Front Courtyard Filled With Fragrances
三 十 三 年
漂 流 江 海
万 里 烟 浪 云 帆。
故 人 惊 怪
憔 悴 老 青 衫。
我 自 疏 狂 异 趣
君 何 事 奔 走 尘 凡。
流 年 尽 穷 途 坐 守
般 尾 冻 相 衔。
巉 巉。 淮 浦 外
层 楼 翠 壁 古 寺 宝 岩。
步 携 手 林 间
笑 挽 纤 纤。
莫 上 孤 峰 尽 外
萦 望 眼 云 海 相 搀。
家 何 在 因 君 问 我
归 梦 绕 松 杉。
Man Ting Fang
San shi san nian
piao liu jiang hai
Wan li yan lang yun fan.
Gu ren jing guai
Qiao cui lao qing shan.
Wo zi shu kuang yi qu
Jun he shi, ben zou chen fan.
Liu nian jin, qiong tu zuo shou
Ban wei dong xiang xian.
Chan chan. Huai pu wai
Ceng lou cui bi gu si bao yan.
Bu xie shou lin jian
Xiao wan xian xian.
Mo shang feng jin wai
Ying wang yan yun hai xiang chan.
Jia he zai, yin jun wen wo
Gui meng rao song shan.
Front Courtyard Filled With Fragrances:
For thirty-three years I have been afloat
Drifting on rivers and ocean tides
Thousands of miles, sailing among waves and clouds.
My old friends so surprised
I appear weak and emaciated in my old black, unlined shirt.
But I am different from this appearance
Naturally careless, wild and independent.
Your tasks cause you to run about within the dust of worldly affairs
This year almost gone, here we sit at the end of our roads.
Like two boats connected, frozen to each other.
The Huai River banks very dangerous and steep
Temples embedded into the emerald green cliffs contain ancient treasures.
Years ago we walked hand-in-hand into forest clearings
Laughing, holding a young lady’s skinny wrist.
No need to reach the summits
Through a small hole in the distance
The peaks and an ocean of clouds entwined arm in arm.
You ask me where my house is located
Only in a dream can I embrace my hometown pine and fir trees.
Huai River: A major river in central China running from west to east, and located in between the larger rivers of the Changjiang and Yellow River.
Through a small hole in the distance: Perhaps refers to a line and poem written by Tao Yuanming titled Peach Blossom Springhead. See this website for more information about Tao Yuanming and his poem.