Mung Bean by Zong Lihua ~ 宗利华 《绿豆》 with English Translations


宗利华 《绿豆》





Mung Bean
Zong Lihua

On a sunny afternoon, joining her two elder sisters, Sorghum and Buckwheat, a girl was unexpectedly born into Granary’s family.
Bending close to the soil, the father, soaked with sweat, was busy working when somebody started shouting to him, “Granary, Granary, your wife is in labor now.” A handful of mung beans in hand, Granary rushed home like a tornado. Hardly had he stepped through the front door when he heard an unearthly cry. The midwife Second Widow, who held a baby with too tiny feet dangling in the air, came out and said, “Congratulations! It’s another girl, Granary.”
“F—k,” Granary cursed, without moving his feet.
He named her Mung bean.
Mung Bean cried a lot, and she would cry non-stop. The annoyed Granary once flung his millet porridge bowl on the table, yelling, “Crying and crying! But can you cry a teapot spout out of your damned butts for me?”
The situation facing people who had broken the family-planning rules was grave. Witnessing heavily fined violators losing even their cooking utensils, Granary’s wife suggested to him, “I may as well go for a tubal ligation, what do you think?”
Looking out, Granary sat on the threshold that divided his buttocks into two. After a long silence, when he had blown out a cloud of smoke, he sighed. “All right. Every man has his life!”
Inside Granary’s head an ambitious plan was then conceived. He was going to bring Mung Bean up to be a child who could provide for her parents. In other words, he had assigned the task of son-in-law to Mung Bean.
And the following is a commonly heard touching dialogue between father and daughter:
“Mung Bean is a good child, isn’t she?”
“What should she do when she grows up?”
“Look after her parents.”
“Why would Dad find a husband for her and keep him home?”
“To buy wine for Dad.”
He would tighten his face to the shape of a peach, looking very pleased, while innocent Mung Bean giggled.
Mung Bean’s growing up fully demonstrated the bean’s true ability to resist drought, to stand vile weather. Though she was raised with simple food and cheap clothing, Mung Bean grew like a Lombardy poplar and turned out to be an outstanding peasant. She could push carts and carry heavy loads, just like an able man. Then a few men, all charlatans, secretly worked out a scheme. “Who will be the one to subdue her?”
The job of subduing Mung Bean was soon undertaken by a young man from another village. After rejecting a series of Granary’s intended arranged marriages, Mung Bean started her own love affairs.
The young man was the only son in his family, an obviously unsuitable candidate to llk after the parents-in-law. Worse still, Mung Bean did not want him to live in her own home.
Thus, a protracted war started between Granary and Mung Bean.
One day Granary raised a wooden stick and struck at her back. The stick sprang back forcefully with a “pop” sound. Tears instantly filled his eyes. “God damn you,” Granary cursed. “Why didn’t you dodge it? Why didn’t you dodge it?”
Granary suddenly realized that his daughter had grown up and that he could not hit her that way.
Instead, he went on a hunger strike, lying o the kang, covering himself up with his quilt. Mung Bean did not ask him to get up, but cooked him two or three delicious dishes every meal and placed them at the head of the kang with a pot of heated wine. The first day, Granary refused to eat, so Mung Bean finished the good like a hungry wolf in front of him. It happened again the next day. On the third day, Granary jumped out of bed, cursing, “Damn it, the urine alone will kill me!”
Mung Bean and her mom laughed outside the window.
Finally, Mung bean married her sweetheart, accepting her parents-in-law as her own. The young couple went all out at work, and within a few years they built a row of redbrick houses with red tiles.
“We should invite my parents to live with us now,” Mung Bean said to her husband one day.
“Isn’t the same for me to live in their house and look after them there?”
Mung Bean raised her eyes at him. “Don’t you know the difference yourself? Just go and pick them up. Don’t babble.”
“I’m just teasing you,” he smiled. So he went to pick up his parents-in-law. On their way back, he also bought a barrel of rice wine. For he knew his father-in-law just loved a sip or two in his leisure time.

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