Bing Xin’s Essay: My Narrow Escape from a Wolf’s Jaws – 冰心《我差点被狼吃了!》

Bing Xin's Essay:  My Narrow Escape from a Wolf's Jaws - 冰心《我差点被狼吃了!》

Bing Xin’s “I Almost Was Eaten by a Wolf!” is an essay that reminisces about childhood experiences, showcasing the author’s true feelings and experiences through thrilling storylines.









My Narrow Escape from a Wolf’s Jaws

◎ Bing Xin

The editors of the Childhood asked me to write for kids an article entitled My Childhood.Since I have written more than once on the same subject,now I might as well tell you a thrilling story instead.

It was probably in 1906.My father was then in charge of a Yantai naval training camp.We lived just opposite in an old-style quadrangle for naval officers’ family members.It stood on a piece of level land dug out of the mountain slope.Every day,I remember,when mother was busy plaiting my hair,I would look out of the back window to set my eyes on a tall earthen wall and small clusters of dandelions growing out of the holes in the ground left by digging.They were the first flowers I have ever been friends with in my life!

On the slope behind our house was a platform for exchanging flag signals with warships at sea.Often,armed with a slate—the kind of slate as used by schoolchildren for learning arithmetic,father would mount the platform to communicate with warships in harbour,together with a seaman carrying two coloured flags.

Dongshan in Yantai was then a bleak and desolate place,often haunted by wolves at night hunting for food.Our cook often complained about wolves eating up our chicks the previous night after pushing off the heavy stone on top of the big bamboo coop.He suggested that a brick hen house be built to replace the bamboo coop.I had never seen a wolf,so didn’t take his words too much to heart.

One evening,father went up the platform again with a signal man,but he remained there long after the seaman came back.So I started running up to meet him.Then,in the midst of the deepening dusk,I became aware of something like a big dog following at my heels.All of a sudden,father gave a loud shout,“Come on!Quick!”I looked back and saw a pair of grayish blue eyes glittering piercingly.Meanwhile,there was a terrific Bang!as father’s slate was smashed to pieces on the ground.The dog-like big beast,with its fearful grayish blue eyes,immediately turned to scurry away with its long tail between its legs.All that lasted but a few seconds!

Up on the platform,father hugged me closely in his arms and said,“It was a wolf that pursued you just now!Had I not frightened it away by smashing the slate,it would have eaten you up.From now on,don’t come out by yourself after dark.Understand?”I giggled in his arms,not knowing what it was like to be eaten up by a wolf.Today,nevertheless,the small incident never fails to strike fear in me whenever I recall it.



(1) 题目“我差点被狼吃了!”译为My Narrow Escape from a Wolf’s Jaws,比I Had a Narrow Escape from a Wolf’s Jaws简练,其中Jaws作“险境”解。此句也可译为I Was Almost Killed (Eaten up) by a Wolf,但不如上述译文地道。

(2)“我们的家就住在练营对面的……”译为We lived just opposite in …(其中opposite是副词),比We lived opposite the naval training camp in …(其中opposite是介词)简练。

(3)“没把这话往心里去”意即“没有认真对待这话”,故译didn’t take his words too much to heart,其中take…to heart是成语,作“认真对待”(take seriously)解。此句也可译为didn’t take too much care about what he said。

(4)“夜色苍茫里”可译为In the midst of the deepening dusk,其中In the midst of也可改为Amidst或In; deepening dusk也可改为gathering dusk。

(5)“你快上来!”可译为Come on!Quick!或Come up quick!,其中quick等于quickly,常用于口语。

(6)“一双亮得又凉得透骨的、灰蓝的眼睛”意即“锐利的灰蓝双眼,寒光闪闪”,译为a pair of grayish blue eyes glittering piercingly,其中piercingly一词兼有“锐利”和“彻骨寒冷”之意。

(7)“这一切只发生在几秒钟的时间”可译为All that lasted but a few seconds或All that lasted for a matter of seconds,其中a matter of是成语,作“仅仅”解。

(8)“现在回想起来却有一种‘后怕’”不便按字面直译,现用意译法处理:Today,nevertheless,the small incident never fails to strike fear in me whenever I recall it,其中nevertheless(然而)和the small incident(小事)是译文中的添加词。

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