I haven’t written any essays in recent years. In the late 1930s and 1940s, I wrote more. At that time, I ran newspapers and often worked night shifts, so I wrote a lot.
◎ 廖沫沙
On the Need for More Young Essayists
◎ Liao Mosha
In recent years, I have seldom written essays. During the late 1930s and throughout the 1940s, however, I wrote more. In those days, as a newspaper editor, I often worked on the night shift and wrote a great many essays, so that, later, when compiling a collection of my works, I was astonished to find myself to have authored so many essays, some of which I could not even remember. I have, therefore, come to realize that working on a newspaper or a magazine could make a prolific writer of yourself. The same was true of Lu Xun. It was not until he became editor of the magazine The Tatler that he started writing essays. Nowadays, as the editorial departments of newspapers and periodicals are generally well staffed, the people there should be in a position to write more. Some newspapers and magazines are so starved of contributions that they have to send out people to various places like Beijing and Shanghai to canvass for support. That is no answer to the problem at all. The best way is for the editorial staff to do the writing themselves and turn out more. The former Xinhua Daily, where we used to work, had a staff of about 20. Everyone of us wrote, including not only the reporters and editors, but also the typesetters, proofreaders and reference-library people.
On the other hand, emphasis should be placed on arousing young people’s enthusiasm for writing. Instead of rashly rejecting manuscripts, editors should go over them carefully. Manuscripts which are acceptable but in need of improvement should be allowed publication after they have been revised and polished by the editorial department. Young contributors could thus be spurred on to ever greater efforts to write. That is the way to bring up new writers. It is inadvisable to rely solely on a handful of veteran writers. Many of our writers owe their success to the help and encouragement of their predecessors. Most young writers today go in for fiction or drama, but practically none engage in essay writing. That is no good. Let more young essayists come to the fore!
①“要培养新的杂文作家”中的“新的”指“青年”,“培养”英译时可省略。如按字面把题目直译为We Must Foster More New Essayists,就不如On the Need for More Young Essayists自然准确。
②“自己也感到吃惊,竟写了这么多”译为I was astonished to find myself to have authored so many essays,其中to have authored等于to be author of或to have written。
③《语丝》为综合性周刊,1924年11月在北京创刊,取英文名The Tatler(闲谈者),原为18世纪初英国散文家Richard Steele所创办的杂志名。鲁迅曾在此周刊发表杂文、小说等。
④“应该自己多写”译为should be in a position to write more,其中to be in a position to是成语,作“有条件做……”解。
⑤“有些刊物……等米下锅”意即“有些刊物……闹稿荒”,故译为Some newspapers and magazines are so starved of contributions,其中to be starved of等于to be short of。
⑥“这不可靠”译为This is no answer to the problem at all,其中no answer to等于no solution to。
⑦“有可取的”意即“勉强可采用的”或“还过得去的”,现译为acceptable but in need of improvement,比just passable的意思更明确。
⑧“几个老的”也可译为a handful of old writers,但不如a handful of veteran writers确切,因veteran不仅指年长,还有“富有经验”之意。
⑨“我们许多作家都是前辈培养出来的”虽可按字面译为Many of our writers have been fostered by their predecessors,但不如many of our writers owe their success to the help and encouragement of their predecessors地道灵活。
⑩“我们要更广泛地培养写杂文的新作家”意即“让更多的青年杂文家崭露头角(涌现出来)吧!”现按此作灵活处理,译为Let more young essayists come to the fore!,其中to come to the fore是成语,作“进入显著的地位”或“走到前面”解。