Du Mu: Yangzhou: Three Poems: No.2

Yangzhou: Three Poems: No.2

扬 州: 三 首
秋 风 放 萤 苑
春 草 斗 鸡 台
金 络 擎 雕 去
鸾 环 拾 翠 来。
蜀 船 红 锦 重
越 橐 水 沉 堆。
处 处 皆 华 表
淮 王 奈 却 回!
Yangzhou: San Shou


Qiu feng fang ying yuan
Chun cao dou ji tai
Jin luo qing diao qu
Luan huan she cui lai.

Shu chuan hong jin chong
Yue tuo shui chen dui
Chu chu jie hua biao
Huai wang nai que hui!


Yangzhou: Three Poems: No.2

Autumn wind runs free in the Firefly Orchard
Spring grasses, cockfights on the terrace.
Golden-string tethers the eagle
Lady’s jade bracelet used for hide-and-seek.

Sichuan boats come again with red silk brocade
Stacked Yue lumber sinking into the water.
Everywhere are ornamental columns in front of the palace
How could the Huai emperor leave this place!



Tethers his eagle: The hunters keeps their hunting partner close to him.

Yue lumber: Hardwoods native to southern China and northern Vietnam.

Huai emperor: Chu kingdom emperor that reigned from 328-299 BC.

Chinese Poems

Du Mu: Yangzhou: Three Poems: No.1

2023-3-2 8:10:23

Chinese Poems

Du Mu: Yangzhou: Three Poems: No.3

2023-3-2 8:13:40

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