Su Dongpo: Depart From Jingkou

Depart From Jingkou: (Falling Down Drunk Spirit)

离 京 口 作:醉 落 魄
轻 云 微 月
二 更 酒 醒 船 初 发。
孤 城 回 望 苍 烟 合。
记 得 歌 时,不 记 归 时 节。
巾 偏 扇 坠 藤 床 滑
觉 来 幽 梦 无 人 说。
此 生 飘 荡 何 时 歇。
家 在 西 南,常 作 东 南 别。
Li Jing Kou Zuo: Zui Luo Po

Qing yun wei yue
Er geng jiu xing chuan chu fa.
Gu cheng hui wang cong yan he.
Ji de ge shi bu ji gui shi jie.

Jin pian shan zhui teng chuang hua
Jue lai you meng wu ren shuo.
Ci sheng piao dang he shi xie.
Jia zai xi nan chang zuo dong nan bie.


Depart From Jingkou: (Falling Down Drunk Spirit)

Wispy clouds, thin moon
Around 11:00 pm, sobering up from wine, the boat ready to push off.
Gaze into the distance, Gu city wall one with the sky and mist
I remember the time we made songs
But forgot how I got onto the boat.

My headpiece aslant
The fan has fallen next to my rattan bed
Awake from a deep dream, no one around to talk to.
My life a ladle, swinging back and forth with no place to rest
My home in the southwest, but often had to work in the southeast.



(Falling Down Drunk Spirit): The name of the poem’s melody.

Gu city: Now a county in southern Shanxi Province.

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