Meng Haoran: Eastern Hills, Encountering Rain, Quickly Go to Mr. Xie’s in Nanchi

Eastern Hills, Encountering Rain, Quickly Go to Mr. Xie’s in Nanchi

东 陂 遇 雨 率 尔 贻 谢 甫 池
田 家 春 事 起
丁 壮 就 东 陂。
隐 隐 雷 声 作
森 森 雨 足 垂。
海 虹 晴 始 见
河 柳 湿 初 稀。
予 意 在 耕 凿
问 君 田 事 宜。
Dong Bei Yu Yu Shuai Er Yi Xie Fu Chi

Tian jia chun shi qi
Ding zhuang jiu dong bei.
Yin yin lei sheng zuo
Sen sen yu zu chui.

Hai hong qing shi jian
He liu shi chu xi.
Yu yi zai geng zao
Wen jun tian shi yi.


Eastern Hills, Encountering Rain, Quickly Go to Mr. Xie’s in Nanchi

For farm families, the work begins in spring
Able-bodied men start towards the eastern slopes.
Indistinct thunder sounds arrive
Heavy, dark rain from cloud to ground.

Over the ocean, clearing enough to see a rainbow
River willows with wet light foliage.
My desire to dig and cultivate with them
Ask if you also like the rural life.

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