Li Bai: Drink Wine to Recall Imperial Officer He: Two Poems: No. 1

Li Bai: Drink Wine to Recall Imperial Officer He: Two Poems: No. 1

Drink Wine to Recall Imperial Officer He: Two Poems: No. 1

对 酒 忆 贺 监 :二 首

四 明 有 狂 客
风 流 贺 季 真。
长 安 一 相 见
呼 我 谪 仙 人。
昔 好 杯 中 物
翻 为 松 下 尘。
金 龟 挽 酒 处
却 忆 泪 沾 巾。

Dui Jiu Yi He Jian: Er Shou

Si ming you kuang ke
Feng liu he ji zhen.
Chang an yi xiang jian
Hu wo zhe xian ren.

Xi hao bei zhong wu
Fan wei song xia chen.
Jin gui wan jiu chu
Que yi lei zhan jin.

Drinking Wine to Recall He, Imperial Officer:    Two Poems: No. 1

There was a crazy visitor from Si Ming
A famous man: He Jizang.
We met each other once in Chang’an
He called me a banished immortal.

In the past, we have enjoyed things in our cups
But now, you are under the dirt and a pine tree.
Once we drank wine from your golden turtle flask
Thinking of this, tears moisten my clothes.


Si Ming: Located near Xiamen, Fujian Province

He Jizang: (549-623) Famous monk during the Sui Dynasty.


Li Bai often referred to himself as “a banished immortal”.

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