李白·《古风其二十四·大车扬飞尘》 大车扬飞尘,亭午暗阡陌。 中贵多黄金,连云开甲宅。 路逢斗鸡者,冠盖何辉赫。 鼻息干虹蜺,行人皆怵惕。 世无洗耳翁,谁知尧与跖! Verses in the Old Style—24 Li Bai Great carriages raise swirls of dusk, Darkening the fields at noon; What golden plenty have these mighty eunuchs, Whose mansions reach the clouds! See them on their way to a cock-fight— What magnificent headgear, what canopies! The breath of their nostrils makes a double rainbow, Folk by the roadside shake with fear. Since the time of the wise old man who washed his ears, There is none to distinguish between Yao and Zhi. (杨宪益、戴乃迭 译) Eunuchs and Cock-Fighters1 Li Bai The dust which eunuchs’ carriages raise Darkens at noon the public ways. Of their gold the eunuchs are proud; Their mansions rise to scrape the cloud. I meet those who can make cocks fight, With caps and cabs, so fair and bright. Into rainbows they blow their breath, Passers-by are frightened to death. There is no connoisseur in this age. Who can tell a thief from a sage? 1. The poet criticizes the rich and influential eunuchs and cock-fighters. (许渊冲 译)...
李白·《美人出南国》 美人出南国,灼灼芙蓉姿。 皓齿终不发,芳心空自持。 由来紫宫女,共妒青蛾眉。 归去潇湘沚,沉吟何足悲。 The Beauty Born in South Li Bai The Beauty comes from South, Blooming like lotus flower. Her teeth brighten her mouth, She’s lofty like a tower. Long since palace maids vied To outshine beaming eyes. Come back to riverside, Her songs turn to sad sighs. (许渊冲 译)...
Below Southern Mountains, Visit Mountain Recluse Hu Si, Bought Some Wine and Spent the Night 下 终 南 山 过 斛 斯 山 人 宿 置 酒 暮 从 碧 山 下山 月 随 人 归。却 顾 所 来 径苍 苍 横 翠 微。 相 携 及 田 家童 稚 开 荆 扉。绿 竹 入 幽 径青 萝 拂 行 衣。 欢 言 得 所 憩美 酒 聊 共 挥。长 歌 吟 松 风曲 尽 河 星 稀。我 醉 君 复 乐陶 然 共 忘 机。 Xia Zhong Nan Shan Guo Hu Si Shan Ren Su Zhi Jiu Mu cong bi shan xiaShan yue sui ren gui.Que gu suo lai jingCang cang heng cui wei. Xiang xie ji tian jiaTong zhi kai jing fei.Lu zhu ru you jingQing luo fu xing yi. Huan yan dei suo qiMei jiu liao gong hui.Chang ge yin song fengQu jin he xing xi.Wo zui jun fu leTao ran gong wang ji. Below the Southern Mountains, Visit Mountain Recluse Hu Si, Bought Some Wine and Spent the Night Sunset joins the bluish-green mountains belowMountain moon follows people going home.Arriving here, I seem to be lostFrom east to west boundless blue peaks, profoundly drunk. Hold each…...
Horse-Drawn Carts With Clouds of Flying Dust 大 车 扬 飞 尘 大 车 扬 飞 尘亭 午 暗 阡 陌。中 贵 多 黄 金连 云 开 甲 宅。 路 逢 斗 鸡 者冠 盖 何 辉 赫?鼻 息 干 虹 霓行 人 皆 怵 惕。世 无 洗 耳 翁谁 知 尧 与 跖。 Da Che Yang Fei Chen Da che yang fei chenTing wu an qian mo.Zhong gui duo huang jinLian yun kai jia zhai. Lu feng dou ji zheGuan gai he hui he?Bi xi gan hong niXing ren jie chu ti.Shi wu xi er wengShei zhi yao yu zhi? Horse-Drawn Carts With Clouds of Flying Dust Horse-drawn carts with clouds of flying dustMid-day dark, they criss-cross the footpaths between fields.With mid-level positions in society, yet they have a lot of yellow goldAnd own a long string of houses. Encounter on the highway some fighting cocksWhy do their official hats glow so with distinction?Their noses elevated, exhale to make double rainbowsAll pedestrians walk with fear and caution.My society without old men having their washed earsSo who knows that the unethical are serving Emperor Yao. Notes: Washed ears: Refers to legendary recluse, Xu You, who lived during the reign of Emperor Yao.…...
Visit Daitian Mountain, Did Not Meet the Daoist Scholar 访 戴 天 山 道 士 不 遇 犬 吠 水 声 中桃 花 带 露 浓。树 深 时 见 鹿溪 午 不 闻 钟。 野 竹 分 青 霭飞 泉 挂 碧 峰。无 人 知 所 去愁 倚 二 三 松。 Fang Dai Tian Shan Dao Shi Bu Yu Quan fei shui sheng zhongTao hua dai lu nong.Shu shen shi jian luXi wu bu wen zhong. Ye zhu fen qing aiFei quan gua bi feng.Wu ren zhi suo quChou yi er san song. Visit Daitian Mountain, Did Not Meet the Daoist Scholar Barking dogs amid the water soundsPeach blossoms contain heavy dew.Deep forest, the season to see deerAlong the stream at noon, do not hear temple bells. Wild bamboo separates a blue mistWaterfalls suspended from green mountain peaks.Without people, don’t know where he isSadly lean against two or three different pine trees....
Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran 赠 孟 浩 然 吾 爱 孟 夫 子风 流 天 下 闻。江 颜 弃 轩 冕白 首 卧 松 云。 醉 月 频 中 圣迷 花 不 事 君。高 山 安 可 仰从 此 揖 清 芬。 Zeng Meng Hao Ran Wu ai meng fu ziFeng liu tian xia wen.Jiang yan qi xuan mianBai shou wo song yun. Zui yue pin zhong shengMi hua bu shi jun.Gao shan an he yangCong ci yi qing fen. Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran I love and respect master scholar MengHis legend known throughout heaven and earth.At a young age he already had forsaken the fancy carriages of the palace eliteWithout an official position, he lies down among the pines and clouds. Frequently drunk under the moon, yet retained his orientation and judgmentLost among the peach blossoms, not a government bureaucrat.Admire him, who towers above tall mountainsWith respect, I bow to him and his purity. Notes: Meng Haoran: Famous Tang Dynasty poet and friend of Li Bai. His poems and biography can also be found on this website. The peach blossoms: Refers to a famous poem by the Eastern Jin Dynasty poet Tao Yuanming. Please refer to this website…...
Ridicule Shandong Confucians 嘲 鲁 儒 鲁 叟 谈 五 经白 发 死 章 句。问 以 经 济 策茫 如 坠 烟 雾。 足 看 远 游 履首 戴 方 头 巾。绶 步 从 直 道未 行 先 起 尘。 秦 家 丞 相 府不 重 褒 衣 人。君 非 叔 孙 通与 我 本 硃 伦。时 事 且 未 达归 耕 汶 水 滨。 Chao Lu Ru Lu sou tan wu jingBai fa si zhang ju.Wen yi jing ji ceMang ru zhui yan wu. Zu kan yuan you luShou dai fang tou jin.Shou bu cong zhi dao.Wei xing xian qi chen. Qin jia cheng xiang fu.Bu zhong bao yi ren.Jun fei shu sun tong.Yu wo ben zhu lun.Shi shi qie wei daGui geng wen shui bin. Ridicule Shandong Confucians Old Shandong man discussed the Five ClassicsThe white-hair only follows dead words and chapters of the ancient texts.Ask them if this classic, exam-based knowledge will help the societyTheir ignorance like the descending mist and fog. They can wear expensive, well-made shoesThey don head wraps perfectly squared with round stovetops.Colored silk ribbons require them to move slowlyCannot travel until after they dust themselves off of this material worldQin Prime Minister Li…...
Traveler to a Strange Place 客 中 作 兰 陵 美 酒 郁 金 香玉 碗 盛 来 琥 珀 光。 但 使 主 人 能 醉 客不 知 何 处 是 他 乡。 Ke Zhong Zuo Lan ling mei jiu yu jin xiangYu wan cheng lai hu po guang. Dan shi zhu ren neng zui keBu zhi he wai shi ta xiang. Traveler to a Strange Place Lan Ling beautiful, their wine with a strong, golden fragranceJade bowls with ladles arrive with light amber wine. Yet the host can make this visitor drunkThen I forget where my hometown is. Notes: Lan Ling: Located in southern Shandong Province. Now a county....