Can’t Live Without Love by Xu Baiyuan ~ 何百源 《活着不能没有爱》 with English Translations


何百源 《活着不能没有爱》





Can’t Live Without Love
Xu Baiyuan

Zhuang Liyi was in her forties, with a daughter in the first year of middle school. Her figure was still perfect, her hair luxuriantly black, and she had no crow’s feet at the corners of her eyes yet. Often she would look in the mirror for a long time, lost in a trance.
Her husband was a pastry cook working for a big hotel. Every morning he had to get up at four o’clock to go to work, so he had to go to bed early every night, leaving Zhuang and the daughter watching TV in the living room with the volume low. Mother and daughter were really glued to the TV, especially when there were love stories and stories about family morals and affectionate relationships. They would fix their gaze more family where lovers exchanged vows, followed by “explosive” courtship scenes. The daughter enjoyed it out of curiosity, while the mother watched it out of admiration as well as doubt about the existence of love. “Except on TV, there can’t be true love in the world,” she thought.
She had never felt loved. No man had ever courted her in her forty-two years of life. No man had ever written her a love letter, or said “I love you” to her. After graduating from high school, she had settled down in the countryside for six years and did not return to the city until 1978. That year, matchmakers came to her home to propose to her on behalf of three men. After careful comparison, her parents picked for her an honest and kind man with a clean political background who was working for a state-owned business—today’s husband. Unfortunately, no love relationship ever really developed between them.
On their wedding day, the bridegroom’s employer held a celebration for them. Noisy good wishers from both sides kicked up a fuss, asking the bridegroom, Tong Jiaman, to say “I love you” to the bride right in front of the crowd, and kiss her. But he stood there like a tree trunk and would not do it, no matter how people booed and hooted.
Her memory was still as fresh as yesterday’s. more than a decade had passed, but she had never tasted the happiness of love or experienced the excitement of trembling caused by the touching of two hearts. Never had Jiaman said to her, “I love you.” They were just a couple who had married for the sake of marriage. She began to understand that love might differ from marriage.
She often thought that being courted and loved must be a very happy experience. If she could be truly loved by a man once, it would be worth her life.
One day, she suddenly thought of Mr. Zhang, the medical practitioner of the state-owned farm where she had worked after high school. All of a sudden, she realized that perhaps Zhang had been in love with her. Once when she was seeing him in the clinic, she carelessly mentioned she was interested in the novel A Dream of Red Mansions. After that, despite the great risk, Zhang managed to borrow a copy from someone, and started to hand copy it for her. At that time, reading this novel was branded by the government as “chasing the sentimentalism of the rich landlords and capitalists,” so Zhang could do this only secretly in the wee hours behind closed windows and doors when everybody had gone to sleep. He did not stop copying even on the hottest summer days. One must know that he did not even have an electric fan at that time. Zhang was still copying the novel when she returned to the city. Later on, Liyi and Jiaman became engaged and soon got married. She thought she should not receive favors from anybody except her husband, so she wrote to tell Zhang to stop his copying.
Now she realized that the devoted Zhang had been risking his life when he was secretly copying the banned novel for her. That was love and devotion. Throughout the years past, Jiaman had never even shown a fraction of that feeling for her. But why didn’t Zhang tell her his feelings at that time?
From then on, she would think of Zhang when she looked in the mirror.
She longed for a love letter from somebody in her lifetime.
But life lingered on in the same dull way without the uproars of a couple’s quarrelling or the dizziness of love.
Suddenly, she thought, “Why not let my imagined lover write me a love letter then?”
So she sat at her dresser and started to write, stroke by stroke, one word after another. She filled the two-page letter with all the words she had learned from films and television—”love,” “for life,” “until death,” “sweet,” “sour,” “tears.” The letter was signed Zhang Ke, the full name of the medical practitioner.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she read the emotional letter.
From then on, whenever she could not stand her loneliness, she would bring out the letter and read it. Tears would accompany her throughout the reading. When she finished it, she would lock it up in her elegant dressing box that she had bought for her own wedding.
Now she felt she had a secret a woman should have.
Now she felt the joy of being loved.

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