Li Yu: Last Night Rain With Winds: (Evening Crows Cry Out)

Last Night Rain With Winds: (Evening Crows Cry Out)

昨 夜 风 兼 雨: 乌 夜 啼
昨 夜 风 兼 雨
帘 帏 飒 飒 秋 声。
烛 残 漏 断 频 欹 枕
起 坐 不 能 平。
世 事 漫 随 流 水
算 来 梦 里 浮 生。
醉 乡 路 稳 宜 频 到
此 外 不 堪 行。
Zuo Ye Feng Jian Yu: (Wu Ye Ti)

Zuo ye feng jian yu
Lian wei sa sa qiu sheng.
Zhu can lou duan pin qi zhen
Qi zuo be neng ping.

Shi shi man sui liu shui
Suan lai meng li fu sheng.
Zui xiang lu wen yi pin dao
Ci wai bu kan xing.


Last Night Rain With Winds: (Evening Crows Cry Out)

Last night rain with winds
Curtains rustle back and forth, autumn sounds.
Candle remnants, no more water clock trickles, frequently toss up against slanted pillows
Arise again and again, not able to find a balance.

Society’s things everywhere follow like flowing water
Count each dream arrival of a brief and illusionary interior life.
Drunken, often I arrive easily on the calm hometown roads
Traveling outside so convenient and comfortable.

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