Bai Juyi: Late Autumn Lonely Evenings

Late Autumn Lonely Evenings

杪 秋 独 夜
无 限 少 年 非 我 伴
可 怜 清 夜 与 谁 同?
欢 娱 牢 落 中 心 少
亲 故 凋 零 四 面 空。
红 叶 树 飘 风 起 后
白 须 人 立 月 明 中。
前 头 更 有 萧 条 物
老 菊 衰 兰 三 两 丛。
Miao Qiu Du Ye

Wu xian shao nian fei wo ban
Ke lian qing ye yu shei tong?
Huan yu lao luo zhong xin shao
Qin gu diao ling si mian kong.

Hong ye shu piao feng qi hou
Bai xu ren li yue ming zhong.
Qian tou geng you xiao tiao wu
Lao ju shuai lan san liang cong.


Late Autumn Lonely Evenings

So many young people, none are my companions
Self-pity, who can share with me these clear evenings?
Joys and pleasures of the heart-mind so seldom and small
In all four directions, my relatives and old acquaintances have scattered and disappeared.

After the winds arise, red leaves flutter in the their trees
White-haired person under the bright moonlight.
Looking for possible future developments, only see things desolate and bleak
Old chrysanthemums decline, two or three orchids crowded together.

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Ouyang Xiu: Jiangnan Willow Trees: (Gaze Into the Distance)

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