Li Bai Poem: Pavilion of Xie Tiao – 李白《谢公亭》

"Pavilion of Xie Tiao" is a poem written by Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem was written in the 12th year of Tianbao (753) when Li Bai visited Xuancheng.
Li Bai Poem: Pavilion of Xie Tiao – 李白《谢公亭》












[1] 谢公亭:位于今安徽省宣城城北。因为南朝齐梁诗人谢胱曾任宣城太守,并曾在此亭送别他的好友范云,后就称此地为谢公亭,成为送别饯行的场所。《水经注》记载,在宣城有沔水流过,这首诗中的“碧水”可能就是指沔水。

[2] 池花:池塘中的鲜花。

[3] 窗竹:窗外的翠竹。

[4] 相接:精神相同、契合无间。

[5] 长歌:指作一首诗歌的意思。古时,诗歌是可以歌唱的,至唐代时仍有“歌诗”的说法,后随着诗歌的发展,才逐渐与歌唱分离,成为一种独立的文学形式。

Pavilion of Xie Tiao

Li Bai

Where the two poets parted,

The scene seems broken-hearted.

The moon’s left in the sky;

The stream flows with deep sigh.

The pool reflects sunlight;

Bamboos shiver at night.

The present like the past;

Long, long will friendship last.

Xie Tiao (464—499) was a poet who parted with another poet at Xuancheng and built a pavilion there. Disfavored, he was put in jail and died in prison. Disgraced, Li Bai came to the pavilion and sighed for Xie’s misfortune.


“Pavilion of Xie Tiao” is a poem written by Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem was written in the 12th year of Tianbao (753) when Li Bai visited Xuancheng. The first couplet is about the place where Xie and Fan were still parted, and the sight of the scene is inevitably sad; the joss stanza is a comprehensive description of the scene by the pavilion after Xie’s death, with the green sky, the bright moon, the empty mountains and the blue water forming an open and lonely realm; the neck couplet depicts the scenery of Xie’s pavilion in spring and autumn, which implies nostalgic thoughts of the ancient times; the last couplet is about the reminiscence and reverie, and seems to vaguely see the appearance of the ancients. The whole poem expresses the author’s cherished friendship on earth and Li Bai’s beautiful spiritual pursuit and high aspirations.

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