Su Dongpo: Moving River Song Begins

Su Dongpo: Moving River Song Begins
Su shi

Moving River Song Begins


昵 昵 儿 女 语
灯 火 夜 微 明。
恩 怨 尔 汝 来 去
弹 指 泪 和 声。

忽 变 轩 昂 勇 士
一 鼓 填 然 作 气
千 里 不 留 行。
回 首 暮 云 远

飞 絮 搅 青 冥。
众 禽 里 真
彩 凤 独 不 鸣。
跻 攀 寸 步 千 险

一 落 百 寻 轻。
烦 子 指 间 风 雨
置 我 肠 中 冰 炭
起 坐 不 能 平。
推 手 从 归 去
无 泪 与 君 倾。


Shui Tiao Ge Tou

Ni ni er nu yu
Deng huo ye wei ming.
En yuan er ru lai qu
Tan zhi lei he sheng.

Hu bian xuan ang yong shi
Yi gu tian ran zuo qi
Qian li bu liu xing.
Hui shou mu yun yuan

Fei xu jiao qing ming.
Zhong qin li zhen
Cai feng du bu ming.
Ji pan cun bu qian xian

Yi luo bai xun qing.
Fan zi zhi jian feng yu
Zhi wo chang zhong bing tan
Qi zuo bu neng ping.
Tui shou cong gui qu
Wu lei yu jun qing.


Moving River Song Begins

Like two lover’s intimate words when the evening lights dim
Through kindness and resentment their relationship ebbs and flows.
Fingers pluck harmonious sounds
Suddenly change to tears, then to the bold and fierce.

Like one regiment pressing forward
Scatter after hundreds of miles.
Music changes to distant clouds at sunset
Whole sky filled with cottonwood seeds on the wind.

Full range of sounds, like many birds singing together as one
Ascending notes like taking a thousand small steps upward.
Then easily fall down eight hundred feet
Appreciate your fingers moving between wind and rain.

Put my insides in the middle of ice and embers
Not able to stand up or sit down.
Push my hand away, you need to go
Without any more tears, no more to given you.

To TAReward
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The person is Reward
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