Li Qingzhao: Front Courtyard Windows Closed and Bolted: (Facing the River Immortals)

Front Courtyard Windows Closed and Bolted: (Facing the River Immortals)

临 江 仙
庭 院 深 深 深 几 许?
云 窗 雾 阁 常 扃。
柳 梢 梅 萼 渐 分 明
春 归 秣 陵 树
人 老 建 康 城。
感 月 吟 风 多 少 事?
如 今 老 去 无 成。
谁 怜 樵 悴 更 凋 零。
试 灯 无 意 思
踏 雪 没 心 情。
Lin Jiang Xian

Ting yuan shen shen shen ji xu?
Yun chuang wu ge chang jiong.
Liu shao mei e jian fen ming.
Chun gui mo ling shu
Ren lao jian kang cheng.

Gan yue yin feng duo shao shi?
Ru jin lao qu wu cheng.
Shei lian qiao cui geng diao ling.
Shi deng wu yi si
Ta xue mei xin qing.


Front Courtyard Windows Closed and Bolted: (Facing the River Immortals)

Front courtyard, near the very deeply hidden, how deep?
Clouds and mist, pavilion windows closed and bolted.
Willow tips and plum calyxes begin to distinguish themselves.
Spring arriving for the trees of Nanjing
For me, this city makes me feel old.

How many things to write about: my feelings, moon and wind?
Nowadays, too old to want accomplishments.
I wonder who can sympathize with the ill, fallen and withered.
Lantern festival came and went without meanings or intents
Not compelled to walk to view and feel the snow and plum blossoms.



Lantern Festival:  Celebrations for the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. The final day of New Year festivities in China and other parts of Asia.

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