Pi Rixiu Poem: The Palace of the Beauty – 皮日休《馆娃宫怀古五绝》








[1] 馆娃宫:春秋时期吴王夫差为西施建造的宫殿,故址在今苏州市西南灵岩山上。吴国打败越国后,越王采纳大夫文种的建议,把苎萝山“鬻薪”女子西施献给了吴王夫差,以换得越国的生存,并慢慢强大起来,后来越国终于打败吴国。

[2] 绮阁:织有素色花纹的衣料。用它做成的衣服是一种上层身份的象征。

[3] 太湖:古代又有震泽、笠泽等几个名称,春秋时为吴国和越国的分界。

[4] 姑苏:常用来指苏州。苏州西南有姑苏山,姑苏山上有姑苏台,是春秋时吴王阖闾建造的。这里应该指姑苏山和姑苏台。

[5] 越王:指当时越国国君勾践。

The Palace of the Beauty (Ⅰ)

Pi Rixiu

Her dress shed fragrance on the lake;

The Southern soldiers took the capital at daybreak.

It would be a shame for the Southern king to win

The Eastern Kingdom by a lady fair and thin.

The King of the Southern Yue, defeated by the Eastern King of Wu, offered beautiful lady of the west, the Beauty to him, who loved her so much as to lose his kingdom in 473 BC.


The Five Pieces of Poetic Reminiscences of Pavilion Palace are five pieces of seven poems composed by Pi Rixiu in the Tang Dynasty. These five poems were written by Pi Rixiu when he was working in Suzhou and searching for the old ruins of Pavilion Palace. The poems are a combination of narrative and argument, reflecting the rise and fall of the state of Wu through the contrast of the past and present decay of the Pavilion Palace, and expressing his lamentation on the vicissitudes of the world and the rise and fall of the state.

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