Tao Yuanming: Imitate the Ancients: Nine Poems: No.9

Tao Yuanming: Imitate the Ancients: Nine Poems: No.9
Tao Yuanming

Imitate the Ancients: Nine Poems: No. 9



种 桑 常 江 边
三 年 望 当 采。
枝 条 始 欲 茂
忽 值 山 河 改。

柯 叶 自 摧 折
根 株 浮 沧 海。
春 蚕 既 无 食
寒 衣 欲 谁 待?
本 不 植 高 原
今 日 复 何 悔!

Ni Gu: Jiu Shou


Zhong sang chang jian bian
San nian wang dang cai.
Zhi tiao shi yu mao
Hu zhi shan he gai.

Ke ye zi cui she
Gen zhu fu cang hai.
Chun can ji wu shi
Han yi yu shei dai ?
Ben bu zhi gao yuan
Jin ri fu he hui !

Imitate the Ancients: Nine Poems: No. 9


Planting mulberry trees on the Changjiang riverbanks
After three years a harvest can be expected.
Branches beginning to flourish
Suddenly the mountains and rivers have changed.

Then leaves and branches quickly snapped
Roots and stumps floating on the deep blue sea.
Spring silkworms already without something to eat
Who can have clothes to wear when winter comes?
Tree roots do not grow on the highlands
Today do not have regrets.


Changjiang: Also known as the Yangzi River.

[Mulberry trees are can also be a metaphor for the puppet emperor that was installed by General Liuyu, after killing his predecessor.  Three years later, Liuyu also killed the replacement emperor as well]

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