Du Mu: Today Muster More Troops

Today Muster More Troops, His Majesty the Emperor Issued a Conscription Imperial Edict, Quickly We Achieved Military Success, Xinjiang Has Many Different Prefectures, One After Another They Surrendered, This Government Official Obtained Honor and Sacred Success, Soon After We Sang and Chanted

今 帝 陛 下 一 诏 征 兵,不 日 功 集,河 湟 诸 郡,次 第 归 降,臣 获 睹 圣 功,辄 献 歌 咏
捷 书 皆 应 睿 谋 期
十 万 曾 无 一 镞 遗。
汉 武 惭 夸 朔 方 地
宣 王 休 道 太 原 师。
威 加 塞 外 寒 来 早
恩 入 河 源 冻 合 迟。
听 取 满 城 歌 舞 曲
凉 州 声 韵 喜 参 差。
Jin Huang Di Bi Xia Yi Zhao Zheng Bing, Bu Ri Gong Ji, He Huang Zhu Jun, Ci Di Gui Xiang, Chen Huo Du Sheng Gong, Zhe Xian Ge Yong

Jie shu jie ying rui mou qi
Shi wan ceng wu yi zu yi.
Han wu can kua shuo fang di
Xuan wang xiu dao tai yuan shi.

Wei jia sai wai han lai zao
En ru he yuan dong he chi.
Ting qu man cheng ge wu qu
Liang zhou sheng yun xi cen ci.

Today Muster More Troops, His Majesty the Emperor Issued a Conscription Imperial Edict, Quickly We Achieved Military Success, Xinjiang Has Many Different Prefectures, One After Another They Surrendered, This Government Official Obtained Honor and Sacred Success, Soon After We Sang and Chanted

All books should now tell of our far-sighted designs that brought victory
At one time the Qin Dynasty prevailed without losing one arrowhead.
A Han emperor felt shame from not subduing these northern lands
Xuan Wang was stopped on the highway to conquer this area.

Cold morning weather brought in the outsiders, and the power of our strategic border strongholds
Favor upon us because the river sources did not freeze.
Listen to the full city sing and dance melodies
Liangzhou sweet sounds joyfully join the festivities.



Xinjiang:  Modern day province in the far northwest of China

Xuan Wang: (r. ca. 827-782 BC) ): Eleventh king during the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BC). His son was the last Western Zhou king.

Liangzhou: Small state in western China during the Han Dynasty.

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