Han Yu: Frequently Avoid the Honorable Monk Guang Xuan

Frequently Avoid the Honorable Monk Guang Xuan

广 宣 上 人 频 见 过
三 百 六 旬 长 扰 扰
不 冲 风 雨 即 尘 埃。
久 惭 朝 士 无 裨 补
空 愧 高 僧 楼 往 来。
学 道 穷 年 何 所 得?
吟 诗 竟 日 为 能 回。
天 寒 古 寺 游 人 少
红 叶 窗 前 有 几 堆。
Guang Xuan Shang Ren Pin Jian Guo

San bai liu xun chang rao rao
Bu chong feng yu ji chen ai.
Jiu can zhao shi wu bi bu
Kong kui gao seng lou wang lai.

Xue dao qiong nian he suo de?
Yin shi jing ri wei neng hui.
Tian han gu si you ren shao
Hong ye chuang qian you ji dui.


Frequently Avoid the Honorable Monk Guang Xuan

Disturbed by him three hundred and sixty days a year
Wind and rain not able to wash off his dust.
For a long time ashamed the daybreak scholars without a remedy or benefit
This highest monk often comes and goes without my heeding him.

For years I studied Kongzi poverty without making progress
My chanting of poems throughout the day, not able to respond adequately to yours.
Sky cold, few travelers to your ancient temple
In front of your windows are several piles of red leaves.



Kongzi: Confucius

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