Better Chinese–Chinese characters1(双语)





(jiǎɡǔwén de “huà”zì xiànɡ yíɡɡèrén názhebǐ huàchū ,měilìde huāwén。jīnwén zēnɡjiāle yíɡè “tián”zì,yǒule huàfēn tiánjiè de yìsi。wǒmén xiànzài shǐyònɡsān“huà”shì jiǎnhuàhòu,ɡǎizàolede xiǎozhuànde xiàbànbùfen。)

The character of the oracle bone script for”画”looks like a person holding a writing brush and drawing a beautiful pattern. The bronze script version adds the character “田”; the resultant the character meant “to divide or partition”. The bottom part of the small seal character was transformed to form the simplified Chinese characer version of”画”.


Phrase Pinyin English
版画 bǎnhuà a picture printed from an engraved or etched plate; print
比画 bǐhuà gesture; gesticulate
笔画 bǐhuà strokes of a Chinese character

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