Li Qingzhao: Warm Rain and Clear Winds


Warm Rains and Clear Winds: (Butterflies Love Flowers)

蝶 恋 花
暖 雨 晴 风 初 破 冻
柳 眼 梅 腮
已 觉 春 心 动。
酒 意 诗 情 谁 与 共?
泪 融 残 粉 花 钿 重。
乍 试 夹 衫 金 缕 缝、
山 枕 斜 欹
枕 损 钗 头 凤。
独 拘 浓 愁 无 好 梦
夜 阑 犹 剪 灯 花 弄。
Die Lian Hua

Nuan yu qing feng chu po dong
Liu yan mei sai
Yi jue chun xin dong.
Jiu yi shi qing shei yu gong?

Lei rong can fen hua dian chong
Zha shi jia shan jin lu feng
Shan zhen xie qi
Zhen sun chai tou feng.
Du ju nong chou wu hao meng
Ye lan you jian deng hua nong.


Warm Rains and Clear Winds
(Butterflies Love Flowers)

Warm rains and clear winds end the hard freezes
Dormant willows like eyebrows
Plum trees the color of cheeks.
Already sense the springtime changes in my heart-mind

Who can share with me the drinking of wine and poetic emotions?

Fallen tears stain make-up powder into layers of flowered patterns
Try on my double-layered blouse, trimmed and detailed with gold thread
Lean against, rest my head on a pillow.
Pillow damages the phoenix hairpin and hairstyle
Alone, hold onto strong anxieties, without pleasant dreams
Late in the evening, still cut the lamp’s wick for more light.

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