Li Qingzhao: Large Fruit Banana Trees: (Adding More Words to the Ugly Servant Melody)

Li Qingzhao: Large Fruit Banana Trees: (Adding More Words to the Ugly Servant Melody)
Li Qingzhao

Large Fruit Banana Trees: (Adding More Words to the Ugly Servant Melody)


窗 前 谁 种 芭 蕉 树?
阴 满 中 庭。
叶 叶 心 心
舒 卷 有 馀 情。

伤 心 枕 上 三 更 雨
点 滴 霖 淫
点 滴 霖 淫。
愁 损 北 人
不 愦 起 来 听。

Tian Zi Chou Nu Er

Chuang qian shei zhong ba jiao shu?
Yin man zhong ting.
Ye ye xin xin
Shu juan you yu qing.

Shang xin zhen shang san geng yu
Dian di lin yin.
Dian di lin yin.
Chou sun bei ren
Bu kui qi lai ting.


Large Fruit Banana Trees: (Adding More Words to the Ugly Servant Melody)

Who planted the large fruit banana trees in front of my window?
They shade the entire front courtyard.
Every leaf emerges from a heart
Then they relax, scrolls unfold, so many emotions.

Broken heart, from my pillow hear the night time rain
Excessive, continuous parade of falling raindrops.
Anxieties, diminished hometown memories
Do not like to listen to the rain, should get out of bed.

To TAReward
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