Su Dongpo: Returning Winds Decline: (Diminished Tree Orchid Flowers)

Returning Winds Decline: (Diminished Tree Orchid Flowers)

 回风落景: (减 字 木 兰 花)
回 风 落 景
散 乱 东 墙 疏 竹 影。
满 座 清 微
人 袖 寒 泉 不 湿 衣。
梦 回 清 醒
百 尺 飞 澜 鸣 碧 井。
雪 洒 冰 麾
散 落 佳 人 白 玉 肌。
Hui Feng Luo Jing: (Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua)

Hui feng luo jing
San luan dong qiang shu zhu ying.
Man zuo qing wei
Ren xiu han quan bu shi yi.

Meng hui jiu xing
Bai chi fei lan ming bi jing.
Xue sa bing hui
San luo jia ren bai yu ji.


Returning Winds Decline: (Diminished Tree Orchid Flowers)

Returning winds decline, shadows lengthen and fall down
Thin bamboo cast scattered and disorderly shadows against the east wall.
Sitting with friends, breezes light and negligible
Blowing over cold springhead water.

Sleeves and folds like wearing no clothes at all
Dreams disappear, return to a post-wine sobriety.
From a well one hundred feet deep
Snow-white lotus flowers sprinkled on ice-cold water, falling upon the
white jade skin of beauties.

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