Su Dongpo: Remember Times of Departure Long Ago: (For All Time Receive Happiness)

Remember Times of Departure Long Ago: (For All Time Receive Happiness)

长 忆 别 时: 永 遇 乐
长 忆 别 时
景 疏 楼 上
明 月 如 水。
美 酒 清 歌
留 连 不 住
月 随 人 千 里。
别 来 三 度
孤 光 又 满
冷 落 共 谁 同 醉。
卷 珠 帘,凄 然 顾 影。
共 伊 到 明 无 寐。
今 朝 有 客
来 从 濉 上
能 道 使 君 深 意。
凭 仗 清 淮
分 明 到 海
中 有 相 思 泪。
而 今 何 在
西 垣 清 禁
夜 水 露 华 侵 被。
此 时 看,回 廊 晓 月
也 应 暗 记。


Chang Yi Bie Shi: (Yong Yu Le)

Chang yi bie shi
Jing shu lou shang
Ming yue ru shui.
Mei jiu qing ge
Liu lian bu zhu
Yue sui ren qian li.

Bie lai san du
Gu guang you man
Leng luo gong shei tong zui.
Juan zhu lian, qi ran gu ying
Gong yi dao ming wu mei.

Jin zhao you ke
Lai cong sui shang
Neng dao shi jun shen yi.
Ping zhang qing huai
Fen ming dao hai
Zhong you xiang si lei.

Er jin he zai
Xi yuan qing jin
Ye shui lu hua qin bei.
Ci shi kan hui lang xiao yue
Ye ying an ji.


Remember Times of Departure Long Ago: (For All Time Receive Happiness)

Remember times of departure long ago
Upon the Jingshu tower
Bright moonlight upon the water.
Excellent wine, clear and honest songs
Cannot possess these times of togetherness
Moon follows us for hundreds of miles.

Three months since our last departure
Again the landscape has a full moon.
From exile, who will come back to get drunk.
Roll up the beaded curtain, sad looking at the shadows until dawn
They are my companions throughout the sleepless night.

At today’s sunrise have a visitor
Arriving from Sui Shang
He comes to share his insights.
Feels like relying upon the strength of the Huai River
That irreversibly reaches the ocean
At mid-river your tears of lovesickness flows.

Where are you now
You are working at the west wall
Have to endure forever the night time dew.
That will dampen and invade your quilt
This time on the veranda, watch the returning moon at daybreak
Both of us remember each other.



[The description at the end of the title inside the parentheses identifies the name of the music which these lines are to be sung to.]

Huai River: Major Chinese river flowing from west to east, and now a major tributary to the Changjiang.

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