Ba Jin’s Essay: Sunrise at Sea – 巴金《海上的日出》

Ba Jin's Essay:  Sunrise at Sea - 巴金《海上的日出》

The Sunrise at Sea “is an impromptu essay written by modern writer Ba Jin on a ship to France in January 1927, and is included in” Sunrise at Sea “. The article focuses on depicting several different scenes of sunrise over the sea in clear weather and with clouds, in the order of before sunrise, at sunrise, and after sunrise, showcasing the great spectacle of sunrise. This article focuses on the scene when the sun rises, as well as the situation where dark clouds cover the sun and the sun finally breaks through the encirclement and shines on the sky and earth. Finally, it summarizes the author’s own feelings and praises the “sunrise on the sea”, expressing the author’s longing for brightness and the spirit of striving for progress.

This article is short and less than five hundred words, but its words are concise and full of meaning. The author captures a spectacular and magnificent sunrise moment on the sea in plain language, like a movie camera, and presents it to readers. This essay not only reveals Ba Jin’s joys and sorrows, successes and failures in various stages of his life, but also deeply reflects his unique thinking and profound insights in literary creation.


◎ 巴 金







Sunrise at Sea

◎ Ba Jin

I would often get up early to watch sunrise when it was not yet quite light and all was quiet except for the droning of the ship engine.

The sky was pale with a bluish hue. Soon a streak of pink dawn broke over the horizon, expanding gradually and becoming brighter and brighter. Knowing that the sun was about to rise, I had my eyes fixed on the distant edge of the sea.

As expected, the sun soon appeared revealing half of its face, which was very red but not bright. It kept rising laboriously bit by bit as if weighted down with a heavy burden on its back until, after breaking through the rosy clouds, it completely emerged from the sea aglow with a lovely red. Then, before I knew it, the dark red orb began to shine blazingly, dazzling my eyes until they stung and all of a sudden lighting up the surrounding clouds.

Sometimes, hidden by the clouds, the sun nonetheless shed its rays straight onto the seawater, making it difficult for me to distinguish between the sky and the sea because what I saw in front of me was nothing but a wide expanse of dazzling brilliance.

Sometimes, with thick layers of dark clouds hanging in the sky, the sun was hardly visible to the naked eye. But its radiance managed to show through the dark clouds to edge them with golden lace. Then, after gradually breaking through the tight encirclement, it came into full view and even dyed the dark clouds purple or scarlet. At the moment, apart from the sun, the clouds and the seawater, I too was luminous.

Wasn’t that a marvellous spectacle?



①“机器的响声”译为the droning of the ship engine。“机器”在这里指轮船上的steam engine(蒸汽发动机),不宜泛泛译为machine,应译engine。“响声”虽可译为the sound,但不如the droning合适,因droning常用来表示机器的单调低沉的嗡嗡响声。

②“天边”即“地平线”,指大海或陆地与天空接壤处,可译为the far horizon,今译the distant edge of the sea,指明是海天之交,并可避免在同一段中重复horizon一词。

③“一道红霞”译为a streak of rosy dawn或a rosy streak of dawn皆可,其中streak作“条纹”解。

④“一步一步、慢慢地努力上升”译为rising laboriously bit by bit,其中laboriously包含“慢慢地”和“努力”两重意义。

⑤“一刹那间,这个深红的圆东西……”译为before I knew it, the dark red orb…,其中before I knew it(或before I knew where I was、before I was aware of it)作“一刹那间”解,与in the twinkling of an eye或soon等同义。又,如把“圆东西”直译为round object,则嫌乏味,缺少形象,不如orb(球状物,日月等天体)或disc(圆盘)等确切。

⑥“射得人眼睛发痛”译为dazzling my eyes until they stung,意即dazzling my eyes so that they felt a sudden sharp pain,其中until(或till)不作“直到……为止”解,而作“以至于……”解,等于to the point that…、so that finally…、and at last…等。

⑦“透过黑云”译为managed to show through the dark clouds,其中show through是动词短语,意即be visible behind,也可换用动词penetrate来表达。

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