Li Bai: Long Time Thinking of Each Other

Li Bai: Long Time Thinking of Each Other

Long Time Thinking of Each Other

长 相 思

长 相 思,在 长 安
络 纬 秋 啼 金 井 栏
微 霜 凄 凄 簟 色 寒。
孤 灯 不 明 思 欲 绝
卷 帷 望 月 空 长 叹。
美 人 如 花 隔 云 端。
上 有 青 冥 之 高 天
下 有 绿 水 之 波 澜。
天 长 路 远 魂 飞 苦
梦 魂 不 到 关 山 难。
长 相 思,摧 心 肝!

Chang Xiang Si

Chang xiang xi, zai chang an
Luo wei qiu ti jin jing lan
Wei shuang qi qi dian se han.
Gu deng bu ming si yu jue
Juan wei wang yue kong chang tan
Mei ren ru hua ge yun duan.

Shang you qing ming zhi gao tian
Xia you lu shui zhi bo lan
Tian chang lu yuan hun fei ku
Meng hun bu dao guan shan nan
Chang xiang si, cui xin gan!

Long Time Thinking of Each Other

Long time thinking of each other, you in Chang’an
Autumn crickets chirp in a hidden courtyard
Frost beginning to accumulate on the cold bamboo mat
Solitary lamp dim, my desires on a short wick
Roll up the curtain, long sigh, gaze into the distance at the moon and sky
Beautiful ladies like blossoms behind a partition of clouds.

Above have a high, dark blue sky
Below have clear water and waves.
My spirit bitterly flies across skies and long, remote roads
Dream soul finds it difficult to move beyond frontier mountain passes
Long time thinking of each other, breaks my heart!

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