Du Fu: Enjoying Autumn: Eight Poems: Poem No. 4

Du Fu: Enjoying Autumn: Eight Poems: Poem No. 4

Enjoying Autumn: Eight Poems: Poem No. 4


昆 吾 御 宿 自 逶 迤
紫 阁 峰 阴 入 渼 陂。
香 稻 啄 残 鹦 鹉 粒
碧 梧 栖 老 凤 凰 枝。

佳 人 拾 翠 春 相 问
仙 侣 同 舟 晚 更 移。
彩 笔 昔 曾 干 气 象
白 头 吟 望 苦 低 垂。



Kun wu yu su zi wei yi
Zi ge feng yin ru mei po.
Xiang dao zhuo can ying wu li
Bi wu qi lao feng huang zhi.

Jia ren she cui chun xiang wen
Xian lu tong zhou wan geng yi
Cai bi xi ceng gan qi xiang
Bai tou yin wang ku di chui.


Enjoy Autumn: Eight Poems: No. 4

Huan Wu and Yu Su waters naturally emerge
Purple pavilion peaks enter the Meipo gardens.
Fragrant rice paddies and grain attract talking parrots
Bluish-green parasol tree branches perch old male and female phoenixes.

Pretty ladies gather, examine together emerald green springs
Immortal companions even share evening boats.
Once in former days my brush colors within one thousand landscapes
With white hair, gaze into the distance, head hangs down low.



Meipo gardens: Classical Chinese gardens.

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Chinese Poems

Du Fu: Enjoying Autumn: Eight Poems: Poem No. 3

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Chinese Poems

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