Meng Haoran: Met Zhang Zirong at Shanpu Guan in Yong Jia
Meng Haoran Meng Haoran: Met Zhang Zirong at Shanpu Guan in Yong Jia 永嘉上浦馆逢张子客 逆 旅 相 逢 处江 村 日 暮 时。众 山 遥 对 酒孤 屿 共 题 诗。 廨 宇 邻 鮫 室人 烟 接 岛 夷。乡 关 万 馀 里失 路 一 相 悲。 Yong Jia Shang Pu Guan Feng Zhang Zi Ke Ni lu xiang feng chuJiang cun ri mo shiZhong shan yao dui jiuGu yu gong ti shi Xie yu lin jiao shiRen yan jie dao yiXiang guan wan yu liShi lu yi xiang bei Met Zhang Zirong at Shanpu Guan in Yong Jia We met during our travels at a country innSunset at a small river villageAmong many remote mountains, share wineTogether at a solitary islet, write poetry on a large boulder Government guesthouse neighbors with the water peopleSigns of habitation around the nearby island localsStill many, many miles from my hometownWe share the same path: a very sad road to obscurity. Notes: Yong Jia: Suburb of Wenzhou, Zhejiang province Shangpu Guan: A building about 70 li east of Wenzhou Li: equal to half of a kilometer (about 1/3 of a mile) Water people: Mythological people living underwater, like mermaids and mermen -
Meng Haoran: At Dongting Lake: Send to Yan the Ninth
Meng Haoran At Dongting Lake: Send to Yan the Ninth 洞庭湖寄阎九 洞 庭 秋 正 阔余 欲 泛 归船 。莫 辨 荆 吴 地唯 馀 水 共 天。 渺 猕 江 树 没合 沓 海 湖 连。迟 尔 为 舟 楫相 将 济 巨 川。 Dong Ting Hu Ji Yan Jiu Dong ting qiu zheng kuoYu yu fan gui chuan。Mo bian jing wu diWei yu shui gong tian。 Miao mi jiang shu meiHe ta hai hu lianChi er wei zhou jiXiang jiang ji ju chuan At Dongting Lake: Send to Yan the Ninth Autumn and Dongting Lake pure and vastI want to float slowly in the boat on the way home Cannot distinguish which shore is Jing and which is Wu Can only see where the water meets the sky Water so vast cannot see any trees River and lake waters crowded together… -
Meng Haoran: Early Morning, Go Fishing in Yu Putan
Meng Haoran Meng Haoran: Early Morning, Go Fishing in Yu Putan 早发渔浦潭 东 旭 早 光 芒渚 刘 已 惊 聒。卧 闻 渔 浦 口绕 声 暗 相 拨。 日 出 气 象 分始 知 江 路 阔。美 人 常 晏 起照 影 弄 流 沫。 饮 水 畏 惊 猿祭 鱼 时 见 獭。舟 行 自 无 闷况 值 晴 景 豁。 Zao Fa Yu Pu Tan Dong xu zao guang mangZhu li yi jing guoWo wen yu pu kouRao sheng an xiang bo Ri chu qi xiang fenShi zhi jiang lu kuoMei ren chang yan qiZhao ying nong liu mo Yin shui wei jing yuanJi yu shi jian taZhou xing zi wu menKuang zhi qing jing huo Early Morning, Go Fishing in Yu Putan Early rays of sunlight in the eastSandbar birds already up and noisyFrom the boat, hear the fish at the river mouthAnd the oars turning over and over Sunrise views emerge layer after layerOnly then know, this part of the river is vastBeautiful women often get up lateLooking into the water, they wash up and comb out their hair Monkeys drinking at the river startle and runOtters with caught fish wait to eat, like making… -
Meng Haoran: Double Nine Days in Longsha
Meng Haoran Meng Haoren: Double Nine Days in Longsha: Write and Then Send to Liu Zheyu 九日于龙沙作寄刘大晢虚 龙 沙 豫 章 北九 日 挂 帆 过。风 俗 因 时 见湖 山 发 兴 多。 客 中 谁 送 酒棹 里 自 成 歌。歌 竟 乘 流 去滔 滔 任 夕 波。 Jiu Ri Yu Long Sha Zuo Ji Liu Da Zhe Xu Long sha yu zhang beiJiu ri gua fan guoHu su yin shi jianHu shan fa xing duo Ke zhong shei song jiuZhao li zi cheng geGe jing cheng liu quTao tao ren xi bo Double Ninth Days in Longsha: Write and Then Send to Liu Zhexu Longsha, north of YuzhengDouble Ninth days, put up the sail upon arrivalBecause of this season, can see the local customsLakes and mountains produce many insights As a visitor drinking wine aloneOars put inside, sing songs by myselfCompleted songs flow awaySpreading sounds engage the sunset ripples. Notes: Double-Ninth holiday: The ninth day of the ninth month on the lunar calendar. According to ancient Chinese tradition from the Han Dynasty, the number nine is a yang number, one half of the yin–yang pair. Yang in this context means sun, masculine, hot, active energy. Because of the double… -
Meng Haoran: Wan Mountain: Deep River Pools
Meng Haoran Meng Haoran: Wan Mountain: Deep River Pools 万山潭 垂 钓 坐 磐 石水 清 心 益 闲。鱼 行 潭 树 下猿 挂 岛 藤 间。 游 女 昔 解 佩传 闻 于 此 山。求 之 不 可 得沿 月 棹 歌 还。 Wan Shan Tan Chui diao zuo pan shiShui qing xin yi xianYu xing tan shu xiaYuan gua dao teng jian You nu xi jie peiChuan wen yu ci shanQiu zhi bu ke deYan yue zhao ge hai Wan Mountain: Deep River Pools Sit on a comfortable boulder fishingClear water increases the idleness of an unoccupied mindBelow trees, fish travel around big deep poolsOn one island, monkeys hang from vine to vine It is said from an old storyFrom this place one can ascend into Heaven Although I seek this lady, not able to obtainMust be content with following the moon and the boatman’s song. Notes: From an old story: a man from ancient times, Zhen Jiapu, stayed in the Wan Mountains. He met two ladies on his way down the mountain, they gave him some jade. After taking ten… -
Meng Haoran: Western Mountains: Seeking Xin E
Meng Haoran Meng Haoran: Western Mountains, Seeking Xin E 西山寻辛谔 漾 舟 寻 水 便因 访 故 人 居。落 日 清 川 里谁 言 独 羡 鱼。 石 潭 溃 洞 彻沙 岸 厉 纡 余。竹 屿 见 垂 钓茅 斋 闻 读 书。 款 言 忘 景 夕清 兴 属 凉 初。回 也 一 瓢 饮贤 哉 常 晏 如! Xi Shan Xun Xin E Yang zhou xun shui bianYin fang gu ren juLuo ri qing chuan liShei yan du xian yu Shi tan kui dong cheSha an li yu yuZhu yu jian chui diaoMao zhai wen du shu Kuan yan wang jing xiQing xing zhu liang chuHui ye yi piao yinXian zai chang yan ru ! Western Mountains, Seeking Xin E Ripples against a small boat, following the passable water depthsIn order to visit an old friend’s houseSunset inside clear river waterAlso admire this single fish Deep rocky pool, can see clear to the bottomMulticolored sandy riverbank winding back and forth till out of sightSee fishing lines from the bamboo isletFrom a thatched hut can hear a spiritual book read aloud With these sincere words, forget the sunset sceneryHigh and pure thoughts at the beginning of this cooler… -
Meng Haoran: Summer Day in a Southern Pavilion Thinking of Xin Da
Meng Haoran Summer Day in a Southern Pavilion Thinking of Xin Da 夏日南亭怀辛大 山 光 忽 西 落池 月 渐 东 上。散 发 乘 夕 凉开 轩 卧 闲 敞。 荷 风 送 香 气竹 露 滴 清 响。欲 取 鸣 琴 弹恨 无 知 音 赏。 感 此 怀 故 人中 宵 劳 梦 想 。 Xia Ri Nan Ting Huai Xin Da Shan guang hu xi luoChi yue jian dong shang.San fa cheng xi liangKai xuan wo xian chang. He feng song xiang qiZhu lu di qing xiang.Yu qu ming qin tanHen wu zhi yin shang.Gan ci huai gu renZhong xiao lao meng xiang. Summer Day in a Southern Pavilion Thinking of Xin Da Sunset afterglow suddenly leaves the westStep by step, moon rises on the eastern pond.Cool sunset, hair falls down loose and freeOpen windows, lie down in the leisure room. Wind sends the sweet fragrance… -
Meng Haoran: Writing About Master Kong’s Room
Meng Haoran Writing About Master Kong’s Room Within the Cui Wei Temple, Southern Mountains 题终南翠微寺空上人房 翠 微 终 南 里雨 后 宜 返 照。闭 关 久 沉 冥杖 策 一 登 眺。 遂 造 幽 人 室始 知 静 者 妙。儒 道 虽 异 门云 林 颇 同 调。 两 心 相 喜 得毕 景 共 谈 笑。瞑 还 高 窗 昏时 见 远 山 晓。 缅 怀 赤 城 标更 忆 临 海 峤。风 泉 有 清 音何 必 苏 门 啸! Ti Zhong Nan Cui Wei Si Kong Shang Ren Fang Cui wei zhong nan liYu hou yi fan zhaoBi guan jiu chen mingZhang ce yi deng tiao Sui zao you ren shiShi zhi jing zhe miaoRu dao sui yi menYun lin po tong tiao. Liang xin xiang xi deBi jing gong tan xiaoMing hai gao chuang hunShi jian yuan shan xiao Mian huai chi cheng biaoGeng yi lin hai jiaoFeng quan you qing yinHe bi su men xiao Writing About Master Kong’s Room Within the Cui Wei Temple, Southern Mountains Cui Wei temple inside the Southern MountainsAfter rain, now reflections of sunset lightHe has been for a long time in seclusion, sunk in deep and profound contemplationWith… -
Wang Wei: Tears For Meng Haoran
Meng Haoran Wang Wei: Tears For Meng Haoran 哭孟浩然 故 人 不 可 见汉 水 日 东 流. 借 问 襄 阳 老江 山 空 蔡 洲. Ku Meng Hao Ran Gu ren bu ke jianHan shui ri dong liu. Jie wen xiang yang laoJiang shan kong cai zhou. Tears for Meng Haoran Not able to see my old friendHan River continually flows to the east. … -
Meng Haoran: Stay Overnight on the Jiande River
Meng Haoran Stay Overnight on the Jiande River 建德江宿 移 舟 泊 烟 渚日 暮 客 愁 新。 野 旷 天 低 树江 清 月 近 人。 Jian De Jiang Su Yi zhou bo yan zhuRi mu ke chou xin. Ye kuang tian di shuJiang qing ming jin ren. Stay Overnight on the Jiande River Move the boat, cast anchor near a misty isletSunset, this traveler with new sadness, homesickness. Landscape and sky vast and empty, bare treesMoonlight on the clear river my friend. Notes: Jiande River: Located inside Zhejiang Province -
Meng Haoran: With Mr. Yu of Hangzhou, Climb Up to Zhang Lou to Watch the Rising Tidal Bore
Meng Haoran With Mr. Yu of Hangzhou, Climb Up to Zhang Lou to Watch the Rising Tidal Bore 与颜钱塘登樟楼望湖作 百 里 闻 雷 震鸣 弦 暂 辍 弹。府 中 连 骑 出江 上 待 湖 观。 照 日 秋 空 迥浮 云 渤 澥 宽。鹭 涛 来 似 雪一 坐 凛 生 寒。 Yu Yan Qian Tang Deng Zhang Lou Wang Hu Zuo Bai li wen lei zhenMing xian zan chuo dan.Fu zhong lian qi chuJiang shang dai hu guan. Zhao ri qiu kong jiongFu yun bo xie kuan.Lu tao lai si xueYi zuo lin sheng han. With Mr Yu of Hangzhou, Climb Up to Zhang Lou to WatchThe Rising Tidal Bore From thirty miles away, can already hear the thunderous roar and feelthe shakingMr. Yu has left his office work behind to watch this event with me.Crowds of people together ride and go to this placeThey all wait for the wave to arrive. Autumn sunshine and sky, distant visibilityFloating clouds thin, with a wide horizon, like at Bohai.Tidal bore wave approaching like billows of snow-white birdsSitting together, here comes the rush of cold air. Notes: Mr. Yu: Then current mayor of Hangzhou Hangzhou: Famous ancient city and occasional… -
Meng Haoran: Writing About Yigong, at His Room in the Dayu Temple
Meng Haoran Writing About Yigong, at His Room in the Dayu Temple 题大禹义公房 义 公 习 禅 处结 构 依 空 林。户 外 一 峰 秀阶 前 群 壑 深。 夕 阳 照 雨 足空 翠 落 庭 阴。看 取 莲 花 净应 知 不 染 心。 Ti Da Yu Yi Gong Fang Yi gong xi chan chuJie gou yi kong lin.Hu wai yi feng xiuJie qian qun he shen. Xi yang zhao yu zuKong cui luo ting yin.Kan qu lian hua jingYing zhi bu ran xin. Writing About Yigong, at His Room in the Dayu Temple Yigong practices the Chan teachingsHis room in back, near the empty forest.Outside his door, one beautiful mountain peakIn front of the steps, many deep ravines. After rain, setting sun shinesDown on the emerald green leaves in the empty, tree-covered courtyard.See that he is clear above the white lotus flowerI know his heart-mind not stained by worldly things. Notes: Da Yu: Near the city of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Chan: Literally means to sit in deep contemplation. Better known in the West as Zen (Buddhism). White lotus flower: His level of Chan understanding is very high, like the Buddha sitting upon the white lotus flower -
Meng Haoran: From Luoyang, Go to Zhejiang
Meng Haoran From Luoyang, Go to Zhejiang 自洛之越 遑 遑 三 十 载书 剑 两 无 成。山 水 寻 吴 越风 尘 厌 洛 京。 扁 舟 泛 湖 海长 揖 谢 公 卿。且 乐 杯 中 物谁 论 世 上 名! Zi Luo Zhi Yue Huang huang san shi zaiShu jian liang wu cheng.Shan shui xun wu yueFeng chen yan luo jing. Bian zhou fan hu haiChang yi xie gong qing.Qie le bei zhong wuShei lun shi shang ming! From Luoyang, Go to Zhejiang Busy, in haste, thirty years have goneUnsuccessful in both the government bureaucracy and legal positions.Travel to the hills and river scenery of WuDisgusted with Luoyang, the capital, and with the blowing dust of unstable societies. Small flat boats float on lakes and seasLong farewell with a bow, and hands clasped, thanks to senior government official friends.For a long time happy to have drinking wine a priorityFollow the Analects, and not the famous and powerful. Notes: Luoyang: City to the east of Chang’an (Xi’an). Occasional eastern capital of Imperial China. Zhejiang: Modern province of China on the central eastern coast. Wu: Ancient nation-state in southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang provinces. -
Meng Haoran: Written On My Host’s Wall in Chang’an
Meng Haoran Written On My Host’s Wall in Chang’an 题长安主人壁 久 废 南 山 田叨 陪 东 阁 贤。欲 随 平 子 去犹 未 献 “ 甘 泉”。 枕 藉 琴 书 满褰 帷 远 岫 连。我 来 如 昨 日庭 树 忽 鸣 蝉。 促 织 惊 寒 女秋 风 思 长 年。授 衣 当 九 月无 褐 竟 谁 怜! Ti Chang’an Zhu Ren Bi Jiu fei nan shan tianTao pei dong ge xian.Yu sui ping zi quYou wei xian “Gan Quan”. Zhen jie qin shu manQian wei yuan xiu lian.Wo lai ru zuo riTing shu hu ming chan. Cu zhi jing han nuQiu feng si chang nian.Shou yi dang jiu mingWu he jing shei lian! Written on My Host’s Wall in Chang’an For a long time away from my southern mountains and fieldsFavored with the friendship of peers using the eastern side door.I want to go and follow PingziBut I have yet to submit myself to “Guan Quan” . Books, poetry manuscripts, and musical scores cluttered about in my small roomLift up the curtain, see distant mountain ranges.Arrive just like yesterdayFront courtyard trees already have chirping cicadas. Loud crickets signal the onset of cold autumn… -
Meng Haoran: Lower Gan River Rapids
Meng Haoran Lower Gan River Rapids 下赣石 赣 石 三 百 里沿 洄 千 嶂 间。沸 声 常 浩 浩溅 势 亦 潺 潺。 跳 沫 鱼 龙 沸垂 藤 猿 貁 攀。榜 人 苦 奔 峭而 我 忘 险 艰。 放 溜 情 深 惬登 舻 目 自 闲。瞑 帆 何 处 宿?遥 指 落 星 湾。 Xia Gan Shi Gan shi san bai liYan hui qian zhang jian.Fei sheng chang hao haoJian shi yi chan chan. Tiao mo yu long feiChui teng yuan you pan.Bang ren ku ben qiaoEr wo wang xian jian. Fang liu qing shen qieDeng lu mu zi xian.Ming fan he chu su?Yao zhi luo xing wan. Lower Gan River Rapids Within the Gan River there is a three hundred mile stretch of bouldersAmong a thousand mountain peaks, water flows rapidly into swirlingeddies and whirlpools.Bubble sounds often extensive and vastContinuous sound of powerful and fast flowing water. Fish chase leaping foam like dragons their pearlsMonkeys cling to drooping vines.Boatmen fearfully move quickly from massive rock fallsYet when I travel here, the danger, and their difficulties are forgotten. A place of deep gratification, these feelings also slip awayI ride at boat’s bow, watching all… -
Meng Haoran: Summer Days, Dharma Master Bian Yu’s Cogongrass Hut and Vegetarian Diet
Meng Haoran Summer Days, Dharma Master Bian Yu’s Cogongrass Hut and Vegetarian Diet 夏日辨玉法師茅齋 夏 日 茅 齋 裏無 風 坐 亦 涼。竹 林 深 筍 穊藤 架 引 梢 長。 燕 觅 巢 窠 處蜂 来 造 蜜 房。物 華 皆 可 玩花 蕊 四 时 芳。 Xia Ri Bian Yu Fa Shi Mao Zhai Xia ri mao zhai liWu feng zuo yi liangZhu lin shen sun jiTeng jia yin shao chang. Yan mi chao ke chuFeng lai zao mi fangWu hua jie ke wanHua rui si shi fang. Summer Days, Dharma Master Bian Yu’s Cogongrass Hut andVegetarian Diet Summer days inside a cogongrass hut, eating no meatEven without wind, can sit and still be coolDeep bamboo forest, bamboo shoots intertwinedAn arbor of vines, tips strong and extending beyond the frame. Swallows seek holes to build their nestsBees come to make hives of honey combAll of this splendor and radiance can be enjoyedFor all four seasons the fragrances of budding flowers. Notes: Cogongrass: Perennial grass native throughout Asia. Used to thatch roofs, as well as a ground cover and for paper making. -
Meng Haoran: Travel to the Jing Kong Buddhist Temple
Meng Haoran Travel to the Jing Kong Buddhist Temple 游景空寺蘭若 龍 象 經 行 處山 腰 度 石 關。屨 迷 青 嶂 合时 爱 綠 蘿 闲。 宴 息 花 林 下高 談 竹 嶼 间。寥 寥 隔 塵 事疑 是 入 鷄 山。 You Jing Kong Si Lan Re Long xiang jing xing chuShan yao du shi guan.Ju mi qing zhang heShi ai lu luo xian. Yan xi hua lin xiaGao tan zhu yu jian.Liao liao ge chen shiYi shi ru ji shan. Travel to the Jing Kong Buddhist Temple I seek the path, and to practice the powerful Long Xiang scripturesIn the mountains, a very demanding pass of large rocks.Time and again lost in the green, screen-like mountain peaksNow and then fascinated by green vines growing without being bothered. Finally can relax, flowers and forest belowWithin the bamboo, we talk to one another of advancement.So empty, very few can separate from the dust and troubles of worldly affairsUnbelievable, I have entered this mountain, a Buddhist pilgrimage site. Notes: Long Xiang scriptures: Refers to the Dharma Jewel Sutra and the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng, of the Chan (Zen) sect of Buddhism. -
Meng Haoran: Travel to Feng Lin Temple in the Western Mountaintops
Meng Haoran Travel to Feng Lin Temple in the Western Mountaintops 遊鳯林寺西巅 共 喜 年 華 好来 游 水 石 间。烟 容 開 逺 樹春 色 满 幽 山。 壶 酒 朋 情 洽琴 歌 野 釁 闲。莫 愁 歸 路 瞑招 月 伴 人 還。 You Feng Lin Si Xi Dian Gong xi nian hua haoLai you shui shi jian.Yan rong kai yuan shuChun se man you shan. Hu jiu peng qing qiaQin ge ye xin xian.Mo chou gui lu mingZhao yue ban ren huan. Travel to Feng Lin Temple in the Western Mountaintops Altogether shared joyful years during our youthWe traveled to arrive here in between the water and the rocks.Mountain mists clearing, distant trees appearSpring colors complete in the secluded mountains. Pot after pot of wine, friends in harmonyPlay the qin and sing songs, happy with unfettered leisure.With no anxiety, the road back home is darkBeckon the moon to accompany us on our return home. Notes: Feng Lin: In the village of Yang, Fujian Province. Literally meansWindy Forest Temple. Qin: Multi-stringed musical instrument. -
Meng Haoran: As a Joke, Send This Gift to Host Xi
Meng Haoran As a Joke, Send This Gift to Host Xi 戏赠主人 客 醉 眼 未 起主 人 呼 解 酲。 已 言 鸡 黍 熟复 道 瓮 头 清。 Xi Zeng Zhu Ren Ke zui yan wei qiZhu ren hu jie cheng. Yi yan ji shu shuFu dao weng tou qing. As a Joke, Send This Gift to Host Xi Drunk guests with eyes not yet able to ariseThe host cries out for me to come to. Excessive ripe millet and the gawking of chickensAgain suppose the earthen wine jar empty of remnants. -
Meng Haoran: Imperial Advisor Zhang’s Plum Tree Garden
Meng Haoran Imperial Advisor Zhang’s Plum Tree Garden 张郎中梅园作 绮 席 铺 兰 杜珠 盘 析 芠 荷。 故 园 留 不 住应 是 恋 弦 歌。 Zhang Lang Zhong Mei Yuan Zuo Qi xi pu lan duZhu pan xi wen he. Gu yuan liu bu zhuYing shi lian xian ge Imperial Advisor Zhang’s Plum Tree Garden Orchids and azaleas spread out like a multi-colored damask matWater drops separate on lotus leaves like pearls on a plate. Remaining plum blossoms in the garden not able to live onShould treasure these songs from stringed instruments. -
Meng Haoran: Look For, Do Not Meet the Host at Ju Huantan
Meng Haoran Look For, Don’t Meet the Host at Ju Huatan 寻菊花潭主人不遇 行 至 菊 花 潭村 西 日 已 斜。 主 人 登 高 去鸡 犬 空 在 家。 Xun Ju Hua Tan Zhu Ren Bu Yu Xing zhi ju hua tanCun xi ri yi xie. Zhu ren deng gao quJi quan kong zai jia. Look For, Yet Don’t Meet the Host at Ju Huatan Travel as far as Ju HuatanAlready the sun slanting from the west. The host having climbed a mountain, has yet to returnHis chickens and dogs free to roam around his empty house. -
Meng Haoran: With Chu the Twelfth, On the Road to Luoyang
Meng Haoran With Chu the Twelfth, On the Road to Luoyang 同储十二洛阳道中作 珠 弹 繁 华 子金 羁 游 侠 人。 酒 酣 白 日 暮走 马 入 红 尘。 Tong Chu Shi Er Luo Yang Dao Zhong Zuo Zhu tan fan hua ziJin ji you xia ren. Jiu han bai ri muZou ma ru hong chen. With Chu the Twelfth, On the Road to Luoyang Pearls bounce, amid all your wealthy thingsGold halter, you are well connected with many people. Bright sunset, drunk on wineOur walking horses enter the red dust. Notes: Gold halter: A sign of considerable wealth. Red dust: Also used as a metaphor for the chaos and pain of the material and mortal world. -
Meng Haoran: Climb Wan Sui Tower
Meng Haoran Climb Wan Sui Tower 登萬歲楼 萬 歲 楼 頭 望 故 郷獨 令 郷 思 更 茫 茫。天 寒 雁 度 堪 垂 淚月 落 猿 啼 欲 斷 腸。 曲 引 古 堤 臨 凍 浦斜 分 遠 岸 近 枯 楊。今 朝 偶 见 同 袍 友卻 喜 家 书 寄 八 行。 Deng Wan Sui Lou Wan sui lou tou wang gu xiangDu ling xiang si geng mang mang.Tian han yan du kan chui leiYue luo yuan ti yu duan chang. Qu yin gu di lin dong puXie fen yuan an jin ku yang.Jin zhao ou jian tong pao youQue xi jia shu ji ba hang. Climb Wan Sui Tower From atop the Wan Sui tower, native village far into the distanceOne cause, hometown still more vast and boundless.Frozen sky, wild geese endure falling tearsMoonset, monkeys cry for heart-broken desires. Ancient dykes zig-zag along the frost-covered watered edgesOn a distant riverbank, sections of slanting and withered poplars.Today’s dawn, suddenly see my very good friendsLet me write and send to my family, this eight-lined verse. -
Meng Haoran: Climb Xianyang Tower
Meng Haoran Climb Xiancheng Tower 登安陽城搂 县 城 南 面 漢 江 流江 嶂 開 成 南 雍 州。才 子 乘 春 来 骋 望羣 公 暇 日 坐 銷 憂。 樓 臺 晚 映 青 山 郭羅 绮 晴 嬌 綠 水 洲。向 夕 波 搖 明 月 勭更 疑 神 女 弄 珠 遊。 Deng An Yang Cheng Lou Xian cheng nan mian han jiang liuJiang zhang kai cheng nan yong zhou.Cai zi cheng chun lai cheng wangQun gong xia ri zuo xiao you. Lou tai wan ying qing shan guoLuo qi qing jiao lu shui zhou.Xiang xi bo yao ming yue dongGeng yi shen nu nong zhu you. Climb Xiancheng City Wall Tower South side of Xiancheng, the Han River flowsThe river and screen-like mountain peaks, the beginning of southern Yongzhou.Gifted scholars take advantage of spring’s arrival, hold a rein on hopesOn holiday, daily leisure is to sit and melt away sorrows and cares. City tower in the evening, green mountains reflected onto the outer city wallTransient and free, green river sandbar delicate and clear.Approaching sunset, bright moonlight moves upon vibrating wavesAlmost beyond belief, heavenly goddesses play with their pearls. Notes: Han River: Longest tributary…
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