Su Dongpo: Scholar Li Qi Noted For Painting Mountains That Require Long Scrolls

Scholar Li Qi Noted for Painting Mountains That Require Long Scrolls, Has Sent Me Two Paintings with Poems, I Answer Him With This Reply

李 颀 秀 才 善 画 山,以 两 轴 见 寄,仍 有 诗,次 韵 答 之
平 生 自 是 个 中 人
欲 向 渔 舟 便 写 真。
诗 句 对 君 难 出 手
云 泉 劝 我 早 抽 身。
年 来 白 发 惊 秋 速
长 恐 青 山 与 世 新。
从 此 北 归 休 怅 望
囊 中 收 得 武 陵 春。
Li Qi Xiu Cai Shan Hua Shan, Yi Liang Zhou Jian Ji, Reng You Shi, Ci Yun Da Zhi

Ping sheng zi shi ge zhong ren
Yu xiang yu zhou bian xie zhen.
Shi ju dui jun nan chu shou
Yun quan quan wo zao chou shen.

Nian lai bai fa jing qiu su
Chang kong qing shan yu shi xin.
Cong ci bei gui xiu chang wang
Nang zhong shou de wu ling chun.


Scholar Li Qi Noted for Painting Mountains That Require Long Scrolls, Has Sent Me Two Paintings with Poems, I Answer Him With This Reply

All my life I have been a person of ordinary ability
Hope and want to be near your picture’s fishing boat, share now my true feelings.
My poetic reply to you difficult to produce
Your clouds and spring waters encourage me to retire early for rural seclusion.

Recently white hair has emerged like the quick beginning of autumn
Long time fear these green mountains may change as well.
Even if I have to return north, I won’t be sad looking at your pictures
I will have spring landscapes and paradise in the middle of my pocket.



Li Qi: Tang Synasty poet (690-751)

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