Tao Yuanming: Early Spring in the Year of the Rabbit: Old Farmhouses: Two Poems: No. 1

Early Spring in the Year of the Rabbit: Old Farmhouses: Two Poems: No.1

葵 卯 岁 始 春 怀 古 田 舍 : 二 首
在 昔 闻 南 亩
当 年 竟 未 践。
屡 空 既 有 人
春 兴 岂 自 免?
夙 晨 装 吾 驾
启 涂 情 已 缅。
鸟 哢 欢 新 节
泠 风 送 余 善。
寒 竹 被 荒 蹊
地 为 罕 人 远。
是 以 植 杖 翁
悠 然 不 复 返。
即 理 愧 通 识
所 保 讵 乃 浅?


Kui Mao Sui Shi Chun Huai Gu Tian She: Er Shou


Zai xi wen nan mu
Dang nian jing wei jian.
Lu kong ji you ren
Chun xing qi zi mian ?

Su chen zhuang wu jia
Qi tu qing yi mian.
Niao long huan xin jie
Ling feng song yu shan.

Han zhu bei huang xi
Di wei han ren yuan.
Shi yi zhi zhang weng
You ran bu fu fan.
Ji li kui tong shi
Suo bao ju nai qian.


Early Spring in the Year of the Rabbit: Old Farmhouses: Two Poems: No. 1

In former days, heard of lands in the south
In the prime of life, not yet begun farm work.
Have food to eat, but already food storage places are empty
Now that spring has started, why shouldn’t I do the planting?

Early in the morning get dressed, I harnessed the team
On the way my emotions change from seclusion to work.
Singing birds happy to bring in the new year
Cool and fresh breezes send to me what is good and virtuous.

Winter bamboo covers the wild footpaths
This place so far away, seldom has people.
I want to be the man with the cane who told Kongzi

To do his own walking, to do his own planting.

To be easy and carefree, never go back to the capital.
Shame on me, seeking to attain the truth, but not learning how to plant and cultivate
Unlike Kongzi, I will not live with those who seek to use violence as a means to an end.



Kongzi: Confucius

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Chinese Poems

Tao Yuanming: Early Spring in the Year of the Rabbit: Old Farmhouses: Two Poems: No. 2

2023-3-2 7:27:53

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