Winds Calm, Fallen Flowers Deep
风 定 落 花 深
帘 外 拥 红 堆 雪。
长 记 海 棠 开 后
正 是 伤 春 时 节。
酒 阑 歌 罢 玉 尊 空
青 釭 暗 明 灭。
魂 梦 不 堪 幽 怨
更 一 声 啼 鴂。
Hao Shi Jin
Feng ding luo hua shen
Lian wai yong hong dui xue.
Chang ji hai tang kai hou
Zheng shi shang chun shi jie.
Jiu lan ge ba yu zun kong
Qing gang an ming mie.
Hun meng bu kan you yuan
Geng yi sheng ti jue.
Winds Calm, Fallen Flowers Deep
(Good Things Near)
Winds calm, fallen flowers deep
Outside curtains, red petals piled like snowdrifts.
Long remember after the crab-apple blossoms have opened
It’s correct to be sad with springtime celebrations gone.
Wine ending songs finished, jade wine vessel empty
Blue oil lamp burns low, flares brightly, then perishes.
Spirit dreams cannot endure in secret
Resentments surface with one wail of the cuckoos.