Ding Ling’s Essay: 丁玲《彭德怀速写》 – A Brief Sketch of Peng Dehuai

Ding Ling's Essay:  丁玲《彭德怀速写》 - A Brief Sketch of Peng Dehuai

From the perspective of creative background, Ding Ling participated in activities with the Red Army frontline troops at the end of 1936, and had the opportunity to get up close and understand Peng Dehuai. In Ding Ling’s first meeting with Peng Dehuai, Peng Dehuai’s enthusiasm, simplicity, and deep emotions towards the Red Army soldiers left a deep impression on Ding Ling. This meeting provided rich materials and emotional foundation for the creation of “Peng Dehuai Sketches”.







A Brief Sketch of Peng Dehuai

Ding Ling

“Once on the battlefield,we begin to trust only one man.Scores of us will focus our attention on him and none dare to slack off.Even newcomers to the battlefront will throw aside all fears so long as he is present.When he gives orders,all will charge ahead unhesitatingly to defy the invisible presence of certain death.Yes we fear him,but we love him more.”

That’s what I heard from a 24-year-old young political commissar.While making these remarks,he flushed with excitement.Whom did he refer to?It’s Comrade Peng Dehuai,of whom I’m now making a brief sketch.At this moment he is our front-line Deputy Commander-in-Chief.

He is attired in the common grey uniform of a Red Army man,which,covered with a thin layer of yellowish dust and black greasy dirt,looks very shabby and,moreover,very unbecoming to him.But he doesn’t seem to care.His facial features are somewhat blurry because they are often chapped all over by the cold wind.From the pair of lively black eyes rolling about on a face short on handsomeness,one detects naivety and mischief seldom seen on the face of an adult.And his big mouth is fully expressive of tenacity—the tenacity of a proletarian revolutionary.Whenever young cadres or junior comrades meet him,they will have their militant hearts mollified by his most natural and sincere handshakes.Sometimes he also enjoys bantering with them,cracking jokes that are coarse but harmless.Much more often he will patiently explain to them various problems concerning politics or work,offering comradely encouragement in all sincerity.His listeners will have their hearts calmed down by his words and meanwhile feel pepped up.When he is silently absorbed in thought,everybody around him will keep quiet lest they should disturb him.Sometimes he is really stern and forbidding because,though lax about things in his own personal life,he is very strict with work.Those who have been harshly criticized by him will nevertheless love him all the more.

He often engages in small talk with villagers while holding them by the shoulder or stroking their backs.He will give the thumbs-up to the simple and honest peasants,saying,“Hi,you buddies are real nice guys…”They will in turn pat him on the shoulder or try to put their long-stemmed Chinese pipes to his mouth which he always declines with a smile.When he leaves them,he will always leave behind a permanent impression on the simple and honest country folks.



(1)“我们便只有一个信心”意即“我们便只信任一个人”,故译为we begin to trust only one man。

(2)“谁也不敢乱动”可按“谁也不敢懈怠”之意译为none dare to slack off,比none dare to disobey或none dare to violate discipline等确切。

(3)“就是刚上火线的”译为Even newcomers to the battlefront,比Even those who come to the battlefront for the first time简练。

(4)“迎着看不见的死”译为to defy the invisible presence of certain death,其中用to defy(不顾)表达“迎着”;又certain作“必然发生的”、“不可避免的”解,是译文中的增益词,用以加强death。

(5)“黑色的油”意即“黑色的油迹”,可译为black greasy dirt或black oil stains。

(6)“而且不大适宜”意即“而且与他本人不太相称”,可译为and,moreover,very unbecoming to him或and,what’s more,very unsuitable for him。

(7)“不能成为漂亮的脸上”意即“谈不上是漂亮的脸上”,故译为a face short on handsomeness,其中short on是成语,作“缺乏”、“不够”等解。

(8)“昂昂的心”可按“富于战斗性的”或“激进的”译为militant hearts或high-spirited hearts。

(9)“温柔了起来”意即“使平静起来”,不宜译为softened by,现译mollified by。

(10)“生活上是马马虎虎”可译为lax about things in his own personal life或按“生活清苦,不修边幅”译为living an austere way of life and caring little for his appearance。

(11)“举着大拇指在那些朴素的脸上摇晃着”译为He will give the thumbs-up to the simple and honest peasants,其中to give the thumbs-up to作“向……翘拇指表示赞赏”解。此句也可译为He will hold up his thumb and wave it to the face of the simple and honest peasants,其中to the face of作“当面”解。

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