Su Dongpo: At You Meitang Lake, Send As a Gift to Shugu

Su Dongpo: At You Meitang Lake, Send As a Gift to Shugu
Su shi

At Lake You Meitang, Send As a Gift to Shugu:
(Poppy Fields)


湖 山 信 是 东 南 美
一 望 弥 千 里。
使 君 能 得 几 回 来
便 使 樽 前 醉 倒 更 徘 徊。

沙 河 塘 里 灯 初 上
水 调 谁 家 唱。
夜 阑 风 静 欲 归 时
惟 有 一 江 明 月 碧 琉 璃。


You Mei Tang Zeng Shu Gu: Yu Mei Ren

Hu shan xin shi dong nan mei
Yi wang qian li.
Shi jun neng de ji hui lai
Bian shi zun qian zui dao geng pai huai.

Sha he tang li deng chu shang
Shui diao shei jia chang.
Ye lan feng jing yu gui shi
Wei you yi jiang ming yue bi liu li.


At Lake You Meitang, Send As a Gift to Shugu (Poppy Fields)

Local mountains and lakes to the southeast are beautiful
One can gaze into the distance for hundreds of miles.
Sent you away, how long until your return
For us, let’s drain the wine vessel before getting drunk, and stay in one place.

At the place of sandy river embankments, lamps are being lit
Wonder who is singing the water songs.
Late at night, winds quiet, time to go home
Only have one light on the river, moon on a bluish-green glaze.



(Poppy Fields): The name of the poem’s melody.

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