Two Moons by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《两个月亮》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《两个月亮》 我望见两个月亮: 一般的样,不同的相。 一个这时正在天上, 披敞着雀毛的衣裳; 她不吝惜她的恩情, 满地全是她的金银。 她不忘故宫的琉璃, 三海间有她的清丽。 她跳出云头,跳上树, 又躲进新绿的藤萝。 她那样玲珑,那样美, 水底的鱼儿也得醉! 但她有一点子不好, 她老爱向瘦小里耗; 有时满天只见星点, 没了那迷人的圆脸, 虽则到时候照样回来, 但这份相思有些难挨! 还有那个你看不见, 虽则不提有多么艳! 她也有她醉涡的笑, 还有转动时的灵妙; 说慷慨她也从不让人, 可借你望不到我的园林! 可贵是她天边的法力, 常把我灵波向高里提: 我最爱那银涛的汹涌, 浪花里有音乐的银钟: 就那些马尾似的白沫, 也比得珠宝经过雕琢。 一轮完美的明月, 又况是永不残缺! 只要我闭上这一双跟. 她就婷婷的升上了天! 英文译文 Two Moons Hsu Chih-Mo Two moons I see, The same in shape, yet different in feature. The one’s just in the sky Decked in a gown of bird-plumes. She does not stint her favours, Her gold and silver spread o’er all the earth. She does not forget the titles on the palace-roof. And the Three Lakes brim and glisten with her beauty. Over the clouds she leaps, over the tree-tops, And hides herself in green shades of the vine. She is so delicate and comely Even the fish within the lakes are rapt! And yet she has a flaw— The naughty habit of becoming thin: Sometimes the sparks of stars are seen aloft But not her round enchanting countenance. And though she may return at other seasons This absence is a torture too excessive. Another moon there is you cannot see, Despite the splendour of her radiance. She also has her dimple-smiles And grace of movement; She’s no less generous than the… -
In the Mountains by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《山中》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《山中》 庭院是一片静, 听市谣围抱, 织成一地松影—— 看当头月好! 不知今夜山中, 是何等光景: 想也有月,有松, 有更深曲静。 我想攀附月色, 化一阵清风, 吹醒群松春醉, 去山中浮动; 吹下一针新碧, 掉在你窗前; 轻柔如同叹息—— 不惊你安眠! 英文译文 In the Mountains Hsu Chih-Mo The courtyard is an oasis of quiet Surrounded by the clamour of the town; Shadows of pines are woven on the ground, Bright and beauteous is the full moon. Nobody knows in the mountains of tonight What scenery there will be: Pine-trees perhaps, and moonlight, And deeper quiet. O, to swim in the waves of the moon, To become a gust of ethereal wind And frolic in deep mountains And rouse the spring-intoxicated pines! I would puff a fresh green needle Towards your window, so it would alight Gently, like a tender sigh— Your tranquil slumber not to stir. -
The Fathomless Sea by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《阔的海》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《阔的海》 阔的海空的天我不需要, 我也不想放一只巨大的纸鹞 上天去捉弄四面八方的风; 我只要一分钟 我只要一点光 我只要一条缝,-- 象一个小孩子爬伏在一间暗屋的窗前 望着西天边不死的一条缝, 一点光,一分钟。 英文译文 The Fathomless Sea Hsu Chih-Mo The fathomless sea and heaven I do not want, Nor do I wish to fly a giant kite To catch the upper wind from every side; I only want a moment, I only want a gleam of light, I only want a crevice— Like a child in a dark room Curled in the window seat, Gazing upon the ever-open gap Below the western sky, — Merely for one minute, A gleam of light. -
By the Mountain Path by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《在那山道旁》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《在那山道旁》 在那山道旁,一天雾濛濛的朝上, 初生的小蓝花在草丛里窥觑, 我送别她归去,与她在此分离, 在青草里飘拂,她的洁白的裙衣。 我不曾开言,她亦不曾告辞, 驻足在山道旁,我暗暗的寻思, “吐露你的秘密,这不是最好时机?”—— 露沾的小草花,仿佛恼我的迟疑。 为什么迟疑,这是最后的时机, 在这山道旁,在这雾盲的朝上? 收集了勇气,向着她我旋转身去:—— 但是啊,为什么她这满眼凄惶了 我咽住了我的话,低下了我的头, 水灼与冰激在我的心胸间回荡, 啊,我认识了我的命运,她的忧愁,—— 在这浓雾里,在这凄清的道旁! 在那天朝上,在雾茫茫的山道旁, 新生的小蓝花在草丛里睥睨 我目送她远去,与她从此分离—— 在青草间飘拂,她那洁白的裙衣! 英文译文 By the Mountain Path Hsu Chih-Mo One misty morning by the mountain path The new-born hyacinth peeped out of the grass, Midway I had gone with her, and there we parted. Her white dress fluttered in the meadow green. I did not speak; she did not say farewell; And by the mountain path I paused and pondered. “Disclose your secrets, is not this the season?” Moist petals seemed to blame my hesitation. Why hesitate? This is your final chance, This misty morning by the mountain path. I turned to her, collecting all my courage: But why the trepidation in her eyes? I choked my words and bowed my head While fire and ice contended in my breast. I suddenly saw my fate and saw her sorrows In thick haze, by the solitary path. That morning by the misty mountain path The newborn hyacinth peeped out of the grass, I saw her wander away and left her for ever, Her white dress fluttering in the meadow green. -
Life by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《生活》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《生活》 阴沉,黑暗,毒蛇似的蜿蜒, 生活逼成了一条甬道: 一度陷入,你只可向前, 手扪索着冷壁的粘潮, 在妖魔的脏腑内挣扎, 头顶不见一线的天光 这魂魄,在恐怖的压迫下, 除了消灭更有什么愿望? 英文译文 Life Hsu Chih-Mo Gloomy and sombre, like a venomous serpent crawling, Life leads you to a narrow corridor: Once you are there you only can go forward, Fingering the clammy ooze on chilly walls. Struggling within the bowels of a devil, No gleam of light is visible above. What hope, under the burden of such terror, What hope for the soul beyond its perishing? -
For Whom? by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《为谁》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《为谁》 这几天秋风来得格外的尖厉: 我怕看我们的庭院, 树叶伤鸟似的猛旋, 中著了无形的利箭—— 没了,全没了:生命,颜色,美丽! 就剩下西墙上的几道爬山虎: 它那豹斑似的秋色, 忍熬著风拳的打击, 低低的喘一声乌邑—— 「我为你耐著!」它仿佛对我声诉。 它为我耐著,那艳色的秋萝, 但秋风不容情的追, 追,(摧残著它的恩思惠!) 追尽了生命的余辉—— 这回墙上不见了勇敢的秋萝! 今夜那青光的三星在天上 倾听著秋后的空院, 悄俏的,更不闻呜咽: 落叶在泥土里安眠—— 只我在这深夜,啊,为谁凄惘? 英文译文 For Whom? Hsu Chih-Mo These days the autumn wind blows very chill. I fear to see in our courtyard Leaves rolling fiercely about like wounded birds, Hurt by invisible arrows— Perish, all perish: beauty, colour, life. Only the creeper on the western walls Retains his hue, like spots on leopard skin, Bearing the buffets of the wind His sobs and moans are scarcely audible. “I am suffering for you,” he seems to say. He is suffering for me, the comely creeper! Pitiless, the autumn winds drive on, (Destruction is their mercy!) Drive to the ultimate flicker of life’s flame. Soon the brave creeper from the walls has vanished. In the sky tonight three stars with greeny gleams List to the empty courtyard after autumn. All’s quiet, not a sob or wail is heard, The fallen leaves lie resting in the mud, — Alone tonight, for whom do I feel so sad? -
Seven, Stone Tiger Lane by Hsü Chih-mo ~ 徐志摩 《石虎胡同七号》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《石虎胡同七号》 我们的小园庭,有时荡漾着无限温柔: 善笑的藤娘,袒酥怀任团团的柿掌绸缪, 百尺的槐翁,在微风中俯身将棠姑抱搂, 黄狗在篱边,守候睡熟的珀儿,它的小友, 小雀儿新制求婚的艳曲,在媚唱无休—— 我们的小园庭,有时荡漾着无限温柔。 我们的小园庭,有时淡描着依稀的梦景; 雨过的苍茫与满庭荫绿,织成无声幽冥, 小蛙独坐在残兰的胸前,听隔院蚓鸣, 一片化不尽的雨云,倦展在老槐树顶, 掠檐前作圆形的舞旋,是蝙蝠,还是蜻蜓? 我们的小园庭,有时淡描着依稀的梦景。 我们的小园庭,有时轻喟着一声奈何; 奈何在暴雨时,雨槌下捣烂鲜红无数, 奈何在新秋时,未凋的青叶惆怅地辞树, 奈何在深夜里,月儿乘云艇归去,西墙已度, 远巷薤露的乐音,一阵阵被冷风吹过—— 我们的小园庭,有时轻喟着一声奈何。 我们的小园庭,有时沉浸在快乐之中; 雨后的黄昏,满院只美荫,清香与凉风, 大量的蹇翁,巨樽在手,蹇足直指天空, 一斤,两斤,杯底喝尽,满怀酒欢,满面酒红, 连珠的笑响中,浮沉着神仙似的酒翁—— 我们的小园庭,有时沉浸在快乐之中。 英文译文 Seven, Stone Tiger Lane Hsü Chih-mo There are times when our little courtyard ripples with infinite tenderness: Winsome wisteria, bosom bared, invites the caress of persimmon leaves, From his hundred-foot height the sophora stoops in the breeze to embrace the wild apple, The yellow dog by the fence watches over his little friend Amber, fast asleep, The birds sing their latest mating songs, trilling on without cease— There are times when our little courtyard ripples with infinite tenderness. There are times when our little courtyard shades in the setting of a dream: Across the green shadows the haze after rain weaves a sealed and silent darkness, Facing my fading orchids, a single squatting frog listens out for the cry of a worm in the next garden. A weary raincloud, still unspent, stretches above the sophora’s top, That circling flutter before the eaves— is it a bat or a dragonfly? There are times when our little courtyard shades in the setting of a dream. There are times when our little courtyard can only… -
Mountains by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《渺小》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《渺小》 我仰望群山的苍老, 他们不话一句话。 阳光描出我的渺小, 小草在我的脚下。 我一人停在路隅, 倾听空谷的松籁; 青天里有白云盘踞—— 转眼间忽又不在。 英文译文 Mountains Hsu Chih-Mo I look up at the old grey mountains; They have no words. Sunshine projects my littleness, Slender grasses are under my feet. Alone I pause by the wood, Quietly I listen to the murmuring pines; White clouds drift over the sky And vanish at a glance. -
Midnight by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《深夜》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《深夜》 深夜里, 街角上。 梦一般的灯芒。 烟雾迷裹着树, 怪得人走错了路。 “你害苦了我--冤家!” 她哭,他——不答话。 晓风轻飘着树尖: 掉了,早秋的红艳。 英文译文 Midnight Hsu Chih-Mo At midnight, in a corner down the street The shafts of lamp-light were as dim as dreams. The trees were drowned in mist. No wonder people lost their way. “You’ve wronged me, cruel enemy!” She wept: —came no reply. The dawn wind shook the tree-tops: The fine flushed leaves of autumn fluttered down. -
The Five Old Men Peaks by Hsu Chih-Mo ~ 徐志摩 《五老峰》 with English Translations
作品原文 徐志摩 《五老峰》 不可摇撼的神奇, 不容注视的威严, 这耸峙,这横蟠, 这不可攀援的峻险! 看!那晚岩缺处 透露着天,窈远的苍天, 在无限广博的怀抱间, 这磅礴的伟象显现! 是谁的意境,是谁的想象? 是谁的工程与搏造的手痕? 在这亘古的空灵中 陵慢著天风,天体与天氛! 有时朵朵明媚的彩云, 轻颤的妆缀着老人们的苍鬓, 像一树虬干的古梅在月下 吐露了艳色鲜葩的清芬! 山麓前伐木的村童, 在山涧的清流中洗濯,呼啸, 认识老人们的嗔颦, 迷雾海沫似的喷涌,铺罩, 淹没了谷内的青林, 隔绝了鄱阳的水色袅渺, 陡壁前闪亮著火电,听呀! 五老们在渺茫的雾海外狂笑! 朝霞照他们的前胸, 晚霞戏逗着他们赤秃的头颅; 黄昏时,听异鸟的欢呼, 在他们鸠盘的肩旁怯怯的透露 不昧的星光与月彩: 柔波里,缓泛着的小艇与轻舸; 听呀!在海会静穆的钟声里, 有朝山人在落叶林中过路! 更无有人事的虚荣, 更无有尘世的仓促与噩梦, 灵魂!记取这从容与伟大, 在五老峰前饱啜自由的山风! 这不是山峰,这是古圣人的祈祷 凝聚成这“冻乐”似的建筑神工。 给人间一个不朽的凭证—— 一个“崛强的疑问”在无极的蓝空! 英文译文 The Five Old Men Peaks Hsu Chih-Mo The unshakable miracle, The dazzling dignity, The high uprising, the dragon-coiling, The inaccessible steep. Behold! through a crevice there The sky peeps in, that blue remote and profound. In the embrace of the infinite The wonder hugely surges into sight. Whose ideal and whose imagination, Whose labour, the traces of whose creative hands In a void antique and divine, Now mock the heavenly mists and winds and bodies? Sometimes clusters of glittering comely clouds, Quivering faintly, adorn their silver locks Like an old twisted plum-tree, branches writhing And blossoms yielding sudden fragrances. The boys who fell timber down the mountain-side Bathe and shout in the crystal stream. They recognize the old men’s moody faces. The rolling mists like foam upon the ocean Cover and drown the green woods in the valley And screen the ruffled waters of the lake. Lightning flashes on crag and cliff, O listen! The five…
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