Bai Juyi: Qing Zheng Tower, West of the Old Willow Trees

Qing Zheng Tower, West of the Old Willow Trees

勭 政 楼 西 老 柳
半 朽 临 风 树
多 情 立 马 人。
开 元 一 株 柳
长 庆 二 年 春。
Dong Zheng Lou Xi Lao Liu

Ban xiu lin feng shu
Duo qing li ma ren-ru.                                                                                                            Kai yuan yi zhu liu
Chang qing er nian chun.


Qing Zheng Tower, West of the Old Willow Trees

Half-rotten trees stand up to the wind
Many emotions from formerly strong horse riders.

After the reign of Xuanzong, these willow trees are now stumps
Now is the second year of the new emperor.



Qing Zheng: Part of the interior palace of Xinqing, in the capital city of Chang’an during the Tang Dynasty.

Xuanzong:  (685-762) (r. 713-756) Famous long-reigning emperor during the height of the Tang Dynasty.

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