Su Dongpo: Patridge Sky

Partridge Sky

鹧 鸪 天
林 断 山 明 竹 隐 墙
乱 蝉 衰 草 小 池 塘。
翻 空 白 鸟 时 时 见
照 水 红 蕖 细 细 香。
村 舍 外 古 城 旁
杖 藜 徐 步 转 斜 阳。
殷 勤 昨 三 更 雨
又 得 浮 生 一 日 凉。
Zhe Gu Tian

Lin duan shan ming zhu yin qiang
Luan chan shuai cao xiao chi tang.
Fan kong bai niao shi shi jian
Zhao shui hong qu xi xi xiang.

Cun she wai, gu cheng pang
Zhang li xu bu zhuan xie yang.
Yin qin zuo ye san geng yu
You de fu sheng yi ri liang.


Partridge Sky

Edge of the forest, green mountains of bamboo hidden by a wall
Cicadas everywhere in dying grasses around a small pond and berms.
Often see white birds flying across the sky
Delicate aroma, red lotus on the illuminated water.

Village houses outside the old city walls
With my cane, slowly follow the setting sun.
Eagerly watch light, scattered rain around midnight
I made it one more cool day for this brief and illusory life.

Chinese Poems

Su Dongpo: Ninth Lunar Month, Han Wei Tower, Give to Xu Junyou: (Southern Village Music)

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Chinese Poems

Su Dongpo: Made Like a Dream

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