Inner Peace Is What Counts by Zeng Qifeng ~ 曾奇峰 《为心灵算计》 with English Translations


曾奇峰 《为心灵算计》

想通了那些以后,他就把相机放在寝室没上锁的抽屉里,谁想用谁就用,直到那相机 “寿终正寝”为止。






Inner Peace Is What Counts
Zeng Qifeng

One day I headed off to another city to see a close friend of mine. He is several years my senior and I, like everyone else who knows him well, adore him for his freedom from vulgarity and ease of manner. He seems to have no ordinary mortal’s cares. In his company, even a most irascible person will feel tranquilized. During the several days of my stay at his house, the two of us would shut ourselves up in his study after dinner in the evenings and chat about a variety of things while sipping tea.
Sometimes we would fall into a long, thoughtful silence, as I watched him pour steaming water into the teapot and then fill our respective cups with the freshly infused tea. “Tell me how you made yourself into what you are—a graceful and serene person from the inside out,” I once entreated him. “Well, I’ll show you something,” he answered. With that, he produced a sheet from a file box on the bottom shelf of his bookcase and handed it over to me. It was a piece of A4 paper, plainly yellowed by time, with words written all over it. This, he explained, was what he had jotted down on his 24th birthday, when I knew he had been working towards his M.A. degree at a university. I began reading carefully:
1. Two of my dorm pals never bought thermos bottles for themselves, and they don’t bother to fetch some more water when they’ve used up mine. I decided, therefore, to let them share my bottle throughout the next two years and to fetch water for all three of us without complaining. In case I’m thirsty but find the bottle empty, I’ll make do with tap water. Without hot water to wash up, I’ll use cold water instead. No matter what, I won’t force the role of “conduct monitor” upon myself, let alone get angry at their petty negligence.
2. I’ll never waste time bargaining at a marketplace over the prices of farm produce and other major necessities. That way, I’ll lose 0.3 yuan a day and about 100 yuan a year, but it’s a loss I can bear.
3. When it comes to buying clothes, refusing to bargain will incur too heavy a loss for me. In that case I’ll take my girlfriend along, because bargaining is fun for her, not for me.
4. During a bus ride I’ll never try to grab a vacant sea. Even if only one fellow passenger remains standing, I won’t take that seat however close to me it is.
5. Lend things to others whenever I can.
My patience wore out before I finished reading. “Too trivial,” I frankly remarked. “And some of your coping tactics can perhaps be attributed to undesirable inner motives, like a cowardly fear of conflicts with people.” In my heart of hearts, I was certain that a harmonious personality is forged through one’s devotion to soul-purification rather than boring trifles like these.
My friend said with a chuckle, “I won’t force you to change your view, but when you think more about it, isn’t life largely made up of a jumbled mass of trifles? What I showed you just now are only a few of them. In fact, they forever keep on multiplying themselves. Only when you’ve figured this out can you concentrate your time and energy on truly important things, right? Whereas I’m no abhorrer of conflicts, I do want to keep myself out of small harassments’ way. What I set store by is no material gains from external conflicts, for example, money, but the peace of my inner being.”
Then he told me a story. One of Confucius’s disciples had a luxurious horse-drawn carriage roughly equivalent to a current-day Benz 600. One day, somebody needed to use it due to some domestic emergency, but was too afraid to bring up the matter. On hearing this, the disciple set the vehicle ablaze without qualms. Seeing the perplexity on fellow disciples’ faces, he explained, “If nobody dared to borrow the stupid thing anyway, what business had I keeping it?!” After telling the story, my friend said that, for a time, he had been the owner of a professional photographer’s camera worth 3,000 yuan. Before he sorted out life’s major and minor concerns, he had always used it stealthily lest others should land him in a dilemma by trying to borrow it every now and then.
Once he saw things in a new light, he simply left the camera in an unlocked drawer in his dormitory so anybody might use it at any moment, until it had exhausted its service life altogether.
For a mere 3,000 yuan, he had got the most prized peace and quiet of his heart. So what was there to be sorry about? I couldn’t help smiling. My friend didn’t totally convince me that evening. However, I was surprised to find, sometime later, that I did feel just as good when I chose not to take a seat on a bus. Standing there gave me a much broader view, enabling me to look at more passing people and scenery.

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