Better Chinese–Chinese characters2(双语)

With intuitive visuals and simple language, this is a learning resource designed for foreigners who wish to learn Chinese characters and the culture that they represent.



jiǎ ɡǔ wén          xiǎo zhuàn           kǎi tǐ

( 甲 骨 文)       (小  篆)           (楷 体)


(jiǎɡǔwén de “yuè”zì shì sīxián yuèqì fànɡzài mùjià shànɡ de yànɡzi;jīnwén tiānjiāle “rì”zì,zhěnɡɡèzì jiù biànchénɡle mùjià shànɡ bǎifànɡle sīxián yuèqì hé dǎjī yuèqì。suǒyǐ hòulái“yuè”zhǐ suǒyǒu yuèqì de zǒnɡchēnɡ,yòu zhǐ yīnyuè。)

The bottom part of the character of the oracle bone script for”乐”looks like a stringed musical instrument on a wooden frame. The bronze script character for”乐”adds character “日”. The character was then transformed into a stringed musical instrument and a percussion instrument on a wooden frame. Later, the character”乐”came to be used as a generic term for all instrument, as well as music.


Phrase Pinyin English
yuè (surname); music
乐队 yuèduì band
乐府 yuèfǔ yue fu (Chinese poetry style)
乐器 yuèqì musical instrument
乐清 Yuèqīnɡ (N) Yueqing (city in Zhejiang)







The character”乐” is polyphonic because of its multi-pronunciation. You can utter the character “yuè”or”lè”. These two have different meanings. There are lots of polyphones in Chinese characters. Take it easy, you will find it easier if you put your heart into it! After all, where there is a will,there is a way! Come on!

Chinese characters

Write “交”(cross; associate with) in Chinese character

2023-2-23 0:57:31

Chinese characters

Write “月”(moon) in Chinese character

2023-2-23 0:58:12

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