancient…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Arise From Being Ill
Li Qingzhao Arise From Being Ill 摊破浣溪沙 病 起 萧 萧 两 鬓 华卧 看 残 月 上 窗 纱。豆 蔻 连 梢 煮 熟 水, 莫 分 茶。 枕 上 诗 书 闲 处 好门 前 风 景 雨 来 佳。终 日 向 人 多 酝 藉, 木 犀 花。 Tan Po Huan Xi Sha Bing qi xiao xiao liang bin huaWo kan can yue shang chuang sha.Dou kou lian shao zhu shou shui, mo fen cha. Zhen shang shi shu xin chu haoMen qian feng jing yu lai jia.Zhong ri xiang ren duo yun ji, mu xi hua. Arise From Being Ill: (Scattered and Broken Small Stream Sand) Arise from being ill, sounds of rustling wind, two gray templesLying down, crescent moon through the gauze window.Round cardomen tea, tips cooked and steeped in the waterNo one to share this delight with. Poetry books upon my pillow, good to have some leisureWind outside the door, rain arrives to make a beautiful scene.All day nearby sweet-smelling acanthus flowersMellowed and aged like a fine wine. Notes: Cardomen tea: Cardomen is a now an expensive spice composed of seeds from many different plants. Acanthus flowers: A flowering shrub or small tree native…...- Amico
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Li Qingzhao: Often Recall Stream Pavilion Sunsets
Li Qingzhao Often Recall Stream Pavilion Sunsets 如梦令 常 记 溪 亭 日 暮沉 醉 不 知 归 路。 兴 尽 晚 回 舟误 人 藕 花 深 处。 争 渡,争 渡惊 起 一 滩 鸥 鹭。 Ru Meng Ling Chang ji xi ting ri muChen zui bu zhi gui lu. Xing jin wan hui zhouWu ren ou hua shen chu. Zheng du, zheng duJing qi yi tan ou lu. Often Recall Small Stream Pavilion Sunsets:(Ru Meng Ling: Like an Excellent Dream) Often recall small stream pavilion sunsetsDeeply intoxicated, do not know the way back. Arise in time to catch the evening return boatMistake entering deep into the lotus flowers. We argue and contend, reaching for the blossomsOne egret on the shoal arises with a start. Notes: Ci poems have the title of the melody used to sing it.For this and other poems like it, the title comes from the first line in the poem. In parentheses is the melody.... -
Li Qingzhao: Warm Rain and Clear Winds
Li Qingzhao Warm Rains and Clear Winds: (Butterflies Love Flowers) 蝶恋花 暖 雨 晴 风 初 破 冻柳 眼 梅 腮已 觉 春 心 动。酒 意 诗 情 谁 与 共? 泪 融 残 粉 花 钿 重。乍 试 夹 衫 金 缕 缝、山 枕 斜 欹枕 损 钗 头 凤。独 拘 浓 愁 无 好 梦夜 阑 犹 剪 灯 花 弄。 Die Lian Hua Nuan yu qing feng chu po dongLiu yan mei saiYi jue chun xin dong.Jiu yi shi qing shei yu gong? Lei rong can fen hua dian chongZha shi jia shan jin lu fengShan zhen xie qiZhen sun chai tou feng.Du ju nong chou wu hao mengYe lan you jian deng hua nong. Warm Rains and Clear Winds(Butterflies Love Flowers) Warm rains and clear winds end the hard freezesDormant willows like eyebrowsPlum trees the color of cheeks.Already sense the springtime changes in my heart-mind Who can share with me the drinking of wine and poetic emotions? Fallen tears stain make-up powder into layers of flowered patternsTry on my double-layered blouse, trimmed and detailed with gold threadLean against, rest my head on a pillow.Pillow damages the phoenix hairpin and hairstyleAlone, hold onto strong anxieties,…... -
Li Qingzhao: Last Night Scattered Rain
Li Qingzhao Last Night Scattered Rain 如梦令 昨 夜 雨 疏 风 骤浓 睡 不 消 残 酒。 诗 问 卷 帘 人却 道 “海 棠 依 旧”。 “知 杏?知 杏?应 是 绿 肥 红 瘦!“ Ru Meng Ling Zuo ye yu shu feng zhouNong shui bu xiao can jiu. Shi wen juan lian renQue dao “Hai tang yi jiu.” “Zhi xing? Zhi xing?Ying shi lu fei hong shou!” Last Night Scattered Rain:(Like an Excellent Dream) Last night scattered rain, strong windsSlept heavily, yet the remnants of wine have not disappeared. The household servant was asked the status of the flowers.She replied, “The flowering crab apple is dependable like old friends.” “Are you sure they are still there?”I am convinced that now there are more leaves, and fewer flowers.... -
Li Qingzhao: Layers of Make-up
Li Qingzhao Layers of Make-Up 浣溪沙 绣 面 芙 蓉 一 笑 开斜 飞 宝 鸭 衬 香 腮。 眼 波 才 动 被 人 猜一 面 风 情 深 有 韵。 半 笺 娇 恨 寄 幽 杯。月 移 花 影 约 重 来。 Huan Xi Sha Xiu mian fu rong yi xiao kaiXie fei bao ya chen xiang sai. Yan bo cai dong bei ren cai.Yi mian feng qing shen you yun Ban jian jiao hen ji you bei.Yue yi hua yin yao chong lai. Layers of Make-up Like a Lotus Flower:(Wash Small Stream Sand) Layers of make-up like a lotus flower, one smile beginsHairpins slanting away from fragrant cheeks. Inside very happy, people can guess her feelings from her eyesFresh and clear emotions, still hear deep and sweet sounds. Struggling to write only half a letter depends upon a hidden heartWith another moon, we again arrive at the place of blossoms and shadows.... -
Li Qingzhao: Weakening and Vast Spring Scenery
Li Qingzhao Weakening and Vast Spring Scenery 浣溪沙 淡 荡 春 光 寒 食 天玉 炉 浣 水 袅 残 烟。 梦 回 山 枕 隐 花 钿海 燕 未 来 人 斗 草。 江 梅 已 过 柳 生 绵。黄 昏 疏 雨 湿 秋 千。 Huan Xi Sha Dan dang chun guang han shi tianYu lu huan shui niao can yan. Meng hui shan zhen yin hua dianHai yan wei lai ren dou cao Jiang mei yi guo liu sheng mian.Huang hun shu yu shi qiu qian. Weakening and Vast Spring Scenery:(Wash Small Stream Sand) Weakening and vast spring scenery during Cold Food DaysJade incense burner, delicate water-soaked wood into smoke swirls and remnants. Dreams return from my mountain-shaped pillow, my head in hidden blossoms and flower-patterned gold foil hairpins.Ocean swallows yet to arrive, young girls play on the grasses. River plum flowers already gone, willows with emerging fluffsYellow dusk, scattered rain on wet swings. Notes: Cold Food Days: Unofficial holiday commemorating the death of Jie Zhitui, a legendary Zhou Dynasty nobleman from the seventh century BC. It is associated with tomb-sweeping observances for one day around the Qing Ming.... -
Li Qingzhao: Small Courtyard Leisure
Li Qingzhao Small Courtyard Leisure 浣溪沙 小 院 闲 窗 春 色 深重 帘 未 卷 影 浣 浣。 倚 楼 无 语 理 瑶 琴远 岫 出 云 催 薄 暮。 细 风 吹 雨 弄 轻 阴梨 花 欲 谢 恐 难 禁。 Huan Xi Sha Xiao yuan xian chuang chun se shenZhong lian wei juan ying huan huan. Yi lou wu yu li yao qinYuan xiu chu yun cui bao mu. Xi feng chui yu nong qing yinLi hua yu xie kong nan jin. Small Courtyard Leisure:(Huan Xi Sha: Washing Small Stream Sand) Small courtyard leisure, through the window, rich spring colorsLayers of curtains not yet scrolled, sad shadows within. Stay inside without words, play difficult and esoteric qin musicDistant mountains emerge from the clouds, hasten a remaining sunset. Gentle winds blow, rain plays with soft shadowsPear blossoms expect to wither, fear for enduring difficulties. Notes: Qin music: The qin is an ancient Chinese stringed instrument.... -
Li Qingzhao: The Time When Rain and Wind Are Together
Li Qingzhao The Time When Rain and Wind Are Together 丑奴儿 晚 来 一 阵 风 兼 雨洗 尽 炎 光。理 罢 笙 簧却 对 菱 花 淡 淡 妆。 绛 绡 缕 薄 冰 肌 莹雪 腻 酥 香。笑 语 檩 郎今 夜 纱 橱 枕 簟 凉。 Chou Nu Er Wan lai yi zhen feng jian yuXi jin yan guang.Li ba sheng huangQue dui ling hua dan dan zhuang. Jiang xiao lu bao bing ji yingXue ni su xiang.Xiao yu lin langJin ye sha chu zhen dian liang. The Time When Rain and Wind Are Together:(The Ugly Lady) Evening arrives, the time when rain and wind are togetherTo bathe away the powerful heat.We take turns expressing ourselves with our reed instrumentsIn front of the mirror, want to reapply more make-up and continue on. Change into thin and transparent silk clothesSnowy skin the fragrance of butter.Smile with flattering words for my husbandTonight we rest behind the gauze curtain on cool pillows and bamboo mats.... -
Li Qingzhao: Flower Seller
Li Qingzhao Flower Seller 减字木兰花 卖 花 担 上买 得 一 枝 春 欲 放。泪 染 轻 匀犹 带 彤 霞 露 痕。 怕 郎 猜 道奴 面 不 花 面 好。云 鬓 斜 簪徒 要 教 郎 比 并 看。 Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua Mai hua dan shangMai dei yi zhi chun yu fang.Lei ran qing yunYou dai tong xia lu hen. Pa lang cai daoNu mian bu ru hua mian hao.Yun bin xie zanTu yao jiao lang bi bing kan. Flower Seller:(Fewer Words For the Orchid Flowers) Flower seller with flowers on his shoulder poleBuy one spring blossom about ready to open.Light dew gives and receives water stainsTraces like a band of the rosy clouds at dawn. Afraid my husband may suspectMy face not as pretty as the flower.Mounted it, slanting and held by a hairpinCompels him to judge the side-by-side beauties.... -
Li Qingzhao: Thin Fog and Thick Flowers
Li Qingzhao Thin Fog and Thick Flowers 醉花阴 薄 雾 浓 云 愁 永 昼瑞 脑 消 金 兽。佳 节 又 重 阳玉 枕 纱 橱,半 夜 凉 初 透。 东 篱 把 酒 黄 昏 后有 暗 香 盈 袖。莫 道 不 消 魂帘 卷 西 风,人 比 黄 花 瘦? Zui Hua Yin Bao wu nong yun chou yong zhouRui nao xiao jin shou.Jia jie you chong yangYu zhen sha chu, ban ye liang chu tou. Dong li ba jiu huang hun houYou an xiang ying xiu.Mo dao bu xiao hunLian juan xi feng, ren bi huang hua shou? Thin Fog and Thick Clouds(Drunk in the Shade of Flowers) Thin fog, thick clouds, anxious all day longExquisite incense burned away from its golden holder.Double Nine festival happy timesJade pillow rest, gauze bed curtainsHalf way through the evening, the coolness begins to penetrateAlong the eastern fence, held wine after the yellow dusk. Sleeves still retain hidden fragrancesDo not need to say that my energy and spirit have disappeared.West wind against rolled up curtainsCompared to the yellow flowers, isn’t my mental state thin and bare? Notes: Double Nine Festival: Ninth day of the ninth lunar month holiday.…...